Hi everyone!

Hi All,

My name is Kylie and I am an on-off again dieter. Have been my whole life. I'm 24 and have done nothing but make excuses. At my heaviest I was almost 120kg (about 265lb), and have chipped away at that over the last year (in good ways and bad ways) to be down to almost 100kg (my MyFitness account says 97 because I'm using old scales). I joined a gym 2 months ago but was not losing weight, so I joined MyFitnessPal (for about the 3rd time!) and have lost 4 kg in the last 4 weeks. I absolutely LOVE Zumba. I don't know what's different this time around, but I think ultimately I am just ready. I knew I was approaching this point and here I am. I'm ready to be accountable.

Height - 165cm, 5'5"
SW - 112kg
CW - 100kg
GW - 70kg
UGW - 60kg


  • Hi!
    My name is Kelly, I'm 28 and I am an on again off again dieter too. Since 2008 I have SLOWLY, painfully slow, lost 77 pounds. I recently fractured my left leg and worried that I will start to gain so I really need to track my calories. Would love some friends to keep me on track here!
  • pickthingsup
    pickthingsup Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me. I am looking for friends to talk to and be supportive of my weight loss journey. I am 40 years old and two years ago I stopped drinking soda and lost 80 pounds and now I want to lose 45 - 50 more pounds. I have recently signed on to mfp and hope to gain good results.
  • Im always looking for new adds so feel free anyone!
  • Feel free to add me! I am on here daily. I have a great group of friends, but always have room for more!
  • You can add me too, I'm in need of some moral support ! I've put on about 36 pounds the first year of meeting my husband and I just want to get back to the size I was. He says he's happy with the way I am now ( which means i dont get much encouragement) but I'm def not