incredible meatless spagetti bake-healther version

mcfish618 Posts: 48 Member
I love love Italian food and really miss my home made lasagna, so I came up with a recipe for baked spaghetti, this is recipe is for one individual serving, it makes a pretty large serving, and seriously if I have a salad with it I only eat half and save the other half for my lunch. You could use lower calorie ingredients such as fat free cottage cheese and lower calorie spaghetti sauce if you wanted, the ones I used happen to be what I buy for the rest of the family. TRUST me even if you don’t like cottage cheese as long as you pulse or blend it until it looks like batter you will never know it has cottage cheese as it is really creamy and this really ups the protein, if you like cottage cheese a lot feel free to leave it a little more chunky. I have made this 3 times now and I dream about it….it is so good.
Meatless Spaghetti Bake (Layered Spaghetti)
1 serving of dry spaghetti (Ronzoni Smart taste is 2 oz dry)
½ cup of spaghetti sauce or a little more if you like
½ cup Low fat cottage cheese
Fresh garlic or garlic powder
Italian seasoning (oregano, basil etc,) and black pepper to taste
¼ Fat free Mozzarella cheese
Cook the spaghetti, and drain once drained put it in a glass dish or oven size individual casserole dish
Put the cottage cheese, garlic, and Italian spices, black pepper in a bullet blender or food processor and pulse until it has NO chunks in it, it should look almost like cake batter. Put this on top of your spaghetti, spread evenly then add half of the shredded mozzarella then add your spaghetti sauce on top of that layer, and spread evenly and finally the last of your mozzarella cheese. You can add parmesan or meat on top as well you will just need to adjust the calories for that.
Bake in the oven at 350 for about 17-20 minutes this can vary by your oven but it should start looking seeing the top get just a little darker and the cheese melting.

Calories 385
Fat 6 grams
Carbs 60 grams
Protein 30 grams
Fiber 8 grams
