Needing help with losing more weight

Hey all! I am kind of upset because I have only lost 6 pounds so far and I have stalled out. I need to know if I should up my caloric intake from 1500 to maybe 1700. I am trying to lower my carb intake as well, but that is hard to do with a young one that loves pasta and rice. I want to be slimmer than I am now, but like I said I am stalled! My goal is to get to 135 by the new year, but with it taking me over a month to lose 6lbs it seems like it will never happen. I go for walks daily, and I cannot do any of the wii fit stuff since my wii is missing some cables. I do have the Dirty Dancing workout with a pilates work out as well, but I am stuck. HELP me please!


  • slshaw23
    slshaw23 Posts: 126 Member
    You should try Jillian's Michael 30 day shred, a lot of people are starting it on October 1st and a lot of people on here have received good results in 30 days
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    You started logging on August 20--five weeks ago. And in that time you've lost six pounds? That is a great result and you are losing at a perfectly reasonable pace.

    I took a brief look at your diary. My advice is to stop drinking so many of your calories (i.e. the Squirt every day) and increase your protein.
  • sherri321
    Don't be too discouraged. A safe rate of weight loss is half a pound to 2 pounds per week. I have approached weight loss this time around with the attitude of being healthier--eating healthier foods and adding some activity to my day. I try not to pay as much attention to the number on the scale as I used to. Look for non-scale victories. How do your clothes fit you? Are ;you eating healthier foods? How do you feel overall?
    I know it can be discouraging, but don't give up.
  • NVclark465
    NVclark465 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I agree, don't feel discouraged, you've done really good! I think you need to have six good meals a day and stop drinking your calories! Those don't give you energy nor nutrition and are bad for you. ; ) I think you need more fruits and veggies that don't really count as calories but are healthy! Do you know what blood type you are??? There is a book out there about eating for your blood type! I found out that blood type ABs can't digest corn, red meat, chicken, etc. very well and it turns into fat. Maybe you are eating the wrong types of foods and that's why they are being stored as fat. Also, maybe try drinking more water, maybe your body is holding to water weight. Let me know if you need any recipe suggestions, I home make a lot of dinners! ; ) Good luck and keep going, we can reach our goals together!!!
  • menyeca71
    My suggestion would be to start eating... Take for example Thursday..
    Your day consisted of eating a Slim Jim, BLT and a Swiss Roll.. you will not lose weight if you don't eat properly..
    Also increase your protein.. you will see a big difference! You should be eating 1gram of protein per pound of body weight.
    Hope I don't sound critical, just want you to succeed :)
  • dortheriis
    Hi all
    Can I join in on the discussion, please? I am in the same boat - trying really really hard but hardly any or only very little result. I go to the gym 3-5 times a week, keep calories to ca. 1000-1200 a day, have cut out wine etc out - but this week = 0 grams lost.... very frustrated. Actually; upset :-(
    thanks for any advice to help us "bad losers"
    Love dorthe x
  • cmVT208
    Hey there! I just want to say 6 lbs is a great start! I looked at your food diary & was wondering if you log EVERYTHING you eat. It seems like some days you are either skipping breakfast or need to eat more :) make sure you consume at least 1200 calories each day.
    My suggestions would be 1. Do not skip meals 2. Eat more lean protein 3. More fruits & veggies 4. More water & less high calorie, sugary beverages 5. Find more high calorie, healthy foods (avocado, natural PB with less sugar, eggs, Nuts & seeds, olive oil).
    Feel free to add me as a friend! Check out my food diary for suggestions you would like!
    You can do it!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    After looking through your diary for the last week or so, I'd say you do need to be eating a bit more. Pretty regularly you are missing your target by 400ish cals. When you're only talking about 1500 cals total, missing it by 400 is a lot. Also, I think you need to increase your fats and protein - both are pretty low most of the time.

    Lastly, you don't look like you have much weight to lose. If I understood your correctly, you've lost 6lbs in a month or so? That's pretty fast for someone without a ton of weight to lose.

    So... IMO, increase your fats and protein, eat a bit more, and be more patient.
  • kendryk2001
    Thanks for the speedy replies! Most of the calories you all see at the end of my day are due to exercising, so I do not eat those back. Am I supposed to? Also I know that I do not always eat Breakfast or Lunch, but I am try to since I am not used to it. I have cut back on my soda consumption, I was at like 4 a day and now only at 1. I know it is not good for you, but it is a vise I find hard to break! I do log everything I eat in a day. and I do not have a cheat day either.

    My blood type is A+. I did not know that you are supposed to eat for the type you are, can you help with this NVclark465? I need all the reciepes you can give me hun, as I am plum out of them on this end. I do use Olive Oil in my cooking, since it is a beneficial oil for the heart. I am going to try and consume more water, and less of the sugary crap that I have been drinking in the past. With all of your continued help I think I can do this.

    Thanks ALL of you!