Does anyone els feel guilty

I kinda do for how i treated my body i would gorge it with fast food. and ect...
i would go to the fast food more than once a day some days crazy i know..
thats how i got into this mess all i know is im going to do it this time
and not go back into my old habits does anyone els feel this way ??


  • Kbjust4me
    I feel this way too. Sweets are my enemy. I've stuffed so much cake, cookies, and pies in my mouth that I feel purely ridiculous. I'm glad I've decided to make the change now but I wish I would have had more common sense before I got here.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I feel more guilty about the years I reeked havoc on my body and my metabolism and for what I put my family and friends through when i was within the grips of an eating disorder. I regret that every day.

    I eat fast food sometimes. In moderation. When it fits my calories.

    And sometimes I eat it and I go over but I don't make a habit out of t.

    Every once in a while honestly isn't the end of the world.

    Truth is I probably did more damage to my body by starving myself then I do by eating fast food now, just something to keep in mind for perspective.

    It's important to realize that it goes both ways.
  • Jeffbeck79
    I do, I was underweight in high school, and not by choice I ate everything back then. I joined the Navy right after graduation and they showed me proper nutrition and how to workout properly, and by the time I got out 3 years later I was in excellent shape 6 pack in all. Unfortuantly without someone making me workout regularly , I stopped completely and put on 40 pounds. Now I am having to work 10 times harder to regain what I could of had all along.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    This is true but it wasnt once in a while for meee.. it was everydayyyy that i went to fastfood almost...
    and any eating disorder is terrible eating to much and too little their both disorders.
  • adelitas_star
    I never gorged myself in fast food when I gained weight. I barely ate it then and I still barely eat it now. What caused me to gain weight was cereal I think.

    I would eat two big bowls of Malt-O-Meals Mini Spooners cereal and some other stuff which is a lot of calories for just a small serving. I would eat that, and a lot of peanut butter, and some other things that aren't "bad" for me, but I ate large servings of it and I didn't exercise much at all. That's how I got fat.