20 Lbs by Christmas!!



  • pazmiguela
    pazmiguela Posts: 5 Member
    CW - 130
    GW - 120 by October then 110 by December?

    My gift for myself for the new year!

    I hope it's possible!
  • I'm in!

    CW: 155
  • sarahcsmaller
    sarahcsmaller Posts: 68 Member
    I have an ambitious goal of 40 lbs. by new years. im in so if i don't quite make it i can still feel like I've accomplished a goal.
    strength in numbers :)
    Im a newbie and could use friendly support so feel free to add me

    60 mins cardio daily and strength 4x week. and 5 km 2 week commitment
  • Another 0.5, not much, but a loss is a loss!
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I would love to loose 20lbs by Christmas
  • smoon1979
    smoon1979 Posts: 9 Member
    LOVE it! I'm not sure how the scale will react but I'm going to try!!!!

    CW: 203
    GW: 183

    Gym 4 days a week
  • Sarahkov12
    Sarahkov12 Posts: 48 Member
    Great idea! I'm interested in doing this.
    Starting weight 218
    Current weight 186
    Goal weight 165.
    I will add my measurements later today.
    When do we start?
  • kmg378
    kmg378 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!

    CW: ~ 180 (fluctuating between 178 and 182)
    GW: 160-- a number I haven't seen since I was 16!

    Goal: Gym 4x a week, running at least 6 mi per week (can be @ gym on treadmill)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I started this group at 154.8 now down to 150.8. I still want to be down to 130 by Chirstmas!
  • current weiight 204.5
  • Navy4571
    Navy4571 Posts: 32 Member
    i will try :)

    Target 215
  • U2Amie
    U2Amie Posts: 31 Member
    Im in.. Lost motivation last month and need a new goal!
    Cw: 194
    Goal: 175

    Same here!! I'd love to do this!!!

    5'6 1/2
    Weight now: 179
    Goal Weight: 159
    Size: 10 pants
    Goal Size: 6/8 pants
  • yuie
    yuie Posts: 3 Member
    im in lets do this
  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    Start 8/14 = 190
    Target 12/25 = 170

    8/14 = 190
    8/21 = 194
    8/28 = 192
    9/4 = 188
    9/27 = 200
    10/2 =
  • rempim
    rempim Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Count me in as well!

    I got married and gained almost 20lbs in a year and a bit (I have no idea what happened)...so for Christmas, I promise myself I'm going to o lose it all :)
  • rempim
    rempim Posts: 2 Member
    I forgot to mention my weight :)

    Now: 172.2 lbs (who's being exact...;)

    Goal: 150 lbs

    I'm 5'9"
  • I am in.. I have lost 15 lbs so far.. but my current weight is 225 and i want to be 200lbs by Jan 1.
  • Hi everyone, I too am new to this app. It's only my 4th day but love it already. My goal as well is to loose 20 lbs, would be in heaven if I could loose 25 lbs but I'm not gonna push it.
  • Hi everyone, I too am new to this app. It's only my 4th day but love it already. My goal as well is to loose 20 lbs, would be in heaven if I could loose 25 lbs but I'm not gonna push it.

    if you can lose 20 you can lose 25 as long is it isn't putting you super skin and bones.. I have lost 15 looking for another 25
  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    Start 8/14 = 190
    Target 12/25 = 170

    8/14 = 190
    8/21 = 194
    8/28 = 192
    9/4 = 188
    9/27 = 200
    10/2 = 200
    10/9 =