How many carbs should I eat?

I have been reading a lot of posts that say people are only consuming 20 grams of carbs? MFP set my goals at 165? Is this too high? What would be a healthy carb intake per day and still lose weight?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have been reading a lot of posts that say people are only consuming 20 grams of carbs? MFP set my goals at 165? Is this too high? What would be a healthy carb intake per day and still lose weight?
    Many people can lose weight with a high % of carbs, the calorie deficit does it for them.

    Some people find they lose weight easier / faster by specifically restricting carbs, even if it's only because removing a food group automatically drops their calorie intake. Some with diabetes, insulin resistance, PCOS, etc get particular benefit from low carb.

    If you were to eat about 100g a day that would be relatively low carb without being ketogenic so avoids the "hard core" low carb issues, you could replace the 65g of carbs with 40g of protein and 11g of fat for example to keep the calories the same.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Yeah I think it's just personal preference. I lose weight much faster if I stick to lower carbs. I sometimes go very low for a few days (am at the moment eating between 20-30g a day) but them I miss having fruit and a nice variety of veg so I increase my carbs.

    I have found for me I lose weight the best (still fast but feels easier) if I get most of my carbs from fruit and vegetables rather than grains such as bread and cereal. If I eat between 80-100g a day and it comes from fruit and veg it works great for me.

    If I eat bread and cereals I seem to want more and more and it will only fill me up for like an hour so I try and avoid them. But it's basically whatever works for you. If I could eat 165g of carbs a day and still lose weight fairly easy I would just up my fruit and veg.
  • mariasemuel
    Yes, you are right eating low cabs are very beneficial for us to lose weight. But I heard some people say that after taking low carbs they didn't lose weight much fat. Therefor they had to take diet supplement. Is using the weight loss supplement is good for health? and which supplement is safe and effective for weight loss?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Low carb diets are effective for some people but inappropriate for others (like me for example - I'm a runner, I shoot for 50 -60% of my calories from carbs). Some people also report mood swings, headaches etc initially when going low carb.

    Unless you have a specific reason for going one way or the other it becomes a matter of trial and error. The big question you need to ask yourself when considering any "diet" is whether or not it's something you can stick with for the long term (crash diets rarely lead to long term success)
  • catsph123
    catsph123 Posts: 13 Member
    I try to keep it at not more than 100g per day and the majority of my carbs come from fruits and veggies . I have been really happy doing this and it is not that hard, plus I have gotten results, especially paired with HIIT on the treadmill.