To log calories from alcohol or to not?



  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I think we need a weekend drunks thread! and we can drink together while we log our Cals

    That only seems appropriate. I'll drink to that :drinker: :laugh:

    You took the words right out of my mouth :drinker:

    Oh thank goodness. I know a lot of people really commit to changing their lifestyle and that includes not drinking, but I'm still young. I'm not going to quit drinking completely at this point in my life. I'm just trying to get myself healthy and still be able to enjoy my booze! I just want to learn to enjoy it and not undo everything I've worked hard to do.

    Agree. Agree. Agree.

    Disagree: Why does changing my lifestyle involve giving up booze? People, I quit smoking. Now I have to quit being lazy and eating all I want in order to deal with the meaty consequences of quitting smoking. And I apparently ought to try and drink in a calory-friendly way. Okay, okay, I'll do it. But you know what? I hardly ever drink soft drinks, for me it's always been water, sometimes with about 1/5 to 1/4 fruit juice mixed in. I WILL NOT consider completely going tee-total. Once a year for a month is plenty, thanks very much. Anybody wanna buy me a drink? ; )

    (Actually, over here it's 12.30 p.m. - maybe that is a bit early to start the weekend...)

    It's okay, only 6:37am here. But of course, I'm at work so this is my night time still. I'm fine with having one vice to my life. I eat the right amount of calories, I work out, I don't drink soda anymore, rarely coffee and mostly tea nowadays, quit smoking *except socially when I'm drinking* and I don't drink more than 1-2 times a week. I think there's nothing wrong with still enjoying alcohol.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Absolutely! And alcohol has 7 calories per gram as opposed to the 4 of carbs and protein, or the 9 from fat. Also, your body will burn the alcohol before burning any other calories….
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    You're kidding yourself if you think alcohol doesn't count towards calories. good luck with that and your weight loss goals.

    Thanks, it's been working for me OK for the last 6 months ;)

    I drink an unGODLY amount of red wine.

    Not much exercise either.

    Nor hungry.

    Chin, chin.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't drink often but when I do, what works for me is to log my alcohol calories well before I start drinking. It puts a damper on my mood (and annoys the people I drink with) to log as I go, and logging after the fact just invites me to overdo it. If I enter them in before I even break out the bottle, I can say "okay, I have room for x number of drinks" and it's as simple as that. I can enjoy the evening within my limits, and calories are the farthest thing from my mind.

    (Oh, and I usually tell my friends I intend to have one less drink than I actually have allotted, for the inevitable "come on, live a little" or "try one of THESE!" moments. :wink: )
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    If I consume it, I log it.

    There are no such things at "cheat" days. Your body doesn't give a crap what you call it; it does an amazing job of clinging to calories that it doesn't need.

    :drinker: Here's to Friday!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I log it normally. BUT, I don't count it as food calories if it's just one. So if I have a 200 calorie beer, I will most likely go over my calories for the day. But if I plan on drinking a few beers I try to factor that in to my daily goal. And if I go out drinking, I never count it, because I am not going to be standing at the bar logging a drink each time I get one.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    The phrase"beer belly" didn't arise for no reason. Alcohol is a source of completely empty calories, if you don't log it you are just fooling yourself!
    Unfiltered, un-pasturized beer is a great nutritious food, and wine is full of good stuff as well. Liquor is empty calories, domestic beer is as well, and so are most microbrews. If you get a specialty natural beer, or are trying your hand at brewing, then this is definitely not the case!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    The phrase"beer belly" didn't arise for no reason. Alcohol is a source of completely empty calories, if you don't log it you are just fooling yourself!
    Unfiltered, un-pasturized beer is a great nutritious food, and wine is full of good stuff as well. Liquor is empty calories, domestic beer is as well, and so are most microbrews. If you get a specialty natural beer, or are trying your hand at brewing, then this is definitely not the case!

    Any suggestions what to get?
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I don't drink often but when I do, what works for me is to log my alcohol calories well before I start drinking. It puts a damper on my mood (and annoys the people I drink with) to log as I go, and logging after the fact just invites me to overdo it. If I enter them in before I even break out the bottle, I can say "okay, I have room for x number of drinks" and it's as simple as that. I can enjoy the evening within my limits, and calories are the farthest thing from my mind.

    (Oh, and I usually tell my friends I intend to have one less drink than I actually have allotted, just so I don't end up being a buzzkill. :wink: )

    Yeah, that seems to be the best plan is just to log ahead of time! I know when I do it after I'm overdoing it.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not sure how accurate this calculator is
    but I had fun with it.
    You put in how many drinks you have in a week, and it calculates how many calories you are drinking Monthly and Yearly.
    So if you go out and have a beer after work every day, thats 5 beers a week, thats almost 3000 calories a month (which is like a pound)
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I'm not sure how accurate this calculator is
    but I had fun with it.
    You put in how many drinks you have in a week, and it calculates how many calories you are drinking Monthly and Yearly.
    So if you go out and have a beer after work every day, thats 5 beers a week, thats almost 3000 calories a month (which is like a pound)

    I'm going to fiddle on this! It looks entertaining at least.
  • mamaward64
    mamaward64 Posts: 143 Member
    What's the general opinion on this topic? Do you log the calories you consume from drinking? Does it depend how much you drink? How often? Or do you consider it a freebie? Just trying to get some ideas on how that works. Honestly if I'm out drinking, tracking the drinks is the LAST thing on my mind. But maybe I should be worrying about it when I'm out still. Help!

    I never log mine and I have had no success. Please be wise and log them or don't drink at all, which I know is extremely hard not to do.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Here's all you need to know:
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    You're kidding yourself if you think alcohol doesn't count towards calories. good luck with that and your weight loss goals.

    Thanks, it's been working for me OK for the last 6 months ;)

    I drink an unGODLY amount of red wine.

    Not much exercise either.

    Nor hungry.

    Chin, chin.

    I've only been at this a month and I seem to be achieving my goals quite nicely!
    IDWIW Posts: 2 Member
    I always log my alcohol too. The craft beers are heavy calorie beverages. I try to run a few miles on the days that I will imbibe so that I stay near my daily caloric goal. Here's to you!
  • 0MissErin0
    0MissErin0 Posts: 92 Member
    Of course you should log alcohol.
  • La3l
    La3l Posts: 9
    I find that drinking only on the weekend really helps to keep it under control and keep the calories, sugar, and carbs at bay.
  • I always track my drinks but I do it before I go out :) that way I know I can have say 3 doubles with diet coke then I just add a pint of water between them so my drinks last longer :)
    I also try and dance as much as possible too that way I am adding some exercise in there too :)
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    OF COURSE!, i find i always have extra calories left if i am paying good attention to it all,,, so then i use that on BOOZE! YUM! I AM A BOOZEHOUND!

    Thought i was the only one on this site.. lol

    Definitely not, though it feels like it sometimes! I was waiting for a storm of sanctimonious replies when I mentioned going to a beer festival.:drinker:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I was waiting for a storm of sanctimonious replies when I mentioned going to a beer festival.:drinker:

    Did someone mention beer festival? Do you need company? :drinker: Hurrah to the (logged) pint!!! :drinker: