Feeling Compelled to Eat?



  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    The weirdest thing I read (well, the weirdest thing I've read that actually seems to work) is that sometimes your body will signal a sugar craving when it's low on protein. When I want sugar, I eat almonds or tofu or something, and the sugar want goes away. If I eat a jellybean, it becomes a 10-lb box of jellybeans (curse you, Costco!). I don't know that it's actually *true*, but it is a way of thinking about things that seems to help.

    Also, I plan ahead. I don't keep treats that I like in my house, and I try to know what I'm eating for two meals and two snacks a day (dinner is always a gamble, I'm not *that* organized).
  • Chewing gum really helps me....can't chew it for too long otherwise I start getting hungry (im chewing so my stomach expects food I spose!) but chewing it till my mouth is filled with mint really takes the cravings away
  • SailAweigh
    SailAweigh Posts: 6 Member
    One of the ways I keep myself from pigging out is keeping my treats at work. Nowhere for ice cream! But I do keep a bag of Mars mini chocolates in my desk and a bowl on my file cabinet. I fill the bowl for others and allow myself one treat in the morning and one in the afternoon. I love chocolate and this allows me to have control over my portions. Best of all, it's not at home where I can grab the bag and just start binging.

    The best way I know (for me) to not binge is to log my food--every single bite. When I see where my calories are going, it really helps keep me honest and away from large quantities of high calorie foods. Learning portion control is one of the hardest things to do, but once you start doing it, it becomes second nature.
  • Oh yea. It's human nature to crave something that is "taboo". So of course when we're trying to eat better and not get the nasty junk food we want it soooo much more than normal. Some things I do is, if I feel overly hungry I'll drink 2 cups of water to get my stomach to think it's full. It's helped in the past because I won't eat or my mind thinks it's full and the craving is gone. Or I'll eat fruits or a healthy protein bar (Special K has great ones). Don't worry we all go through it but at least we are trying to change ourselves for the better. I hope this helps out in some way. Good Luck!!!
  • christianmom2
    christianmom2 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started this program on Monday and feel that if I have to log it here and be accountable for all that I eat then I don't want as much. If I see my calories going down than I am encouraged to exercise so that I can have a descent meal! LOL Also try to replace those cravings with activities that will get your mind off of the item that you want to eat. If the item you want is in the house and you know it then maybe go outside. Good luck with your weight loss and keep up the good work!
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    My experience: cravings are strongly related to spikes and dips in my blood sugar.
    Generally speaking, foods that are low in fiber and/or high in sugar tend to hit your blood stream fast sending your blood sugar up to the point where which your body needs to release insulin to protect your blood vessels (too high a blood sugar damages veins). Insulin makes your blood sugar drop quickly, making your body think it's starving-- thus triggering cravings and starting the whole mess up again.

    I started to really watch the glycemic load of my foods and eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day-- I'm a total junkfood junkie but I've had no cravings after the first week and have lost a steady 2-3 lbs a week since then.

    Send me a friend request if you'd like to get access to my food journals to see what I'm eating-- this and journaling seems to be the magic combo for me.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    When I used to have a problem with binging, I simply wouldn't buy anything I could binge on to keep in my flat.

    If it's not there, you can't binge on it.

    Did I still get cravings? Yep, but I wasn't prepared to get ready and walk to the shop for chocolate or whatever it was I wanted.

    Now I've got control over binging, and I can have small portions or just one biscuit or whatever it is. I plan 3 snacks in to my diary, and one of those is usually something 'naughty'.

    Another good way to combat it is to keep fruit in. Fancy something sweet in the evening? Have an orange. You'll soon forget about any sweet treats!