Starting Over....again!

Hi, My name is Heather and I have deceided to come back to MFP. Back in the begining of the summer I was giving 100% to making the correct eating choices and working out every day. I felt great about myself and had hope that I would actually lose the weight. My parents came to visit in July and it all fell apart. They were talking me out to eat everyday and at first I was picking smart choices and eating half portions. I begged them to let me cook them dinner and my Mother said no. She has bad OCD and can't stand to be around food prep). By the end of their 10 day visit I had slipped, ordering foods that were not going to work in my new lifestyle. When they left I was still making ok choices but I lost the drive to work out. I just went to New York to visit my family for a wedding and had a great time. Because of my Mom's ocd, I stayed at my cousins house. I had a lot of fun and hated to leave. Now I am home again, bored and sad that I live so far away from my family. For the last week I have gone to bed whth a belly ache because of the crap I am eating. I have gained 3 lbs already and lost all of the muscle def that I once had.

I have made a choice to be happy again. I am forcing myself to work on this. My brain had enjoyed the fact that I want always thinking about food and calorie counts, but I don't care. I want to be happy again!!!


  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome back!! It is a struggle, but something that can be accomplished. I just started back about 8 weeks ago after being gone for almost a year because of injury. I wish you the best of luck!

    P.S. Sending you a friend request to help keep you motivated :happy:
  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome back! You made the right choice!
  • thenewkayla08
    thenewkayla08 Posts: 32 Member
    I understand fully! I lost about 70 pounds 7 or so months ago and I got a new job...and then got stupid and starting eating unhealthy again and gained 40 back!! So I am starting over as well! And boy is it hard! But it will be so worth it in the end!!

    I have over 100 pounds to lose and ready for it to be gone! Feel free to add me and we can support each other :)
  • carolg225
    Hey Heather....glad you are back. I've been using MFP since the beginning of June and it has helped sooooooo much with my weight loss and also with that happy feeling we get when we doing something positive for ourselves. The hardest part about losing weight for me has always been getting into the mindset that I didnt gain all this weight overnight and I'm not going to lose it overnight. Thus far I have lost 27 lbs and feel better than I have in years!!! Still have 45lbs to go but hey thats day at a time. You can do this!!!!!!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Hey I'm glad your back! The first step is always the hardest! I've added a friend request.
  • kimmysue
    kimmysue Posts: 22 Member

    I too am starting over. I was doing so well a year ago, but then at the beginning of this year I just lost all my motivation. I am determined to get back on track. Wishing you the best of luck! Sending a friend request so we can encourage each other!

  • mshoneysmile7
    mshoneysmile7 Posts: 80 Member
    :flowerforyou: WELCOME BACK! You can start over again and again and again... As long as IF you slip, you come back and try to make better choices. Use everyday as an opportunity to move forward. I am starting over again too! I will add you for some extra support!
  • 4My40th
    4My40th Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning. I've read your story and can totally understand and sympathize. I would like to encourage you not to beat yourself up for the lapse. You just have to pick up from here and move on. I started in May to a new life-style and have found that just "keeping it real" is the only way it works for me. LIfe happened and there is no need to over-analyze how you got there and all that. Just look forward and realize that there may be times that life grabs you again....hopefully not, but if so, we'll pick up again and move on. This is a life-style change, not a fad diet so look at the reality of all your components and know, this too shall pass. Welcome back :) and Good Luck!!!!
  • yannimom
    yannimom Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome back. I seem to be starting over every week. I need all the motivation I can get. I will also add you as a friend.
  • cjmarquis
    I think we have all done the "starting over...again" thing. I initially lost 60lbs but slowly 15 have decided to come back as I made choices for comfort rather than healthy lifestyle. I too am starting again--have been back at it five days and lost my first 2lbs.

    Good luck Heather... so wonderful you came back.
  • katherinelilja
    katherinelilja Posts: 6 Member
    Dear Starting Over,
    You actually are not starting at square one, you are just picking up where you left off! Listen, if you stumble on the stairs, would you throw yourself down the rest of the stairs? Stumbles are not falls!
  • thrudhammer
    thrudhammer Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome back. The hardest step is the first one - and you've already done that.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    Welcome back!
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    Keep up the good work at starting again. I am, too! We can do this!!!!!!:wink: