Inheriting your mothers figure..

I was just reading an article on TODAY health about women inheriting their mothers body.

I am 5' 4" and my mother is 5' 2"...but she carries her weight in her hips, and I carry mine in my stomach area...but she didnt carry her weight into her hips until she was in her late 30s, I am wondering if the same will happen to me as I age?

Just wanted to see what peoples thoughts were on the topic, and how many women have their mothers figure or if their weight problem areas have changed as they got older.

Thanks :) It should be intersting to see.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    As I got older, the weight stuck to my middle more. But I have narrow hips.

    What about the women on your dad's side?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    First off, I hope to never have anything of my mothers :tongue: , I definitely don't have any of her "body issues" lol...she's 5.0 and heavy set, looks awful for her age, has an attitude that would compete with any 15yr old snotty girl, she smokes like a chimney and considers jalapeno doritos part of her veggie intake for the day...:noway: I tend to have my dad's genetic makeup, lean and muscular..thank the good lord, even after 6 kids and i'm in my late thirties, hopefully I can keep this up into my golden years.
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    they all carry it in there stomachs mostly, but they are much much heavier overall then the women on my mothers side. My mothers and I are only each about 15-20 lbs over our weight, but its just funny how we carry it so differntly!
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    imagyrat hahah you are too funny!
  • gummibaehr
    I'm not really sure if I have the same body type as my mom. She has wide hips and narrow shoulders. I have average hips and broad shoulders. I do think we both carry our weight in our hips, though. But I sure do look like her more and more the older I get. I see it in my hands and my jaw line the most.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Interesting thought! I deffinitly have my mother's figure.. but we're both the same height (within a half inch) I hope I look like my mother when I'm here age! She's 44 and weighs less than me, she's very outdoor active and is almost solid muscle, you'd never guess her age or that she's had 3 children!

    However I can't help but wonder what kind of genetics come from the fathers side, I'm always curious about this b/c we don't know my father's history, he's adopted. Always a hard thing to figure out!!

    Back to the mother's side, I have a lot of friends that have more there fathers body (you know what I mean lol) than there mothers.. even with me I have my father's coloring and my mothers body.. so I really don't think you could say that for everyone.
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    LOL - saw this and had to post. I am built exactly like my mother. She carries all her weight around the middle - thin legs, nice arms. So I work really really hard to keep my weight were it is supposed to be so I don't look like an apple on toothpicks. HA! She never exercised and I do so I hope that will make a difference as I grow older.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I definitely don't have my mother's figure. At all. :noway: When she was my age, she weighed 102 pounds (at 5'2") and wore a 32DD. The one thing she certainly doesn't have is hips and as for me, well, my best friend once told me I have an a** she "could eat a steak off of." :huh:

    I look absolutely nothing like her -- no one would ever guess she is my mom. I completely take after my dad -- stocky thick frame. Thanks, dad. :laugh:
  • helmsprecher
    I am like imagyrat that I never want to be like my mother with her personality and the way she thinks she has no friends. I am just the opposite but as far as our bodies I think I did get one like her short and overweight 5 foot where as my sis is like my dad on the tall side and leaner carries her weight evenly where mine like my mom is hips and stomach. It is because of her I decided I better do something to get healthy and lose about eighty pounds or I will be using a walker and live in misery like she does which I refuse to do. She has asked her doctor for a handicaped sticker for her car and he refuses says she just needs to lose the weight and boy does that make her mad My stepfather because of his condition was issued one so she got what she wanted back to the question do we get our mothers bodies I know I did......
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I was just thinking, we eat because our mothers drive/drove us crazy. There.

    It IS their fault! :laugh: :tongue:
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    haha these are def making me laugh! I love blogs like these...that are heated debates and serious you something to smile about!