Getting ready for your first 5K

So I'm going to be running my first 5K tomorrow. I can already run that distance and I'll be sure to drink plenty of water. But what other ideas/things to consider should I be thinking about?
Tell me what was special about your first 5K?


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have fun, take it easy, enjoy yourself, and use the portapotties right before the race.
  • atenin10
    atenin10 Posts: 22 Member
    My suggestion is to take your time and enjoy the accomplishment. It's your first race, so your personal record is NO RACE! Finishing is the goal. It's ok to stop and rest. It's ok to just do a granny trot when your tired. Take some friends to cheer you on. Find someone your runs your pace and just kinda hang with them. I've always made a friend or 2 at a 5k.

    The only person you have to beat is yourself... and you'll do that just by finishing!

    Also, don't wear or do anything new. No new shoes, etc. Don't carry anything that you don't want to hold onto for 5k's. Keep your number and hang it somewhere!
  • cnphel0
    cnphel0 Posts: 45 Member
    Have fun, take it easy, enjoy yourself, and use the portapotties right before the race.
    Smart plan____________________________^^^^^^^^^
  • cnphel0
    cnphel0 Posts: 45 Member
    It's your first race, so your personal record is NO RACE! Finishing is the goal.

    Really good point!!! Thanks
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Congratulations! Don't try anything new on race day...wear something you're comfortable with and eat what you normally eat! If you run with music, leave it off at the beginning and soak up the atmosphere of your first race!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I was so nervous the day of my first race that I forgot a lot of my stuff at home :P For my second race, I packed my race bag the night before - I included a chapstick (my lips always chap when I run), an extra scrunchie, a bottle of ibuprofin, and my ipod plus an outfit for after the race (because I knew I'd be icky!). I meant to bring a deodorant but thought I had a spare in the car and it turned out it had melted over the summer.

    Other than that, do what you always do the way you always do it - nothing new :) Don't wear the race shirt, wear something you've worn before so you know your clothes won't chafe. Don't eat something new or an unusual amount - all you need is to find out that it doesn't agree with you after the second mile! If you normally eat before you run, eat. If you don't, don't. Keep your routine as much as possible.

    But most importantly - have fun! :) And enjoy setting your personal record :)
  • Mine was a triathlon sprint, but here were my lessons learned.

    Try to go to the bathroom close to the start of the race. I went 1/2 hour before and then had to go again before the start. Combination of over hydration, nerves and being chilly outside

    You should not need anything to eat on the way (unless you have been eating in practice). Similar with water and sport drinks, unless you are used to taking them in the middle of a run, skip it. I tried drinking while running and would up with a little cramp. Maybe unrelated, but never had that sensation practicing. Next time I'll skip the beverages unless it is very hot.

    Line someone up to take some pictures as you sprint to the finish!

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Great topic here with first race info:

    He covers everything from a full marathon to a 5k - it's a good read. Helped easy my anxiety and questions before my first 5k!

    Have fun!
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    Remember to BREATHE! LOL. I was so nervous for my first 5k, even though I knew I could do it. Make sure you eat the night before, and eat what you feel comfortable with before it (mine was early in the morning so I got up earlier and ate a light breakfast, your mileage may vary).
    Most of all HAVE FUN!!!!
  • mommakatmack
    mommakatmack Posts: 13 Member
    Enjoy setting your PR! I'm running my second 5K tomorrow and am a little bummed that I actually have a time to beat this time. My first one I was just so excited to FINISH.

    Also, keep your race bib. I've started a notebook to keep mine in- three ring binder with sheet protectors, I'm dropping each race bib in a sheet protector with the race name, my time and placement. If I ever get any good race pics, I'll probably start adding those too!
  • cnphel0
    cnphel0 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great ideas!
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    All of the above - and HAVE FUN! :)

    I still remember my first 5K fondly!!! I hope it inspires you to keep running - it certainly did for me, I haven't stopped since my first almost 6 years ago! I've now run about 90 races since then, varying distances from 5K to the marathon :)
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    I've been running many types of races for the last 10 years including marathons. One thing that I really enjoy is having a special meal the day before my race. I usually go to Skyline Chili and have a nice spaghetti meal.

    Pick out your clothes the day before.

    If you can, print out the route and drive it the day before.

    Pick up your registration packet the day before if you can.

    Show up one hour before the race to make sure you are ready.

    Do a casual warm up run. Not to long, maybe around the block

    I also like to start at the end and be the last person to cross the starting line. Then as I begin my run I pick off the slower runners.

    Have fun!