When did you start to see it?

So I've lost 8 pounds so far, which I'm happy with. To all of you who have lost some weight already, when did you start to really see a difference on your body/clothes? I'm so motivated and I can't wait to SEE some progress! (instead of the scale.. Lol)


  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    30 days :0)
  • adelitas_star
    I ended up losing about 20 pounds and didn't see it. I went from 151 last December to 134 by May (back up to 142 right now *sigh*) and I never saw it. My inches didn't budge, so I think I burned muscle instead of fat which is why now I'm doing strength training AND cardio.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I saw it this morning, easily got into a pair of 42" waist jeans that had not seen light of day for over a couple of years. Previously my 46" waist were a struggle to button up

    And to add to that some people asked this morning if I had lost weight

    Walked on air all day

    Been on here for nearly 2 months
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    bump...curious to see what others have to say. I have lost 23 pounds and not sure if I see a difference...although my clothes are starting to get loose
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    So I've lost 8 pounds so far, which I'm happy with. To all of you who have lost some weight already, when did you start to really see a difference on your body/clothes? I'm so motivated and I can't wait to SEE some progress! (instead of the scale.. Lol)

    It took me 20lbs. My family says they can tell I have lost weight. None of my friends have said anything. I think they are just being courteous and don't want to ask. I think another 10 lbs and I will definitely get some "wow you have lost weight" or "you look great, what are you doing"

    I can wear a lot of the same clothes, granted they are very loose and falling off but still some of the same clothes. I must have really been crammed into them.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Immediately. I'm carrying a lot of baby weight though, so I'm losing it all mostly from the middle. I've only lost 8 lbs and it's a stark contrast. And I fit into lots of clothes I didn't before.

    Take photos and lots of measurements! It helps you visualize what's happening.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I think it depends on how big you are to begin with. At over 300 lbs, I saw NO difference, even in sizes til around 40 lbs down. Others noticed right around 60. Obviously, if you are smaller to begin with, you'll notice faster :)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Honestly, I haven't "seen" a difference but I know it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. I have noticed my clothes feeling loser though and I can fit into pants I haven't worn in years! When it started I can't remember exactly...maybe about 5 pounds or so lost?
  • Fit_Vixen
    I started to see it after about 5 pounds. I've lost 12 pounds and I totally see it now. Can't wait to reach my goal and then keep going!!!

    You'll see it soon, I promise. So long as you keep within your food portions & working out :)

    Good luck you can get there!!
  • elanaknt
    elanaknt Posts: 40 Member
    I have been on here four months and lost just over 30lbs. I started to feel different and notice my clothing fitting differently about 15lbs. in I guess. I am doing running and lots of strength training. The one thing that helped me actually SEE a difference was photos. Before you get too far in, take some start photos and then update (I take new ones monthly)--looking at these really helps me to see that my hard work is paying off, since it is harder to notice day to day in the mirror. Good luck!
  • itskimmers
    itskimmers Posts: 13 Member
    I'm nearly 20 lbs down now, and I still don't SEE it, but my clothing is all hanging off of me, and I received a few comments.
    I usually don't notice the difference until about 30 lbs, but I am very critical of myself.
  • flannelbug
    flannelbug Posts: 23 Member
    I can ballpark that every ten pounds (roughly) I can see a change. I've gone from 208 to 169 and I can remember how certain jeans fit then and now. Areas around the thigh become baggy, begin to need a belt, etc. My cardigans also started to become too big, started to see some loosening and eventual draping of the fabric around my upper arms. Measurements are everything! I try to take them once or twice a month.
  • Damnityell
    Damnityell Posts: 14 Member
    I'm at 6 lbs. and I noticed it yesterday when I put on a pair of pants that I haven't worn in 2 years and they fit! I have a high waist and it's a bit smaller, and my "back boobs" have also gotten smaller.
  • coolschmool
    I think it was around the 10-14lb mark for me :)
    Keep going my love!
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    After about 10 lb. lost. Some clothes that had been getting tight started to fit right again. It was hard for me to notice by looking in the mirror, but when I measured my abdominal circumference I saw that I had lost almost 1/2 an inch.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It took me a while to REALLY see it as I was squeezing in to too-tight clothes.
    In may I actually popped the button off some 36 waist jeans.
    Come maybe July time a friend passed me a pair of 32 jeans and said "here's some motivation, see how long until you can fit in to them". I could just at that point, with a bit of muffin-topping. I now have to wear a belt with one pair of size 30 shorts!

    Not ideal as most of my stuff was bought around being size 34 - not going to buy much until I settle (I suspect it'll be 30 as I plan to put some work into getting some ab muscles showing, but possible I may end up with 28.)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Around 20 pounds. Others started noticing around 30 pounds

    Take pictures and measurements. It's really helped me see the difference. I found a pic of me from 7/4/12 and compared it to a pic this week and it's amazing how much transformation happneed in 3 short months!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I started to notice after I'd lost 20 pounds. My friends started to notice after 15.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I hate to say this but...even now, a year after hitting and maintaing goal, I still sometimes see the bigger me. It took me a good year to really appreciate the hard work I put in and start accepting my new body. :) I've lost 50 pounds and I didn't really start liking my new body until 30 pounds down. Then again, I had a pretty crappy body image and I still don't always appreciate how different I look. Even when my ex-boyfriend's mom didn't recgonize me and then started shouting about how skinny I am when she did. :)

    HOWEVER, may I recommend you save a pair of your current pants? It REALLY helps to try them on periodically to remind yourself how far you've come! Congrats on 8 pounds! Not an easy thing to do!
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member

    I am the opposite and can see the difference in my body/clothes and have gotten compliments on this... however, my # on the scale hasn't changed (I guess because I have been losing fat and gaining muscle mass).