When did you start to see it?



  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    I'm very critical of myself. A lot of people were commenting about it around 10 pounds. My weight loss buddy before the move worked with me, so I was SURE that he put them up to saying something to keep me motivated.

    I still have a huge "I feel fat I look fat" sentiment going after loosing 50 lbs (and I have about 70 more to go) I still have a hard time seeing the difference, though everyone else swears I look radically different. Seeing pics in other people of a 50 pound loss, I'm SURE that it's a lot to do with my self view.

    HOWEVER I had to acknowledge that I'd lost a lot of weight when nothing I owned could even remotely be made to fit any more.
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I have lost close to 50 and I don't "see" it all the time. I do notice that I can wear smaller sizes. My energy level is very high. I feel good. When I look at pictures I see a big difference but just to look in the mirror? I still see the same girl I saw before I lost the weight. I know this may be an issue all along this journey so I am making myself aware and I take a lot of pictures!!
  • bet3120
    bet3120 Posts: 125
    i have lost 6 pounds in almost two months, and i notice the last weekend when i put on a swimsuit that was tailored and my hubby said to me " that swimsuit looks perfect in you"., " you look skinny and fit" love it made my day and all the sarifices worthy
  • heyshell79
    heyshell79 Posts: 65 Member
    The scale has not been my friend, in 9 weeks I've seen only slight changes in weight, but my clothes are comfortable, I feel energetic and strong. I'll say around 6 weeks I noticed these changes. I am NOT discouraged by the awful scale.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    I'm very critical of myself. A lot of people were commenting about it around 10 pounds. My weight loss buddy before the move worked with me, so I was SURE that he put them up to saying something to keep me motivated.

    I still have a huge "I feel fat I look fat" sentiment going after loosing 50 lbs (and I have about 70 more to go) I still have a hard time seeing the difference, though everyone else swears I look radically different. Seeing pics in other people of a 50 pound loss, I'm SURE that it's a lot to do with my self view.

    HOWEVER I had to acknowledge that I'd lost a lot of weight when nothing I owned could even remotely be made to fit any more.
    Sometimes when you see yourself every day, it is hard to notice a difference and you have to trust other people!
    You should try digging up some pictures of yourself from before you lost the 50 lbs and see how much different you look! =)
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Depends how much you have to lose honestly....the second biggest factor is if you are lifting...if you are just dieting it will take more to see it than if you are lifting. Lifting will cause you to tone and shrink which will show much more than weight loss alone.

    I started with 30lbs in mind, I'm down 10-12 or so and I can see a HUGE difference...I cant even imagine what 20 more gone will look like....keeps me very motivated.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member

    I am the opposite and can see the difference in my body/clothes and have gotten compliments on this... however, my # on the scale hasn't changed (I guess because I have been losing fat and gaining muscle mass).

  • bexporter
    bexporter Posts: 11 Member
    Girl, I am 5'10" and big boned and I started this thing at 266. I still cannot see a difference, 22 pounds later. I meant to take photos when I started this journey and I forgot to. My husband says he can notice it, and my pants need a belt now whereas when I began I had to lay on the bed and button them while sucking in my tummy, but nekkid in the mirror? I see no difference. Maybe it's because it's my body that I see every day and compared to 266, 22 pounds isn't that much. Just hang in there, keep doing what you're doing, and you will notice it, whether it be inches, looser clothes, or compliments! :)
  • I need to get an update to see (I know I was down 10 lbs officially after a month), but others have told me I look leaner...personally I don't see it.

    Some days I think I see traces of it, like a flash of jawline or cheekbone, or a "lifting" of stomach fat. However, i've got a LONG way to go, and I haven't changed clothing sizes, though everything fits looser now (probably won't change until another 30-40 lbs).

    Sigh, I just wish the fat would hurry up and GO AWAY! I've been doing strength and cardio training, plus yoga - just not a patient person, I guess. :)
  • SlimPossible8
    SlimPossible8 Posts: 71 Member
    15lbs is where i started to see it. I started at 160 at 5'0" and it took that much for ME to tell a difference. Other people started telling me i looked different at about 8lbs but i couldnt see it. Im down 18lbs now and have 17 more to go.
  • The scale says that I have lost 40 pounds, the tape measure tells me that I'm getting smaller, and some of my clothes feel loose......but when I look in the mirror I still see the same old fat-me. This could be because I'm seeing tiny changes daily so it's not the more dramatic change that, say, a friend or relative might see (when they don't see me for a month or two), or because I'm so tall (over six feet) that it's coming off a little bit all over, or it could be I have a case of body dysmorphic disorder. After all, if I was really a good judge of what I looked like I wouldn't have let myself gain as much weight as I did. I think the people that take lots of pictures during their journey have the right idea......when you have monthly photos lined up, its hard NOT to see the difference.
  • Hi, my name is kyle and I'm a carboholic.... Since starting this diet i've lost a total of 18 pounds. My girlfriend says she can really tell and since then i have noticed all of my pants are fitting my better even a little loose. I started at 292 pounds and now im down to 274 and really excited i cant wait to reach my goal of 235 i believe that it will happen! :smooched:
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    25lbs was about when i thought, "ok, its starting to fall off now". at around 15lbs i noticed a big difference in my legs.by 20lbs i noticed my ribs/chest/shoulders were more defined. by 25lbs i really noticed my jawline and for some reason that is when it hit home that things were really changing.

    changes since then include seeing my abs quite clearly, and hips/bum being more prominent. i also notice my skin feeling different and tightening up. i've lost 38lbs now.

    hang in there, because it just gets better and better!
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    Just keep plugging along and keep your eye on the prize! You'll see changes in time, but not if you stop.

    I'm a very slow loser (8 lbs since Feb!), but I'm at the gym 6 days/week doing lots of everything (cardio, weights, aqua fit, belly dancing, etc.) and I've definitely lost inches. I can tell in how much better my clothes fit, and if someone hasn't seen me for months, they always comment on how much smaller I look. Yet..... I still want to see the number on the scale go down. :grumble: My doctor is happy with my weight and my trainer told me to stop weighing myself and only concentrate on body composition at this point. I'm sure that one day I'll catch on to what they're telling me. :wink: