
Ok, I have been at this for 4 days, so I have only just begun. My question, With counting calories and such how long did it take before you start seeing any differances? I am not expecting a micacle or anything unrealistic. i will weigh in at the 1 week mark. u what i want is your story. What was it like for you at the beginning, how long did it take for you to realize you were succussful, what do you eat. I know in my mind I know less calories= loss of weight but it just seems like I am eating to much to lose? Make any sense what I mean? I know before this I ate at LEAST 1000 more calories than wha I am eaing now. So logically it has to work, right?


  • When I VERY first started way back last year around May after my mom passed... I started by eating 1,400 calories, then quickly dropped down to 1,200 calories, now I eat 1,000 calories because I get full quick... Well I lost quick! At first it was 2-3lbs daily, then 1-2lbs daily... It slowed down for a while, but now its back up! Lately I have lost 10lbs in 3 days! But of course I stopped drinking diet pop, and started eating right again, and now I make sure to drink plenty of water! I have also went back to walking again, so that has REALLY helped me tremendously. Not sure why but I was depressed for a few months so the pounds just wasn't really coming off, I wasn't gaining but I wasn't losing either. Luckily I have started back to being healthy and exercising :)
  • jeni8383
    jeni8383 Posts: 29 Member
    hi, i joined ages ago but really got my bum in gear last 8 weeks and ive lost 6lbs, not much but its a start... remember to exercise also...
  • Wow your success is truly an inspiration!
  • Wow your success is truly an inspiration!

    Thanks :)
  • Hi my name is Jenny at one time I weighed 415 pounds it all depends on how much you want to lose and how big you are when you start. For me I saw nothing for months but others saw it . You see from the inside out others see the outside. they will see it first. I first saw a difference at about a 20 to 25 pound lose. I was so big that it took a lot of time. When your smaller it might take 10 pounds then you and others will see the difference and believe me when a friend or a parent says you look smaller the scale can't make you feel as good. Write back I am starting again and need new friends.
  • ElphieTMoLM
    ElphieTMoLM Posts: 19 Member
    I just started back up 8 days ago and for the first few days it didn't seem like I was losing anything. It was hard to keep late night snacking in check (I've been up late with loads of homework), along with a few other eating habits. I was talking with my doctor yesterday and he said not to expect to change all habits perfectly right away. Introduce a new healthy habit each week. SO basically don't beat yourself up if it's hard. We spent many years developing these habits and it will take a while to change them, but once we do we will have a healthy lifestyle and keep the weight off. I weighed in today, I've lost 6 lbs in the last 8 days. It's different for each person. Some people it's easier to lose at first and others its a bit slow coming. Just stay motivated, keep logging everything and do your best to stay in your calorie goal. Develop a love for exercise and you'll be amazing!
  • Well if you are like me and stuck in a rut, I am overly active and am only consuming my 1200 calorie quota. I run almost every day and sometimes twice a day. However, I have large muscle mass and we all know muscle weighs more than fat..............I have plateaued for quite some time now, ugh, what to do. Good news is NO weight GAIN.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    When I joined, and since then, when I first got my calorie goal I thought it was crazy numbers.

    I started losing weight with those same "what I thought were crazy numbers" forcing me to realize prior to journaling / logging / recording ALL my foods I had to have been eating 4000 calories a day on some days. The in your face numbers while perhaps scary when you start with the "1200 calories for everyone to lose weight" and then you realize even 1500 is an unrealistic number for yourself to reach (and those around you let you know pretty quick that you're being a rotten person) I'm eating my 2400 net calories as often as I can manage (last couple days have been convenience options instead of taking the time to prep at home) and losing weight again.
  • Hi my name is Jenny at one time I weighed 415 pounds it all depends on how much you want to lose and how big you are when you start. For me I saw nothing for months but others saw it . You see from the inside out others see the outside. they will see it first. I first saw a difference at about a 20 to 25 pound lose. I was so big that it took a lot of time. When your smaller it might take 10 pounds then you and others will see the difference and believe me when a friend or a parent says you look smaller the scale can't make you feel as good. Write back I am starting again and need new friends.
  • Wow Jenny what a story, I do have alot to lose, over 100 pounds. I have los weigh before as well with a national program (36lbs) but have gained all that back plus. It has been about 3 years.
  • I just started back up 8 days ago and for the first few days it didn't seem like I was losing anything. It was hard to keep late night snacking in check (I've been up late with loads of homework), along with a few other eating habits. I was talking with my doctor yesterday and he said not to expect to change all habits perfectly right away. Introduce a new healthy habit each week. SO basically don't beat yourself up if it's hard. We spent many years developing these habits and it will take a while to change them, but once we do we will have a healthy lifestyle and keep the weight off. I weighed in today, I've lost 6 lbs in the last 8 days. It's different for each person. Some people it's easier to lose at first and others its a bit slow coming. Just stay motivated, keep logging everything and do your best to stay in your calorie goal. Develop a love for exercise and you'll be amazing!

    Thank you
  • Well if you are like me and stuck in a rut, I am overly active and am only consuming my 1200 calorie quota. I run almost every day and sometimes twice a day. However, I have large muscle mass and we all know muscle weighs more than fat..............I have plateaued for quite some time now, ugh, what to do. Good news is NO weight GAIN.

    Jo, you I know will be my greatest supporter.
  • When I joined, and since then, when I first got my calorie goal I thought it was crazy numbers.

    I started losing weight with those same "what I thought were crazy numbers" forcing me to realize prior to journaling / logging / recording ALL my foods I had to have been eating 4000 calories a day on some days. The in your face numbers while perhaps scary when you start with the "1200 calories for everyone to lose weight" and then you realize even 1500 is an unrealistic number for yourself to reach (and those around you let you know pretty quick that you're being a rotten person) I'm eating my 2400 net calories as often as I can manage (last couple days have been convenience options instead of taking the time to prep at home) and losing weight again.

    Thank you
  • Hi Zeebell,

    I think the two most important things for me was MAKE sure you log everything, you will be amazed what a bite here a bite there a snack here a taste there adds up to. It took me three months to feel like I tracked a whole week and really understood what I ate.
    Second, and even if it's only for a day - measure everything! A serving size is such a weird thing - and knowing what a gram of something vs an ounce of something. This program has been instrumental in changing my relationship with food & I too have played the yo yo game many times! Everything is slow and steady there are 5lb weeks and there are 0lb weeks - fall down - start again - as many times as it takes!
    One last thing finding a solid partner for workouts, walking, talking or classes makes the process more fun so reach out to your local gym, online, look on community formus for moms or someone in the same work arena as you! Good luck and keep us posted!
    Sincerely, Elizabeth
  • You know I love you Chelle and look forward to the day you can join me at the lake. Baby steps, baby steps!!!! You can do this, I know you can! I look forward to your first weigh in!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Don't be tempted to eat the bare minimum just to lose weight quickly and don't feel bad if you go over your calorie goal by 50-100 calories. It's not a race, and if you treat it like one you won't stay in it for long.

    Enter your height, weight, age, and activity level here, or in any other TDEE calculator of your choice. The number you get is the amount of calories you need to stay exactly at the weight you are. You will lose weight eating anything below the number it gives you - how much lower is how much faster you lose. A lot of people seem to shoot for a 20-30% deficit depending on how much weight they have to lose, and I think this is reasonable.

    i've lost 11 lbs (about 8% of my body weight) in 4 months eating 1400 calories (roughly a 20% deficit from my TDEE) and I am continuing to go down safely and happily. However, I would suggest investing in a soft measuring tape to take your hip, bust, and waist measurements every couple of weeks or so. It's a more reliable indicator of progress than the scale, due to things like water weight and what you've got in your stomach at any given time.

    Good luck to you in your endeavors! :flowerforyou:
  • Testing the coding allowed.
  • Thanks everyone and I do enjoy the helpful comments
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I started August 27 and I hit the 13 pound mark yesterday. I have 100+ to lose like a lot of folks on here. I don't exercise a lot, maybe a few days per week. I can't really say I see much of a difference yet, but it does seem like my stomach has gotten a little smaller. I can't wait until the day a relative or a close friend sees the difference and comments. I have not told but about 5 people that I on this journey, so it will be interesting as the time goes on. I strongly feel this site is the difference in me continuing this time as opposed to the other times in the past. Good luck to you too!
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I have been losing approx. 1 lb. a week since I started. Slow but it is coming off so I am not complaining. If I would be more diligent with my exercising I am sure I'd do better. Going to try to stay walking on the treadmill tonight for the hour Grey's Anatomy is on! Anyone else want to try?