Destination Spas?

gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
I am dreaming and planning my next vacation...which may be alone as my last one was. All my friends are married or have kids or can't afford to go on nice trips...So I just go alone some times! :)

I am thinking about a destination spa trip....What places have you been to and which ones would you recommend for a single girl like me?

I love great food, hiking, fabulous spas, nice accomodations and trying new things.


  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I went to Ojo Caliente in New Mexico. It is a hot springs/mineral water/ spa place that was gorgeous. Here is the link-
  • njitalian
    Yountville, CA (Its the Napa area) , not sure about the hiking but the food is amazing and both the Villagio or Bardessono are great places to stay.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Thanks! I was just checking out the one in NM... @njitalian- I am a huge fan of Napa and all things wine country. I will definately look into both of those places. I spent my last 2 vacations in Cali. Santa Barbara and then Newport Beach, but I still love Napa best. ;)
  • njitalian
    Thanks! I was just checking out the one in NM... @njitalian- I am a huge fan of Napa and all things wine country. I will definately look into both of those places. I spent my last 2 vacations in Cali. Santa Barbara and then Newport Beach, but I still love Napa best. ;)

    Both of those are beautiful areas but I agree Napa is my fav, I lived a little over an hour away last year. If you go and want to splurge I highly recommend the French Laundry for a once in a lifetime dining experience. Redd is also amazing. Last time I was there I met Michael Chiarello. Good times.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    French Laundry is already on my list. Definately going to go there in the next couple of years. Love that you met Michael Chiarello! I have thought about moving out there for some time. I probably will one day. It's where my heart is most of the time.
  • njitalian
    French Laundry is already on my list. Definately going to go there in the next couple of years. Love that you met Michael Chiarello! I have thought about moving out there for some time. I probably will one day. It's where my heart is most of the time.

    You should do it, ya only live once :) I moved to the bay area for a few years but I'm an east coaster through and through so I'm back LOL.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in the Big Sur Mountains south of Carmel, CA. There is no other place it he world like it.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    French Laundry is already on my list. Definately going to go there in the next couple of years. Love that you met Michael Chiarello! I have thought about moving out there for some time. I probably will one day. It's where my heart is most of the time.

    You should do it, ya only live once :) I moved to the bay area for a few years but I'm an east coaster through and through so I'm back LOL.

    Haha..I am an east coast girl too..But I'm flexible and could be happy living west coast as long as I had the $$ to support my lidfestyle! That's the tricky part!
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in the Big Sur Mountains south of Carmel, CA. There is no other place it he world like it.

    Thanks! Have not heard of that one! Will definately look into it right now.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    ust lookd a Tassajara in Carmel and I think I HAVE to go there....There is nothing I appreciate more than solitude, nature, good food, quiet, and refelctive time in a beautiful location.

    I think I would love it there. Definately on my list...However, I also LOVE luxury! I am, afterall an anomoly. ;)