Binge Eating

Can someone give me some tips on how to control late night binge eating. Please dont tell me to eat carrots or celery. Anyone who has ever experienced binge eating knows, that just doesnt cut it. Emotional supportive techniques is what i think I need so if anyone knows of a specific meditation, book would be appreciated.


  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    When you do not binge, how many calories a day are you eating vs exercising?
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    There's no point in replacing binge food (usually junk food) with carrots and cellery because you're still emotionally eating. You need to work out what the emotional issue is that is making you eat. Is it a habit, are you bored, are you hungry due to not eating enough during the day, is there something you could do that would make you happy and not think of food? I find it quite hard to pinpoint the trigger or know exactly what I'm feeling, sometimes I just feel icky and think that food will make me feel better - it doesn't. Start a journal and write in it every single day - morning and night if need be. Start reading self help books to keep your mind occupied. Stumbling is not a fall - just keep trying every day.
  • Thin1979
    Thanks for your help. When I am good, I eat about 1500 calories. I always always always excercise no matter what, but I am living proof that food is 90 percent of the battle and excercise only 10%. I like the idea of writing in a journal, I am certain my binging boils down to emotional issues. Hope you guys are having a good day :) and thanks again.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Brain Over Binge is a great book. It's definitely helped me, but I still struggle. I don't go in the kitchen after 7 pm if I can help it. I also ask my husband not to let me go in there. Some nights it works, some nights it doesn't. If I tell myself "you do not need to eat" I can usually control my urges. Other nights, I ignore that voice and stuff my face w/something. I have been able to change to healthy stuff though (almond butter is my latest obsession).

    I take it day by day. Some days are good, some aren't. Good luck!!
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    Doing Intermittent Fasting is the ONLY thing that helped me with binge eating.. and also making sure I eat enough.. But with Intermittent fasting (i did 17/5) I could have candy and cake and chips and whatever on my desk and I didn't even care.. I would forget about it... Worth a try :)

    Also... I didn't check your calorie level, but make sure you're eating enough.. When I was eating too little, I wanted to binge all of the time. You can look into eat more to weigh less for more info. There's an adjustment period while your body refuels itself, but I eat 2200+ calories per day and still lose weight! Look up the group "Eat more to weigh less" on here.
  • Thin1979
    Thank you very much for your reply. I would fast but I am diabetic and it throws off my sugar level, I know a lot of people who have had success with that. This week has been very good for me even though I have been going through crazy emotional turmoil which really triggers the binge. Please add me as a friend.
  • Thin1979
    Thanks kini I love the book, I cannot put it down. How helpful, I really appreciate it. Please add me as a friend.
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    I find the only thing that currently works for me is not being around the food, especially when I feel a binge coming on. If it isn't too late, I'll go out. Even if it is just to drive around the neighborhood for a bit. You get yourself away from it and give yourself time to reflect on why you want to binge and what you could do instead.

    If it is late, just go right to bed, or maybe take a long hot bubble bath and give yourself a facial and do your nails (if you're a female... or a dude can paint their nails too, I suppose :wink: ), or something like that that you enjoy that you can occupy yourself with that is engaging enough to let you take your mind off of the binge.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I had problems with binge eating for years and years...
    Until your brain gets to the point of 'SHUT UP EMOTIONS' like mine did, I'd suggest trying to find a friend (Like a sponsor) to help you through. People laugh at me but you know does alter your mentality. It's not illegal, it's everywhere, and it's hard to overcome!

    If you'd like I can be your sponsor, PM me if that would be something that could help you.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I have struggled with binge eating, especially at night for many years. The things that worked best for me were: exercising at night, journaling...lots of journaling, limiting the food I keep in my house, eating a bigger and higher protein breakfast and lunch.

    At one point, I put a pad lock on my fridg.. I know it sounds drastic, but I live alone and it reallt made it easier for me if I locked the fridg after dinner and put the key in my car. After a few weeks of doing this, I stopped thinking about food after supper.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    -hunger (physical or emotional) is not an emergency! This is a helpful mantra.

    -tons of sugar free gum, it helps the chomp, chomp, chomp thing. I've also chewed on crushed ice with the gum, it seems to release extra flavor from the gum, which can help.

    -Set up your work out routine for trigger times--at least try this to see how it goes.



    -Admit to yourself that this is a hard process, and a binge does not equal failure. Try and examine your physical and emotional feelings after a binge.

    Good luck, just don't quit.
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    DON'T go anywhere near food! I struggle with binge eating, and I'm usually fine as long as I don't go into the kitchen! Resist the urge!
    Also, try to convince yourself that you don't need the food. Go through the fridge and your cupboards (when you aren't in binge mode) and tell the food out loud that you will not binge on it! Tell the cookies that they are gross and will make you fat. Tell the ice cream that you can be happy without it. Note: Do this when you are alone, other people will think you are crazy. But, it does work!
    Good luck! I know it's hard but you can do it:)
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    This is in no way scientific but are you willing to conduct a little experiment? Try drinking a lot of water all day (more than 8 glasses). Also, try eating more protein and go easy on the carbs during the day. I've struggled with binging for so many years. I have derailed a lot of weight loss attempts by complete out of control eating. For me, it was a complete addiction. For some reason, I've been in control for the last 3 months. It is as though someone flipped a switch. I'm not sure what is going right but boy am I glad it is! In addition to eating more protein and drinking water, I also started taking a probiotic capsule at about the same time. Is this the magic equation? Is it purely in my head? No idea. It's working for me and I'm going to continue doing it.

    As a back up plan, I will retreat to my bedroom if I feel tempted. So far, so good though.

    Good luck!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I exercise and eat less during the day so I don't have to worry as much about late night eating.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    Protein like tuna, or protein shake. Chug water. Rice cakes. Lately I have been giving in a little bit, which hasn't been working out...
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Keep your food stock at home minimal ,
    And for celery, they should stop producing this chit. its the reason people get fat. Eat some buckwheat with grilled asparagus and a nice beef roast.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I don't know if you truly mean binging... I used to eat late at night and I called it binging because I ate quite a bit sometimes, but I watched Dr. Oz's show the other night about binge eating and OMG I don't ever want to feel stuffed again! They showed an xray of before the person binged and you could see all of the organs and the stomach was so small amongst everything else. Then they showed the after binge xray and all you could see was this huge mass that was the stomach and all the organs were completely squooshed or not even visible! It got even more graphic than that, but I'll spare the details. The women on there were EXTREME bingers though, I've never binged like that. I'll think twice on Thanksgiving!!!
  • stepnehjones
    stepnehjones Posts: 8 Member
    Gosh, I'm sure there have been many of us plagued with this problem and until I read this post I had forgotten that I haven't had a major late night stuff my face event in a very long time.
    I guess the biggest thing for me was to stop and "play the tape to the end". Focus on how gross I would feel afterwards.
    Next, eating whole nutrient dense food all day long. I rarely eat anything processed anymore and my body is satiated and doesn't crave the unhealthy "fix".
    Also, I live alone and if it is not in the house, it doesn't really call my name.
    I wish you the best with this one, I know it can be agonizing.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Ugh... I just finished binge eating and feel terrible. Good luck to you.
  • hannahchipmunk
    I binge eat as well, so I understand your struggle. Mine is more of an emotional thing than a "late night hunger/cravings" issue though. I've been reading "Women, Food, and God" by Geneen Roth and have found it to be very insightful. You don't have to be female or religious to read it; it is helpful for anyone!