EmilyStrick Posts: 267
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
i am just super duper stressed and need some words of encouragement.


  • Duga
    Duga Posts: 6
    Stress can always get the better of you if you let it. Sometimes it helps to take a step back and have a deep breath. I know sometimes its hard but like someone wise once said, "nothing worth having ever came easy." You can do it!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Everything will be fine. You just have to take it one day at a time. I use to stress out and sometimes I still do. I use to get frustrated because I want this weight off now. One day I sat back and thought why am I rushing this, I don't have a deadline. This is your life and health take it slow. It's going to happen , just keep doing the right things and you will get to your goal.
  • the funny thing is that i am in no way stressed over losing weight. actually, now that i've found this website, my weight loss is my one place of solace because it's the one thing i can control. it's everything else in life (that i can't control)...a house that won't husband getting laid of forcing me to work at a job i absolutely detest...a car that won't pass emissions...and the list goes much farther on. if it's not one thing, it's another.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member



    Strick :smile:

    You are a big strong grown woman and there's nothing you can't handle.
  • This may not help you at all and I'm not trying to belittle your problems, but whenever I feel that way I try to remind myself of what I'm grateful for in my life. I'll read some articles and look at pictures of the devastation in Haiti for example or other things going on in the world that truly are horrific. I also read a book called Night by Elie Wiesel (he's been on Oprah too) about his experience in the Holocaust. Truly that book has changed me because it reminds me that I really have nothing to complain about and it could be much worse. I try to focus on all the positives in my life and that I'm lucky to live in a free, democratic country.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sometimes just making a list of each problem and brainstorming solutions can help you feel like you have more control. Writing it on paper can be therapeutic because it takes it off the brain. Kind of like when you are laying in bed and night and thinking of all the stuff, knowing it's on paper transfers it somewhere else. Worth a try.

    I don't know what the deal with your house is; but, I heard that you can go to the bank and let them know your hardships and ask for some of the home owner's relief that the banks are supposed to be helping people with. The banks don't advertise it; but, I do know someone whos' mortgage was greatly reduced because they went in and talked to the bank.

    Good luck and God Bless
  • thank you all very much! i know that my problems can in no way compare with the atrocities that occur in other peoples' lives, but some days it is just not enough to tell myself that. i am glad that i have found this website and that people on here are supportive far beyond just being weight loss buddies!
  • bostonmia
    bostonmia Posts: 15 Member
    I think we've all been there at one point or another in our lives, where we just sit there and ask "how much more can we really handle!". It seems to be once you have one thing under control the rest goes haywire. But the reality is, we're really not in control of much except how we react and how we feel. The few things that relieve my stress (besides exercise) and clear my mind of all the external interferance are meditation, yoga, and the power of positive thinking. Even just reading a motivation blog, quote, or watching a video, all help to put me back into the right frame of mind. One of the inspiring newsletters that I am a fan of is, each day I open up my email to receive an insightful and supporting message that life is grand and reminding of all of the good I have to be thankful for. Hope you are feeling a sense of relief, sometimes all you can do is just breathe...
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