1000 calories a day!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    He gave me a pamphlet of suggested foods and said to eat 1000 calories a day I have to loose about 90 pounds I am not having surgery I asked to see a nutritionist but he acted like he didn't hear me

    And THAT, more so than the ridiculously low calorie intake, is why you need a new doctor. You should never feel ignored by someone you're paying to treat you.

    Plus, I've had way too many doctors tell me things that were incredibly wrong to take anything they say at face value. Do your own research and be your own advocate.

    For instance, I had a doctor tell me to never do deep knee bends because I'm loose jointed. So I spent the bulk of my life having weak wobbly joints that popped out of the sockets at random times. Had the doctor instead told me that strengthening my muscles would help keep my joints in line better, maybe I wouldn't have been so damn accident prone my first 38 years. And don't even get me started on the incompetence when it came to diagnosing and treating my TMJ...

    There's good doctors and bad doctors. Just having a degree doesn't make them gods, despite what they believe about themselves.
  • marlstua
    marlstua Posts: 4 Member
    Try cooking from scratch - chicken curry (use breast meat and a can of chopped tomatoes - also add mushrooms to bulk the sauce) - DELICIOUS
  • lovecriminal
    lovecriminal Posts: 41 Member
    TRUTH! OK, you CAN eat 1000 cals per day and Lose a LOT of weight IF you can STICK TO IT! Find the reasoning behind your doctor's choice; You might decide that you need a Nutritionist if it is ONLY weight you need to lose and NOTHING ELSE IS INVOLVED.

    What a LOT of these people on MFP DO NOT GET is that some people MUST lose weight QUICKLY for OTHER MEDICAL REASONS. Most of THESE people are soooo Superficial that they think Everyone is trying to lose weight to fit into a size 0 or look good in a swim suit. I venture to say MOST people are trying to lose weight for some type of Medical Reason. I have been there and stuck to 1000 cal and corrected My medical problem. Also, do NOT buy into all that "Starvation Mode" CRAP and all the other "Crazy" stuff you WILL hear here. If the weight loss is needed quickly for medical reasons, DO It and stick to it, correct the problem. THEN get a better eating Plan that you can STICK with For LIFE.

    Right Said !
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Get a new doctor.
    At least get a second opinion!
  • wanda9501
    Veggies, vand more veggies. They have volume without all the calories. If your Dr. pretened not to hear you than, take matters into your own hands and go see a dieatician (can't hurt). I am currently on the 1200 cal plan from this site and I have to be VERY selective about what I eat. It has been hard but I am getting better. I am slowly learning , but with a limit like this you have to be extra mindful of everything you eat or think about eating. I wish you good luck in you journey.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    The challenge with low calorie intake is: (1) not feeling hungry and (2) getting adequate nutrition. Go for bulk that is highly nutritious (like lots of fruit and veggies) + lean proteins. This will keep you within your calorie intake but you won't be hungry and you're more likely to get the nutrients you need. Try making big salads and add tuna, chicken breast, etc. Just watch out on your salads about adding the calories with dressing. Personally, I've learned to enjoy my salads with just plain (not seasoned) rice vinegar. Sometimes I make a dressing of rice vinegar, dijon mustard, garlic and spices.

    this! lots of protein, veggies and salads. stay away from calories that dont fill you up such as fizzy drinks, yoghurts, juices etc.
  • JonMB
    JonMB Posts: 49 Member
    Lol @ everyone who thinks they know more than your doctor

    Doctors are often wrong, especially the dumb ones. I have a few family members in the medical industry, one a doctor and one a nurse, both with 30+ years of experience. They'd tell you the same thing.

    Just saying -- don't put blind trust in any doctor. They're still human. OP, I'd get a second opinion.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    See a registered dietician as doctors have very little knowledge on weight loss.

    My hubby's dr told him to lose 10 pounds and it took everything I had to hold back and not say you need to lose about 200 pounds yourself.
  • ODorisBrucken
    ODorisBrucken Posts: 7 Member
    I'd find a nutritionist, they can help with meal planning and help keep you on the right track. I wouldn't think you should need to go to another doctor for a second opinion, you already stated you need to lose 90 lbs and I just imagine that another doctor will confirm that. Doctors only study a small section on nutrition in med school so seeing a nutritionist who is educated in all aspects of nutrition would be more beneficial to you. Although I don't have it yet, I'm 3 classes away from having a Masters degree in nutrition and recently helped a friends husband who was just points away from being diagnosed with diabetes. 1000 calories a day is low but can be done without feeling like your starving, I do it all the time. Calculating your BMR will tell you how many calories your body needs for its basic functions per day, breathing etc, then you add in your activity level to get total calories needed...I calculate my BMR at the weight that I want to be and keep my calories in that range. This is a really good site with good info. Here's a link to the BMR calculator... http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    As others have stated, 1000 seems really low, especially if you have 90 lbs to lose. We don't know your history or the reasons behind why they have suggested it however, I would suggest getting another opinion. I saw my doctor the other day, and granted I do weigh a lot more than you, he said I should not go below 1500 cals for a long time.

    As for food, lots of veggies, chicken and fish. Things that will help keep your belly full. As well, watch how they are prepared so you don't add a bunch of unnecesary calories.

    Hopefully it works out for you and you get to be where you and your doctor would like to see you.
  • TabathaAnn8
    I skipped a few posts but I didn't see anyone take into account her current height/size and activity level. If she's like 4'11", 200 lbs and has a sedentary lifestyle 1000 calories doesn't seem too crazy. Personally I'm 5'6" and I weigh about 330 so I need over 3,000 calories a day to maintain, I want to lose though so I'm eating less that 2,000 but when I lose weight I will have to eat less calories because I'll be burning less calories because I weigh less... does this make sense?

    On a side note, if you feel like your Dr doesn't listen to you, find another one. I had a Dr that ignored me, I eventually got tired of it and I LOVE my new Dr she is so thorough and understanding. And unlike any other Dr I have had she doesn't tell me I'm fat and that I need to lose weight. She doesn't treat me like I'm stupid in other words. She is respectful. Doctors have a tendency to blame everything on weight when you are overweight and sometimes that just isn't the case. So find one that respects you and is thorough!
  • LeahNicoleW
    Load up your meals with free vegetables! THat made all the difference for me. The Jenny Craig program calls it "Volumizing" Google that for more information. You can fill up on lo cal, high volume foods.

    I was going to suggest the same thing! Totally agree! High fiber foods make you feel full :) Good luck!
  • LeahNicoleW
  • Revcminor
    I'm trying to stay around there. Really hard. My BMR is only about 1381, so in order to lose I should really be about 500 calories below that. Of course, I do exercise -- burning about 250 - 450 (depending) every day. So....I try to keep to 1000 - or a little bit over. I substitute a protein shake for at least one meal every day and go lo-carb at dinner. Still, sometimes I find myself cutting out something healthy like a cup of grapes so I can enjoy one glass of wine with dinner.
  • All4Drakes
    All4Drakes Posts: 9 Member
    Here is how you do that - Eat 1500 calories for the day and then burn 500 calories with exercise!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm trying to stay around there. Really hard. My BMR is only about 1381, so in order to lose I should really be about 500 calories below that. Of course, I do exercise -- burning about 250 - 450 (depending) every day. So....I try to keep to 1000 - or a little bit over. I substitute a protein shake for at least one meal every day and go lo-carb at dinner. Still, sometimes I find myself cutting out something healthy like a cup of grapes so I can enjoy one glass of wine with dinner.

    No, you should be 500 below your TDEE, not your BMR.

    My BMR is only around 1300, too, but my TDEE is over 2300.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    My doctor put me on a 1000 calorie a day diet and I'm having a hard time finding meals to eat. Does anyone have any suggestions

    When you are short like I am this is the only way to have a calorie deficit. I'm maintaining now at under 12% body fat, and yes my doctor says I'm am awesomely healthy and my regular blood work checks have been good all along and still are. I'm almost 52 years old, happy, healthy, vibrant, and just happen to be TINY so can't eat as much as everyone else. I'm not some anorexic teenager with body image issues. I have never had eating disorders nor do I now. I do not promote unhealthy eating habits. If anyone has eating disorders or emotional eating issues they need to have those resolved BEFORE DIETING.

    Anyway of you look at my diary around January through March I ate around 1000 calories to prepare for my March photo shoot. Now I'm eating more but you can still get some ideas. I eat fairly healthy, with a few cookie treats on rare occasions. LOL
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Before you tell her to get a new doctor, it would be wise to find out why the doctor made this professional opinion. I advocate a minimum of 1200 cals, btw, BUT that being said, I have a condition that if I were not on a particular medication, I could gain while eating even 1000 cals a day. There might be a reason for his decision rather than just super-fast weight loss.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    How old is your doctor?
    1000 calories a day diets were all the rage many years ago.

    I tried one and when the consultant tossed aside my food diary and I asked if he didn't believe it, he replied, "The scales don't lie" .
    I suggested that we stop wasting each others time and reported to my GP that as I wasn't diabetic, his having referred me to the diabetes clinic was a waste of everyones' time.

    Many years later that same consultant consulted me and I reminded him of the conversation the last time we met - he replied," Did I say that? I was wrong. How little we knew then!"

    If your doctor has published evidence to support his therapy then he/she must have diet sheets to support it. Ask for these as it is very hard to eat a balanced diet on so little intake.

    I am still trying to lose weight - and I am still not diabetic
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Ignore the people that lecture you about how your not eating enough calories...1000 calories a day is just fine as long as your getting your vitamins..as if they know more than a doctor or something...its a recurring theme their lectures..i eat 900 maxx & work out so end up with like 600 even 500 & its working

    Yeah, it might work for now, but what about when you get to goal? How do you have energy to do anything? With your vitamin logic, you can basically live on water and vitamin supplements, that makes zero sense at all.

    I agree, for short-term, with a doctor's recommendation, 1,000 calories would work. Not in the long run though.