


  • cmVT208
    Feel free to add me. I try to motivate friends but also do not comment on every post they make. I usually pick 5-10 friend each day to reply to & then rotate to other friends the following day! Some people do not motivate at all. Sometimes it takes you to reach out first...they will then return the favor! Keep at it & don't give up. Eventually you will find a good group!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I feel the same way--I add people for motivation & when I don't get it as consistently as I give it, I want to just--

    deletedeletedelete. lmao. But I don't have the heart to.

    :) Any & all who want encouragement + can give it in return, feel free to add me!~
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    So this is my 5th day on MFP and so far I have 19 friends and when I added those 19 ppl I thought they were going to help motivate me and only about 4 do. I mean is it to much to ask for a good job or wtg...I know some have a lot of friends and I probably get lost or some just don't like to post but I take my time to go through and comment on everyone. I guess I just need to delete those who don't help motivate me. I don't want to be he person on mfp with the most friends I just want the ones who are like me and need that help and motivation. Only my 5th day and have to start over just disappointing. Just wanting to vent thanks :smile:

    I get a lot of friend requests and it's grown. But I'm glad no one expects me to perform. Some days it's all I can do to login and log my calories. Other days I have time to float through and encourage people but no way can I respond to everyone. They encourage me when they can and I do the same when I can. We all do our best. We all get busy sometimes. It's great to have support and I'm all for it, but also at some point you need to be your own motivation, from within yourself, that is where the true power comes from. There will be times when no one is around and you have to do it for yourself.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Everyone loves a little bit of motivation!! :D

  • Wagman63
    Wagman63 Posts: 2 Member
    "tons of people here"... no pun intended.:tongue:
  • NautiLife
    It's only day 5 and there's a lot of people to meet before you find your support base. It's like starting your first day of school, you have to meet all of the personalities before you make your connection. Just make sure you use the support you get from others as a tool to help you succeed and not make it a necessity. It's important to find your inner strength and use the positive energy of others to reinforce your initiative. Everyone on here is looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or find a way to better themselves and all have their own struggles to overcome and need support however if we were to rely too much on the attaboys it will cause set backs on our progress making it way to easy to give up if the attaboys didn't come in fast enough
  • hello50s
    I find that I have added friends in the past and then got too many so i couldn't keep track of everyone's posts. I found that a bit overwhelming and I found that I could not keep up with posting and I think I got lost on their wall as well as I stopped getting a comments as well. Life gets busy and if you are not on a lot, or just to add your food and then at the beg/end of day, it can be hard to keep track of what happened during the day. If there was a "like" button it would make it a lot easier as at least you could just press a button to let someone know you saw their post, if nothing else.

    I think you might want to consider adding friends slowly. Get to know them and give support to each other. If you and the new friend are communicating in a way that works for both of you, then add another. This way you get to know the times they log in or are online and can make sure that you are helping each other.

    I only have one friend right now, that I know personally. I find that I could use a few more, but that's all I have time for.

    Anyways, that's my two cents.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    So sorry you are discouraged, Heather:( Maybe it just takes time for people to "get to know you". Don't let it keep you down! You have started towards a goal that is good or you, and you can reach it! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like:) my name is Tracy. I'm 49, and have another 50-54 lbs to lose. I am doing South Beach, and I log my food and exercise here everyday (since I found it 3 weeks ago. I started my lifestyle change on August20). Hope you have a wonderful and successful weekend:)
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Everyone likes a pat on the back at times, not all of us have the time during our hectic schedules to wtg, good job every time someone on our friends list stays below calories or does some exercise. I only post on the times someone actually asks for help or posts an NSV that is important to them. I don't expect anyone to GET me to my goals by holding my hand, telling me good job for staying within my calories and exercising everyday. When I post an important milestone for me, my friends are there to congratulate me, likewise if I am down they always let me know today is not the end of the world, there is always tomorrow. I treat them with the same respect. If you are looking for a massive number of daily pats on the back, add more friends.
  • tasha_24
    Personally I dont like to write on everyones status because a well done or way to go isnt always sincere, horrible but true, But if someone on my friends list is down or needs motivation ill help, just not on every tiny status, theres not enough hours in the day
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I use the blackberry app to track when I am not at home, or near a computer... It allows you to track, and weigh in but you cannot access any of the social aspects or see any updates/posts. It's possible that this is what is going on, I know for me I will have days where I am all over peoples posts with "way to go" and advice/comments.. then others where there is nothing since I am only using the app. Just a thought
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    I'm sorry it's been disappointing, if you need motivation or encouragement feel free to add me and I will give you all the motivation you can handle lol. Hopefully the future sees you in better spirits
  • heathermae1022
    Thank you to those who commented and sent me friend request I appreciate it . This is just something I have been struggling with almost my whole life and I figured this site would be perfect for me and be so helpful since my real support (my boyfriend) is overseas in afghanistan.
  • jenns_2349
    I feel ya on that. Text me anytime, you know that girlie. Sometimes I don't see comments but I always appreciate them, and I would never ignore a text! haha... you do a great job and that keeps me motivated :)
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I added you. Also, I went through your food diary and there is nothing there. I went back 7 days. Don't get discouraged because nobody has commented, it happens. Usually, nobody comments unless you lose weight, sometimes once every two weeks. It will get better, easier, everyone slips up from time to time as well. Things will be alright.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I dont know about everyone else but i only compliment and comment when I know someone has done something thats been a personal challenge to them. I feel like i know my friends on here quite well now so when one person gives up chocolate for a whole day thats an achievement, if my friend thats afraid of the gym goes to the gym then they'll get a quick chat/comment/well done!

    I dont comment on everyones normal daily diaries, i always look through them and if there is something nice or exciting in there or if they've done particularly well i'll leave a comment. Otherwise i feel like im posting for the sake of it and it will lesten the impact of my true opinions.
  • shannonmci
    shannonmci Posts: 56 Member
    Please add me! I definitely need friends on here.
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy, I've been on MFP since the first part of the year. I have reached my goal and continue to logged to keep my self in check. I enjoy providing motivation, support and the occasional butt kicking into gear post. It helps make the journey easier having MFP buddies. I wish you all the luck in your quest.
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    You can add me if you would like too! :)
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    This is the reason I don't add people on this thing, people are soooo damn needy!