Please help me...

keep going. I need supportive friends to encourage me. I started about 16 days ago. My husband is a manager at a restaurant so he works crazy hours. Usually it is just me and our two young kiddos (5 year old and 19 month old). I have to be at work at 6:45am. I get off at 4pm, go get the kids, cook dinner, give the kids baths, put them to bed. The only time I can work out is at 8pm when the kids are asleep. The important thing is that I am making time to do it. I need someone to help me stick with it. My husband is wonderful but he is not a great support system. We are going to Disney World with my in-laws in 12 weeks. I want to be 15 pounds down by then. I can do this... (I think)....(I pray)...eek.


  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Congrats on taking charge and wanting to live a healthy life! That is the fist, and most important step! The fact that you still are working out despite your busy schedule show your determination. You can do this!

    Disneyland is a great goal. I recommend making mini goals like that. Once disneyland is finished, what will your next goal be? Even once your reach your goal weight, it is always good to keep those mini goals.

    I've reached my goal weight in May, but I give myself a new goal every month. Whether it's to try a new food, or try hot yoga. They give you something to strive for, and you feel like a million bucks when you achieve them!

    Good luck! You totally got this! :)
  • terencest
    You can do it! Work to get your head in the right space and youll be right. Think of the reasons youre trying to lose weight...not just so youre slimmer for disney world, but long term you want to be healthier for youre kids and to feel great!