Law of Attraction...?

I'm really huge on the idea of my thoughts becoming my actions and I am obsessed with "The Secret" documentary (movie-whatever you want to call it). But I just want to know if there are any others here on MFP that believe it too?

If so friend me! IF you don't --that's nice I don't care to know your thoughts so just ignore this post! :D

For those that do not know and are curious. "The Secret" is a book and documentary based on the idea of The Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. The idea that we bring things into our lives, we attract "energy" by what we think or the vibes that we put out into the universe.


  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i don't really follow it, but i will say that when "the secret" was getting popular (2007ish, i think) my mom was pretty into it. at that time, i was applying to pharmacy school and she made me watch the movie. i figured, why not try this out, what can it hurt? so every couple days i would picture my acceptance letter, being in pharmacy school, and stuff like that.. and a few months later, i did get my acceptance letter.

    now, i do believe that i got myself into pharmacy school by studying and working hard, but telling myself i got in and picturing my future as a pharmacist kind of helped with the anxiety of waiting. i'm not going to say "the secret" got me that acceptance letter, but thinking positively and picturing positive outcomes in your life won't hurt anyone. i believe that positive/optimistic people are happiest.
  • andrewlazenby
    And all this time I was wasting my time on hard work, good grades, and planning... Who knew I just had to wish upon a star.
  • katrinas626
    Love The Secret! Be sure to read the follow up books!
  • ranz9
    ranz9 Posts: 14 Member
    @andrew dont you know how it goes when you wish upon a star all your dreams will come true
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I'm a believer!! :P

    Over the past 5 years of so I've done a lot of research on the law of attraction, and although I don't believe that it's quite as simple as movies like 'The Secret' would make out, there's definitely something in it. Having said that, I have found it really difficult to apply to weight loss - which I know is a result of my own 'stories' or programing, which I can't seem to change.

    One program I have found which uses some of the principles of the law of attraction, as well as looking at our evolution as a species, mixed in with some good old fashioned common sense is The Gabriel Method. Have a look at the book:

    If you venture onto the website, it is very gimmiky and almost looks like a I tend not to go near it. However the guy who designed this method lost a tonne of weight himself and has dedictaed years of his life researching the science of weight loss. Defo worth checking out!
  • Nrj28
    Nrj28 Posts: 1
    I definitely believe that picturing your life the way you want it gets you one step closer to actually getting it.

    I've been hovering around 170 lbs for the past 4-5 years and no matter what I did I just couldn't lose the weight to be a normal BMI (currently right on the border around 25). I did some intense working out one year and lost 5-10 lbs but gained it all back once I stopped.
    I think the main problem I had is that, when I wasn't focused on how I wanted my life to be, I just walked around on autopilot. I didn't exercise, I ate whatever was put in front of me, and I didn't really think much about what I was doing.

    This year I decided I really wanted to change and started telling everyone (my friends, my boyfriend, my mom) that I really want to lose 20 lbs. I took a ballet class as a way to be accountable for exercising every week. I got a young, in-training nutritionist. And I started recording everything I ate. So far it's been a month and I've lost about 4-5 lbs.

    I think the point is, do you want to be the kind of person that exercises, eats healthy, and has great quality of life? If you do, you have to decide how to achieve that. Make plans and keep them. Keep yourself focused on short-term and long-term goals. Be realistic. I'm never going to be the kind of person that goes on crazy 5 mile runs but I love dancing so that's what I do.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm really huge on the idea of my thoughts becoming my actions and I am obsessed with "The Secret" documentary (movie-whatever you want to call it). But I just want to know if there are any others here on MFP that believe it too?

    If so friend me! IF you don't --that's nice I don't care to know your thoughts so just ignore this post! :D

    For those that do not know and are curious. "The Secret" is a book and documentary based on the idea of The Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. The idea that we bring things into our lives, we attract "energy" by what we think or the vibes that we put out into the universe.

    I am feeling closed, negative vibes here. I'll pass.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I'm really huge on the idea of my thoughts becoming my actions and I am obsessed with "The Secret" documentary (movie-whatever you want to call it). But I just want to know if there are any others here on MFP that believe it too?

    If so friend me! IF you don't --that's nice I don't care to know your thoughts so just ignore this post! :D

    For those that do not know and are curious. "The Secret" is a book and documentary based on the idea of The Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. The idea that we bring things into our lives, we attract "energy" by what we think or the vibes that we put out into the universe.

    But if you will it enough, people simply won't RESPOND to the post, you won't have to read it, and thus their negativity won't affect you.


    Not everything in life can be achieved with a go-getter attitude. The idea that people bring negative things in their lives SOLELY BY THOUGHT is nothing short of victim blame.

    If your life is easy enough to feel that you can simply positive-think things into it, feel grateful. Recognize your support systems, be pleased that you are able to see where things are good.

    THAT'S positivism.

    EDIT: My friend was right. Zombie thread. Self-facepalm.