Hello, Im trying to lose weight. Please help!

My name is Shannon and I really need to lose weight. I would need to lose atleats 60lbs to be considered healthy. Any tips will help please.


  • Phenoxyethanol
    Phenoxyethanol Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Shannon

    A lot depends on your situation (starting weight, body type, etc), but the basics are eat healthy and do regular exercise.

    As far as eating healthy, don't starve yourself, as your body will go into starvation mode and pack on any fat it can get hold of. Just try and reduce your calorie intake to a level where you can lose up to 2lbs in a week. Try to reduce the fat content in your meals as well.
    As far as exercise, this can be something as simple as a brisk walk for 20-30 mins 3 times a week.
    Using MFP can help as it gives you a good guide to start from, but ultimately, you need to do what works for you. Just look as the weight loss as more of a marathon than a sprint.

    Good luck

  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    That was awesome advice from Phenoxyethano (OMG long name!) My advice is:

    Make fun of yourself. Laugh at your oops moments, and kiss calories bye! Literally. I haven't lost pounds, but sizes for some reason so I'm happy! Every time I see a lump of fat gone, I blow it a kiss. My kids think it's hilarious!

    EAT FOOD AND DON'T STARVE. It so doesn't work.

    I personally make every single day a cheat day in some way. Doesn't have to be food, but something for you every day.
  • Mamacass13
    Mamacass13 Posts: 57 Member
    MFP friends are big motivators! I've lost 23 pounds and have made friends just by connecting on the forums here. Feel free to add me! The group of people here are wonderful and offer so many helpful hints, ideas, and motivation. Good luck in your new journey!
  • Hi Shannon,
    I am fairly new to this sight but in the short time since I have joined I have changed my eating patterns & started exercising a lot more & am starting to lose weight. Hang in there girl you can do it! The people on here are very kind & supportive. Feel free to add me to your friends if you'd like , I'll support you any way I can.
  • I'm finding it hard too but keep going. One bad day doesn't mean failure!
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Shannon!

    The number one tip I have for you is: learn your body. At first, follow the guidelines here as closely as you can, but as you get stronger and more fit, don't forget to listen to what your body is telling you.
    For example, a lot of advice is given on here about not eating after a certain time, always eating breakfast, increasing or decreasing different nutrients (carbs, protein, etc). Most of the advice is good, some of it (a very small part) maybe not so good, but all of it well-intentioned. However, no one knows your body like you do. Case in point: I like having a snack before bedtime, even though most people on here say it's bad for you (and I'm not telling you any different). I just know when I try to go to bed without eating a LIGHT snack, I feel deprived. Sure, it's all in my head, but my point is, it's MY head, and if I can save some calories to eat at the end of the day in order for me to feel good and not guilty (because, face it, I'm going to do it whether I have the calories or not), that's a good thing, because calorie intake is calorie intake.
    Also, don't beat yourself up if you occasionally go over your calorie count, forget to log in, forget to drink water, etc. IT'S A PROCESS AND WILL TAKE TIME TO CORRECT BAD HABITS. Start over. and over. and over, if you have to. We do it as we learn to walk, as we learn in school, and as we learn our professions. We didn't get it right the first time with any of those, either, and this is no different. IT'S A PROCESS.
    Lastly, feel free to add me as a friend. Just know, as a general rule, that if you ask for my advice, I will give it honestly. And, if you don't, I won't give it at all. I think that's an even trade. :happy:
  • Malozing0809
    Malozing0809 Posts: 71 Member
    Do some weightlifting to help tone you as you lose weight so you don't end up with flabby skin! If you can do the weight lifting in a circuit you will burn more calories along the way. Here is a good place to start if you have no clue what to do for a workout with weights or don't have time/money for a gym:

    Totally doable at home in about 30 mins. Don't do weight workouts on the muscle groups two days in a row, so this one that works every major group should be an every other day workout.

    Another tip, have fun. Be proud of what you accomplish (not just losing pounds or inches, but also stuff like being able to do a pull up when you couldn't before, doing 3 more pushups in a row than last time, or being able to run for 20 mins straight). Each improvement should be celebrated no matter how small.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My name is Shannon and I really need to lose weight. I would need to lose atleats 60lbs to be considered healthy. Any tips will help please.

    Exercise regularly - try to mix it up a bit with gym, aerobics, strength training, walking etc. Keep as active as possible. Eat well, and make sure you have plenty of protein and not too much fat. Log on here every day.

    Also, take measurements, don't just focus on weight. And have little goals that are achievable.

    I find it motivating to have some old clothes to get back into. My first goal (after having my 2nd baby) was to get back into my sundresses, then into my jeans, then into my 'thin' jeans! The 'thin' jeans do up now but I still have a muffin top in them, so my next goal is to wear them properly.

    I've lost about 42lbs so far. Feel free to look at my photos - i've got one up from not long after I had my baby.