Sometimes I just HAVE to have chocolate! How bad is that?

sheri3762 Posts: 159
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Sometimes I crave chocolate. I don't have it everyday, and when I do its always dark, but lately I've been having it every other day! Its 180 worth in calories and I could eat more but I try to control this craving by sticking to this portion. Sometimes i have the good sense to only have half. How bad is this for my daily allowance? I go over on my sugar by about 25 grams every tme I do this? I only lost a half of poung in the last 2 weeks and I think its because I haven't eaten enough with all the excercise I get, but thats another story. Do any of you eat chocolate daily? I really don't know if I can give it up! I'm doing pretty good with all the changes I've made, but please tell me how much chocolate I can safely have! Thanks in advance!!!!


  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Can you try to just have 2 hershey kisses? They make the dark chocolate ones! That is what I have been doing and it seems to be holding me off. Other people have mentioned nonfat chocolate pudding, but I really need the full flavor. Good luck!
  • how about hot chocolate? less calories.
  • Like you I have to have chocolate everyday. I like dark chocolate 100 calorie singles.
  • fossilmama
    fossilmama Posts: 5 Member
    as long as you are sticking with you daily calories, I can't see that it hurts. I've lost 75 lbs since last FEB and I had a treat everyday. Honestly! I kept my chocolate or whatever treat I wanted under 200 calories. I can't live without my sugar. Regardless of eating some sugar everyday, I still lost. I excercised everyday also and I think that is a major factor in weight loss. Knowing that i could have my treat everyday made sticking to eating healthier SO much easier and I could look forward to that treat and not give into the urge to binge. Good luck and I say as long as you are sticking within your calories....enjoy.
  • I should have mentioned that each time I do eat the chocolate, I do need the calories. I never go over my calories even with the chocolate! thats one of the reasons I tell myself its ok! so instead of a handful of almonds, I go for the chocolate! I do eat the almonds also, but not as many! So, since I'm under my calorie intake and eat the chocolate, do you think thats ok? I know I have to quit this but I'm really hoping it won't affect my losses to much.
  • Thanks Mandislack! I hope it works for me too. Since I only lost a half of pound this last weigh in, I started to panic over it. I know I should have eaten more calories than I did during those 2 weeks, but I am really having trouble adjusting to eating so much. When I look back at what I use to eat, I really didn't eat that much. I always skipped breakfast, sometimes lunch and had a huge dinner. Lots of carbs and sodas! Now that I'm eating clean, its hard to get use to all the food. Its a strange process that I'm still trying to grasp. I'm just concerned that mabye my problem also lies within that darn chocolate!!!
  • fossilmama
    fossilmama Posts: 5 Member
    I honestly think what you are doing if perfectly fine. I literally have a treat everyday. Everyone thinks that I'm nuts, but it works for me and I have consistently lost weight. Sometimes I don't lose every week, but it still comes off eventually. I even allow myself a binge meal on weekends. We like to eat out a lot and I keep myself from eating fast food or binging by reminding myself that I can have my meal on Saturday and enjoy it with my family. Its really all about finding out what works best for you. You're sticking under your calories and if you need it, its best to have it. If you deny yourself, you'll just end up blowing your day and that whole cycle of guilt will start up. Once that guilt cycle gets going, its hard to break and most of the time you just fall of the wagon. If you are under your calories---it can't hurt your diet. It will only help in the sense that it is saving your from a binge later on.
  • Everything in moderation :) It's better to have a little bit on a regular basis than deny yourself & get to the point of binging. Soo long as your eating a well balanced diet & staying within your daily calories you'll be fine. Personally, sweet treats are something I have as a reward for my hard earned exercise calories. I have lost consistently despite these treats :) The only thing that has foiled me has been high sodium meals. Everytime I've missed my weekly goal it's been because of sodium & the following week I've been back on track.
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