Belly fat



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I have same issue I'm much thinner everywhere else, My wrist is only 5" now they look like they'd snap really easy but around my middle is still 33 " (from 48")

    I think I look older now as I lost loads of face and neck, can see outline of collarbone, ribs, boobs have shrunk loads and thighs are thinner and leaner but cos of tummy am still in size 14 (UK).

    Trousers are nightmare as end up having to get size bigger then there miles too big in the legs. I hate the fact I look older as always have young face when I was chubbier and bigger and people never guessed my age right often many years younger. For first time someone guessed me older recently and it really depressed me.

    I'm thinking I'll have to stop with diet and just accept I'll always be fat around the middle and get maternity trousers for comfort as sat all day in wheelchair. I'm 43 and going through early menopause I suspect from all dieting so emotions are all over the place and tiniest thing sends me into depression at the minute, have no energy and constantly exhausted from only living on low calories to lose weight and it hasn't changed for the last 3 months! It's really frustrating.
  • ShoOff007
    All working out does is help you to burn extra calories and build muscle under your existing fat. Sit ups will help your core, but you won't see the results until all the belly fat is gone. Just hang in there, that belly fat will go away eventually. One thing that helps me is that I try to keep my belly sucked in all day. By doing this you train you belly muscles to stay tight so your belly doesn't hang out so much. What ever you do, don't give up. Weight loss is about more than being skinny, it's about living a healthy lifestyle.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I have since read about oestrogen dominance and this does also affect males after age 40 too when your testosterone levels drop leaving you with more oestrogen. abdominal fat is one of the symptoms.

    I have got some progesterone cream to try and starting a diet to reduce oestrogen dominance and hoping I will see a difference if that's what's causing mine.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry to say this but you cannot "spot reduce". You need to incorporate a healthy lifestyle that constitutes eating the right foods and regular exercise. As long as you're in a calorie defecit, you will eventually lose body fat but alas, most is strored around the midsection so will be the last place you will see noticable differences. Hope that makes sense.


    I wasnt even looking to drop certain fat areas when losing weight..i had it all over LOL My last surgery the surgeon told me i have absolutely no substanial fat and very very little viseral. ... sooo what you eat and exercise DOES get that fat off. Concentrate on that.... before you know it your belly will be just skin.
    I made sure every day i was having a minimum of 60-80 grams of protein. ate fruits and veggies, low sugar, low sodium and very very little starches...stuck to low cal crackers n ryvita.... little brown rice or potato and no pasta... and had NO bread during weightloss ... WALKED, LIFTED WEIGHTS, USED ENCUMBANT BIKE, SWAM, DANCED etc etc....this is what worked for me.

    n yes..i realize you are not really wanting to lose weight... but what you eat will determin the fat that is in your body....