Starting again

So tomorrow it's the 1st October AND a Monday. It the perfect time to start afresh. I'm hoping that by creating this thread, I can not only receive support (which will be greatly appreciated) but use it to update and record my progress. I'm thinking that if I know I have to post here everyday, I'll be more motivated to stick to my plan.

If anyone wants to join me in this 'new start'. Please feel free to post :)

Good luck everyone!


  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi Bliss, congratulations!

    A week ago I was in your place, actually I was there for a few weeks but I decided to not get back to focusing on eating right until after a vacation that had been scheduled for months. It was the right decision I think, but I would have been glad to begin in the beginning of September, rather than the end. Today is my 7th day, it's been a good first week with the really high losses that can be written off to water loss. I'm looking forward to next week which will be the beginning of actually losing fat.

    I hope your first week goes well.
  • Vicstar1977
    I've just joined an October challenge, its a team thing so thats ample motivation for me not to give up! Good idea posting everyday, I'll check in how you're going :happy:
  • jodibethG
    jodibethG Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in the same place as you....and I'm staring back tomorrow with my exercise program! Since vacation in July, I've been hit and miss. I'm coming back to the message boards because it's always been my biggest motivation! Good luck!
  • knottygrandmav
    knottygrandmav Posts: 6 Member
    I've lost track of how many times I've been fact, yesterday was MY first day back AGAIN!! Getting harder and harder the older I get, too. Had hysterectomy 6 months ago and my body has done some pretty irrational body- not ME- lol So here's to all of us who at the very least, haven't completely given up yet- right????
  • bebifal
    Yea I'm starting fresh tomorrow. Today I just want to eat everyhting insight, I've had ground flaxseed, oranges, pistachios and egg whites, tons of coffee with coconut milk. I'm like a bottomless pit !!!! I start 30 dys shred tomorrow as well. I'm gonna lose 30lbs gosh darn it. Good luck to you
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
  • Charlene_91
    I know the feeling, I was in your place last week, and we have roughly the same amount of weight to lose. You can do it, just take it day by day week by week. Set yourself little mini goals to keep yourself motivated.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Reading your other posts and looking at your profile...

    -You need to go back and see your doctor. Now.-

    You are 97 lbs and want to lose 7? You could probably cut off an arm to do it but I wouldn't. 90 lbs might be a good weight for someone in elementary school. Please go back to see your doctor and/or therapist.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    So tomorrow it's the 1st October AND a Monday. It the perfect time to start afresh. I'm hoping that by creating this thread, I can not only receive support (which will be greatly appreciated) but use it to update and record my progress. I'm thinking that if I know I have to post here everyday, I'll be more motivated to stick to my plan.

    If anyone wants to join me in this 'new start'. Please feel free to post :)

    Good luck everyone!

    I like it. Every day is a new start. :) Best of luck to you! -Bobbie
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Reading your other posts and looking at your profile...

    -You need to go back and see your doctor. Now.-

    You are 97 lbs and want to lose 7? You could probably cut off an arm to do it but I wouldn't. 90 lbs might be a good weight for someone in elementary school. Please go back to see your doctor and/or therapist.

    I agree. Unless you are about 4' 3" tall 70 lbs is extremely unhealthy.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Reading your other posts and looking at your profile...

    -You need to go back and see your doctor. Now.-

    You are 97 lbs and want to lose 7? You could probably cut off an arm to do it but I wouldn't. 90 lbs might be a good weight for someone in elementary school. Please go back to see your doctor and/or therapist.

    I just saw this. What is your goal and why? How tall are you? You would have to be pretty darn short to have 90 lbs be within a healthy weight range. I'm thinking a doctor visit would be wise as well.
  • xXxBlissxXx
    xXxBlissxXx Posts: 33 Member
    It's nice to see that so many people are also taking this new month to help motivate them and start again. Good luck to everyone and feel free to keep posting your progress if you want to :)
  • xXxBlissxXx
    xXxBlissxXx Posts: 33 Member
    First 1lb lost. Onwards and downwards!
  • xXxBlissxXx
    xXxBlissxXx Posts: 33 Member
    Down another pound.

    100 Squats
    100 Crunches
    100 Press ups
    45 min walk
    and 1 1/2 hours of badminton

    woop woop!