Creative ways to add foods you love to your allowed calories

So I went to dinner last night with my husband at the Cheesecake Factory. I ordered off of their new Skinnylicious menu for dinner to stay in my calories, it was yummy. I had the steak option and sangria to drink. The steak option was 585 calories and my drink was 140 calories. Now it is the cheesecake factory and I love, love, love their white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake. I got it to go. At 929 calories it did not fit into my calories yesterday ;) . So I ruminated on it all night how can I make this work without killing my diet. Well I have a bagel thin with cream cheese almost every morning so this morning I weighed my piece of cake and split it into four equally weighted pieces, and took one piece and used it as my cream cheese this morning. Still more than my normal breakfast but will fit nicely into my daily goals, and I can enjoy it for several more days ;).

So what are some creative ways you have included a food into your day without killing your calories?


  • Jongfaith
    That's awesome! Way to be creative! I cant think of anything near this creative I have done to get my favorite foods in other than just sticking to veggies to get me some wiggle room. My biggest problem has been portion sizes of my favorite foods. I have to avoid grilled cheese, breads, cakes, cookies beacuse I will think dang thats yummy and go have another serving. You're ingenious!
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    I would call that a win! Great way to think outside the box.
  • bonnielovinglife
    Very smart way to work in what you love.
    I sort of do the same thing at times. A little usually satisfies my cravings for whatever it is I want if I'm offered something yummy.

    What threw me off when I first started tracking was the calories in drinks and bread. So I have found different ways to make sandwiches (lettuce leaf rolled up is YUM with tuna!). Trying out new things, food and ways to make them has been really fun actually.
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    It's not very creative, but since I have more time (and more temptations!) on the weekends, I try to up my work-outs on Saturday and Sunday mornings, so I have more calories to play with.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I find breads are something I have definitely cut back on do to calories too, I try avoiding them and am very choosy as to when to have them. I do miss them some. Lettuce as a wrap is a good idea exercise is a great way to have something extra.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I couldn't have brought the whole thing back. Too tempting. I will try to a small portion or work out like crazy to earn it... Now and Then though I just splurge! X
  • dglasure
    dglasure Posts: 2 Member
    Very , Very good idea!! Will definitely keep this in mind!:smile:
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Love your cheesecake creativity! I agree - you can fit anything in if you are thoughtful and plan for it