im new n need help

well im 28 yrs old n very overweight.i kno i need to do sumthin before this gets an emotional eater so thats not good.i suffer from depression and anxiety as well.i am a pretty girl but the weight makes me feel so disgusting n that people r disgusted by me.ive struggled with my weight for yrs.this week i managed to walk 3 times and tried eatin breakfast(big struggle for me) n drink more water.i wasnt very consistent tho.i wud like to b more consistent with these small baby step goals this week.and slowly add in some more small goals.


  • nateliming
    nateliming Posts: 5 Member
    Hello and welcome. Are you willing to spend money and how much? There is a program called insanity that offers great results as long as you put 100% into it.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Small steps are the way to go. Concentrate on what makes you feel good about yourself then you'll naturally want to start making other changes to help you body and mind become more healthy. I'm an emotional overeater also so I sympathise. I found precision nutrition has some amazingly helpful resources on their website.
  • mybella1112
    Hi welcome I am 44 and after leaving my job in 2007 I packed on the pounds and realized I need to get healthy so I can have a better life. I never ate breakfast or lunch and hardly ate dinner, just grabbed anything I could find. I was diagnosised with M.S in 1993 and have very weak muscles. But I decided enough was enough, I am doing for me know. I started with this site putting in all my meal and I joined Planet Fitness. I was afraid to go to the gym but 4 days and I love it. I do what I can and it's only $10 a month. You can do it, just take it one day at a time and don't get discouraged if you eat something bad or don't workout. Just do it for yourself.
  • tgsampson36
    Good for you!! You are making baby steps to get started. I can certainly understand the emotional eating because I have the same problem. I don't know if you need help with your food choices. Consider seeing a dietian. It may be helpful.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Welcome, you are in the right place everyone here is great very supportive, Friend people of all fitness levels and you will be able to get advice and tips, you can friend me if you'd like I have been lifting and working out my whole life , you can check out my food dairy to see how i do it.. Good luck !!!!:smile:
  • jshaen
    jshaen Posts: 27 Member
    I am right there with you. Need to bite this thing in the butt before it gets way out of hand. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can kick this thing together!!
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Hi:) My name is Tracy, and I can SO identify with you. I, too, am an emotional eater, suffer from drpession with anxiety (andanic disorder). It is hard to make the choice to give up your comfort (fodd) in time is stress. After many diets over my life (I am 49), I have finally decided that it has to be a lifestyle change, not just a diet....which always ends in my losing weight, being pleased with myself, then goin back to old happens and regaining the weight. That had to stop! I started my lifestyle. I did some research on different diet plans and decided I should try South Beach Diet, because it is intended to cut the cravings for sugar in the first two weeks. I am happy to report that it worked for me. It was difficult at first to give up all the sugary things I love, as well as white breads, rice, potatoes, etc, but it was worth it. I started my lifestyle change and so far things are going well. I encourage you to keep trying, and try to find a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. Wishing you all the best!