Zumba fitness?



  • KarenL1972
    KarenL1972 Posts: 1 Member
    I LOVE Zumba...just got back into it recently, kind of fell out of my rountine with being in school and studying, but now my course is done and Im back at it....I love it because its excerise but doesnt feeling like your working out and its fun doesnt matter how silly you look....have fun with it :D
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    thanks so much! I guess it is worth a shot. I know it's not for everyone, but maybe it is for me! :)
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    I love Zumba. it is so much fun!! you really should give it a try. Just go at your own pace, if you go slower than the instructor that is fine,
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I started off doing Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVD's and walking. After that I bought the Zumba Fitness for Wii and would do that occasionally. It's not about being coordinated and keeping beat. It's about working out and getting in shape. If you like moving to music, then you will enjoy it. You'll learn the steps as you go along. Just keep moving until you catch on.

    Try it out at least.
  • HMToomey
    16 months of doing Zumba, not changing much of what I eat, including a 25 pound gain due to getting both a concussion and the chicken pox and being laid up in bed for a few months and I am still down 40 pounds. Would have been even more!

    I love Zumba! I started with the Wii game and moved over to classes. If you can borrow the game from someone and give it a few weeks to get the moves down you may find that you love it too! I've never been a dancer but I can do Zumba!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I've tried a few different classes lately and I'm really getting to see what I like to do. Like being better word than some I'd like to use. I tried a few Zumbas. What I didn't like was the dancing. A lot to learn and I just don't enjoy it that much. Plus I love Latin music, but only when I feel like it. I tried Step class again almost like dancing, but I liked it better than Zumba. Friday I tried a Boot Camp class and I really liked it. The first class I thought I'd like to do this again. There have got to be Boot Camp like videos for the home. Check out your library and Netflix also has exercise videos. That way you don't have to buy something and hate it.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've gotten incredible results from ChaLEAN Extreme and now P90X. ChaLEAN Extreme isn't just cardio...it's based on the concept that Muscle Burns Fat. When cardio wasn't working for me anymore, THIS worked. Now I'm hooked and love the workout so much I'm doing another round in a few weeks when i"m done P90X. You can see my before/after pics in my profile pics. If you want to talk to me about it, shoot me a PM :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I love Zumba, love the music and love to dance. I am not always in sync and notice that others in class aren't as well but we are a fit looking bunch! Most important is that we have a great time with Zumba! It's a workout that goes quickly and one that strengthens your cardiovascular system and builds endurance. I think it would be a great addition to 30 day shred or weight lifting workouts :smile:
  • scrapfrfun
    I do Zumba at the gym usually no less than 3X week and my usual burn is right around 600 calories. I have also done it on my Xbox during the winter months when I can't get out for a walk......

    I find it fun and energizing and it doesn't feel like a 60 minute workout. Yes it is harder to pick up in the beginning and you feel like a fish out of water just flapping around ;) But they say that it takes an average of 3 times with the same instructor to not feel that way.

    I have not done the actual DVD's that they have but I would assume that it is the same as being in class.
  • brittrose33
    I do Zumba on my 'low impact' days, which are my days off from my crazy, give it everything DVDs or my weight lifting/running days. So far I'm really liking it, and I definitely work up a good sweat. My DVD is "Zumba Fitness" and it has 5 different sections, one is a beginner section where they take an hour and go over the moves with you. That helped me a LOT since I have no rhythm and can't dance. I always look like a moron, and fall behind the instructors lots of times, but if that happens I just do squats or lunges or the very basic part of the move that I can remember and pick up when I can. It's a better work out if you really go all out, and that's easier for me to do at home in private because I look like an idiot doing it. :laugh:

    Good luck with whatever you choose! Even if the workout isn't completely insane, it's better than having you quit because you hate it. :smile:
  • typicallytami
    Good evening. I started taking a Zumba class and I thoroughly enjoyed it, however, I am hard of hearing and I had a difficult time following along with the instructor. I was always two steps behind, even though I am fairly coordinated. It was hard watching her back. She callled out the steps through a microphone, I just couldn't hear. LOL. So then I got an XBox Kinnect and the Zumba game and I am loving it. 20 minutes from the XBox game is much more intense than my 45 minute class. Probably because I wasn't so self-conscious with other people watching me. I strongly encourage you give it a shot in a class or something, see if you like it, before making any large purchases.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    zumba is amazing and anybody ( I haven't read all the comments) who says it's not a workout..I call BS! I do not have the best coordination but I am able to keep up with my instructor..my moves don't look exactly like her but who cares..my heart rate is up...I'm getting a good workout and I'm having a blast....now all that being said..

    I bought Zumba for the WII and it's terrific! I LOVE IT and can do a 45 minute workout and keep up pretty good with it. What can be wrong with anything that you are having fun doing and is more moving than you would do otherwise.

    ps as soon as I lose 10 more lbs I'm buying some zumba gear and am also looking into instructing!
  • myjetta3
    take your laptop someplace at home where you can move and go to this youtube site...
    there are several zumba videos you can do to see if you like it!
    This is the gym I go to and they are awesome!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I started Zumba on my Wii at home yesterday and loved it even though I was doing rather a bad job at it but it was a great, fun workout that I'll do a few days a week. I track it with my fitbit.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I just joined Zumba classes a few weeks ago and I'm addicted! Amazing way to get moving and burn mad calories! I'm not the most coordinated person in the world but the more you do it.. the easier the moves get and it's just so much fun. Doesn't feel like exercise at all!

    If you're looking for other stuff to do at home.. look into bodyrock.tv and also Zwow youtube videos.. really good short burst high intensity stuff!
  • newcl360
    newcl360 Posts: 28 Member
    I just went to my first Zumba class last week with a friend!
    It was so much fun.
    In the past i've done aerobics classes and have found them to be really hard on my feet and knees, but no problem with Zumba!
    The instructors that take it are my age and really inspiring, super...SUPER fit!
    I got a sweat on which was great.
    I'm going again tonight!

  • carabela
    LOVE ..Love Zumba.
    I take classes & have the videos @ home.
    The best Advice is do it.. to have fun..so much you don't notice that it's a workout.
    The moves will come to you w/ time. For me..I have to wear my regular Puma running sneaks. They work better than my Reebok Easytone ...which are too bulky for the Zumba choreography. Have fun ; )