ripped in 30 starting tomorrow!

anyone else starting or recently started jillian michael's ripped in 30? starting in tomorrow and can use anyone for support!


  • BeyFit805
    BeyFit805 Posts: 15 Member
    Today was my first day of Ripped in 30! It didn't go too bad. lol. I like the changes she made from 30DS. Feel free to add me! Good luck with your 30 days.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I just started week three today!! :) I've done it before but this is the first time that I've actually done it everyday. lol
  • JulieMTiffany
    JulieMTiffany Posts: 61 Member
    I just finished a few days ago. Here is a comparison photo from when I started to when I finished. I don't think it's very impressive. I started the shred back up along with ripped in 30 for the next 30 days. I'm hoping for something even better.

  • Im starting week 2 tomorrow and it looks intense, im kinda scared lol
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    Started last week after 3 days got a cold, so I am kind of restarting today! I did 30 day shred a few months ago, and have done a video of Ripped in 30 here and there...but never all the way through...hoping to do it everyday for the next 30 days! Would love people to be on me about doing it I need encouragement (I mean I need to yelled at to do it! lol)
  • vander7679
    vander7679 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow too!
  • Arkani7
    Arkani7 Posts: 68 Member

    I'm thinking about trying it, but I'm not sure yet, because I already do quite much strength and cardio exercising and I don't want to give up this regular workout.
    But I like it that it's done in less than 30 minutes, so I could do it every morning and even on days when I don't have the time to go to the gym, so I think I'll give it a try and start with it in the next few days.
    Feel free to add me as well :)
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I just finished a few days ago. Here is a comparison photo from when I started to when I finished. I don't think it's very impressive. I started the shred back up along with ripped in 30 for the next 30 days. I'm hoping for something even better.


    I actually think that's a huge difference for only 30 days...Look at your waist line, you definitely lost inches there. We all have to be realistic about what our bodies can physically accomplish in only 30 days. It took more than 30 days to gain the weight, it's gonna take more than 30 days to take it off!
  • so glad to see some other ladies starting! it's been a busy day, but i'm going to do it as soon as my kid goes to bed pretty soon. i'm scared/excited at the same time. i've taken about 2 weeks off after 30ds (only to level 2 for 30 days). i need some yelling at too!
  • I've done it once, but starting again tomorrow, this time I will go harder and actually watch what I eat..
  • alright peeps. I started a group for anyone that wants to join!
    its the first time i've ever done that so hopefully i did it right :blushing:
  • JulieMTiffany
    JulieMTiffany Posts: 61 Member
    I just finished a few days ago. Here is a comparison photo from when I started to when I finished. I don't think it's very impressive. I started the shred back up along with ripped in 30 for the next 30 days. I'm hoping for something even better.


    I actually think that's a huge difference for only 30 days...Look at your waist line, you definitely lost inches there. We all have to be realistic about what our bodies can physically accomplish in only 30 days. It took more than 30 days to gain the weight, it's gonna take more than 30 days to take it off!

    Thank you :) I only lost about 4 pounds, I'm not sure how many inches.
  • You can totally see a difference great job!