Having a bad day !!!! :-(

Sarah219 Posts: 46
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all , I knew yesterday i wasnt going to be sticking to my calories , my hubbies was doing me a special dinner for valentines , with a choc pudding and a bottle of wine etc ...... that was fine i went and did a class in the morning just to limit the damage a bit ....and resigned myself to "having a day off from calorie counting " !!! Trouble is I am haviing trouble getting back into it again and have been picking all morning !!! Suppose i just want some motivational replies really !!!!! - to stop me going back down the slippery slope !!!


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    For me, it's hard once I get a taste for those goodies to then let them go. But can you find something active to do away from the house or errands, just so you are not around the food? Just remember, even when you think you want something, if you are truly not hungry and can distract yourself for 15 minutes, the feeling will go away. You can get back on track! Do it!!!
  • Put in a movie, read a book, dust the furniture in your house, or find something to do. If you keep active with anything, it will get your mind off food. Take back control lady! You can do it.
  • You did so well to do a class because you knew you were going to be letting loose a bit, thats dedication so you know you can do well! I think that a bit of indulgence every now and again is essential to a healthy mindset, so drink a lot of water to get you feeling good again, and start tomorrow completely fresh - don't look back or regret it, just carry on with your hard work!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Get back on track. It is sooooooooo worth it, and you will be sooooooo glad you did! :bigsmile:
  • You should log your calories every day. Just because you didn't log them doesn't mean they don't exist! I would go back and do your best to log everything from yesterday.
    Personally, I used my first couple of weeks on here just to see what I was eating and when. If I went over I didn't let myself get upset or beat myself up over it. I just wanted to see my habits and my weak spots. I think this site works much better if you are honest with yourself; and that can be really hard sometimes.
    Also read the message boards and blogs. You'll find so many people going through the same things.
    Most people's habits don't change overnight, it's a process. Let it be a process. Be honest with yourself (I'm on here because I used to tell myself that if no one saw me eat it then it didn't have calories!) but also be kind to yourself. Every day is a new day. It will get better.
  • thankyou for all replies ....... i am just going to put it down to experience and start from now !!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • I noticed when I do this I'm usually tired and that my body craves bad food to fuel me again (carbs, sweets, sugar)... so a nap is a good idea if you can - and drink plenty of water before you do.. The wines dehydration tendancies do not help this at all.. Hope you bounce back in a jiffy!
  • It's Valentines Day... Get cuddly with your husband to thank him for the dinner he made you ;-)
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