
aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
so im getting discouraged i started insanity about a week ago and scale hasn't moved ive read people have lost like 3 lbs by now/ but kinda a thinking giving up on the whole weight loss thing and just excercising. sorry if this topic is a downer but i am getting discouraged


  • I started 4 weeks ago and for the last two weeks I lost nothing! I feel discouraged but I think you've got to take a look again and see if there's anything you can change! I've upped my exercise in the hope something will shift by next week! Keep up the good work I'm sure there will be some results soon.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    Dont give in to discouragement...just be more determined and prove to yourself that you can do this...what will it prove if you give in..and then down the road you will want to try again...just keep with it and give it time...weight dont come on over night and it will not go away overnight either...lossing weight is a test of time and patients ....YOU CAN DO THIS!!! just stick to it...this site is so amazing and so helpful just use it to the best of your ability...

    Wishing you the best of luck
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    Don't give up on eating right! Don't think of it as a diet, think of it as learning to eat and live right. Your body is amazing, it does so much on so little! We expect it to take care of us no matter what, but all we do for it is complain about it!
    Think of is as your best friend in this world, one that will never let you down intentionally. You would want the best of everything for your best friend, so why don't we want the best for our own bodies?
    I too am discouraged this morning, I gained a pound from last week, but I know it was because I ate things that were not healthy for me the last couple of days, so it is all my fault, not my body's. So I will be good to it from now on and it will be good to me!
    Hang in there, you can do this and remember DRINK YOUR WATER!!!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    LIsten i thought the same thing, now on week 4, the first two weeks, nothing on the scale, but everyone kept saying how good I was looking. I upped the excersise to twice daily and the pounds came off week two. dont give up
  • I don't know if this will help - but I took all bread out of my diet...and that really kick-started it, and I've been losing since then...
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Look at it as getting healthy. My first month I barely lost anything (2.5 pounds). My pants did get quite loose and I felt better, but the scale didn't move. My second month I lost 9 pounds. Think of it as a lifestyle change and pay attention to how you look and feel.
  • Lose the bread for a month, it will fly off...
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    Don't give up!
    My mom used to say "you didn't put the weight on in one week, you won't take it off in one week either!' (And she's a smart lady)

    It takes your body time to adjust to a healthy lifestyle.
    Take your measurments, and see where you are losing. I have found when the scale won't budge, it shows up in my measurements.

    Also, are you going to let what a number on a scale dictate how you feel?? Do you have more energy from working out, do you feel better about yourself? I refuse to let the scale affect how I feel about my progress. :happy:

    Keep going, you can do this!
  • Dont give up!

    I was in the same position last year and all I've done is lost a whole year that I cant get back and gained another stone! If I had stuck with it a year ago I would have been at my healthy weight for 3 months by now :(

    It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change - everything you put into your body makes a difference, one apple at a time :)

    As for the exercise, yes thats good but to exercise, you have to fuel your body correctly otherwise you will end up feeling sluggish and wont get the full benefits of exercising.

    You CAN do it!!
  • You've go two things working against you. First you are female and everybody knows it is harder for the girls to loose than it is for the boys, and second, I saw your picture and you already look terrific! When you have a lot to loose, like I do, you start out faster. Don't get discouraged, it will come. I suggest you focus on something other than the scale. Your measurements perhaps or how much you can increase your calorie allotment through exercise. Focus on something you can absolutely control and then control that. The scale will follow, it must, it has no choice, and that thing everyone says about bread is true. Loose the bread and loose the weight. We are all pulling for ya!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Ditto to all these great responses! It takes time to change your lifestyle but if you stick to it, one year from now you'll look back and you'll be amazed.

    I thought I was already pretty healthy when I started MFP in May 2009, but I was shocked when I started weighing and measuring my food - I had been totally underestimating portion sizes. It took a while to get used to smaller portions but now I'm used to it and feel uncomfortably stuffed if I eat the way I used to.

    I used to eat chocolate every day - just a little bit of dark chocolate to be sure, but still - every day. Now it's an occasional treat and tastes even better.

    I used to have a glass of wine every day. Now it's three times a week and I'm working on reducing it further.

    I used to hate going to the gym. I started going with a friend and now I go four times a week (I've got my karate class the other three days).

    None of these changes came overnight; some came only within the last couple of months. So don't give up; think about where you want to be a year from now. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Don't be discouraged. I seem to lose a little and then plateau for a week, lose a little more and plateau for a week, and yes, sometimes even slip back a little, and then make a bigger jump forward. Get to know your own body. I'm a senior who likes walking, but the winter weather has forced me inside, but that doesn't stop me. I'm learning (and creating Fred Astaire) dance steps on the basement stairs. LOL Having fun, lowering blood pressure, strengthening muscles, improving balance, etc, etc, etc, so if I don't lose a lot today, I know I'm healthier for having done the activity.

    Food wise - Oh my goodness! There are so many wonderful tastes out there that I would never have explored if I hadn't started this diet. Romaine lettuce with spinach, strawberries, and nuts plus a little lowfat dressing is awesome! And steamed jicama was never on my menu before. I discovered that yellow curry and cumin in homemade soup is wonderful, too! New foods, new recipes, new spices, and new ways of preparing the food! I'm having a ball and losing weight in the meantime. I'm making more fresh vegetables, salads, and fresh fruit mixtures. Instead of candy in the house, I put frosted whole wheat bites in decorative plastic containers and enjoy a couple of them as a treat. I used to be afraid to try new combinations, but I think both my husband and I benefit from having the fresh fruits and vegetables, plus the fish options. Don't even get me started about the wonderful lowcal things you can do with fish and poultry! LOL

    As for bread - well, that's ONE thing I just can't give up! SO I bought 35 calorie whole wheat bread, so I am able to satisfy my whole wheat needs without blowing my calorie intake. In addition, I limit myself to one slice, even when having a sandwich. I used it to make low calorie bread crumbs and seasoned croutons, as well.

    Please don't become discouraged. Just start having some fun with your food choices! Make it a game - and the winner will be you! And continue the exercise. I've lost 20 pounds as of today, and my high blood pressure is now at optimal level without taking medicine. There are NO down sides to exploring a healthy diet, exercising, and drinking lots of water (which I had to push myself to do)! Hang in there!!!!!!!!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    thanks guys for all the support even though today wasn't a workout day for me i decided to worlout for 30 min while my 5mth old was asleep.
  • kumba
    kumba Posts: 3 Member
    Don't stop working it! You should know from this program what your daily calorie intake should be. Did you hope to lose more than 1.5 lbs per week? If so, you are restricting yourself too much and you will most likely end up bingeing and gaining later. You don't have a lot to lose, so just take it easy and be nice to yourself. Counting calories every day will help get you in the groove of what you can eat to stay in your weight loss range. You will have bad days, but everything averages out. If you have a bad day, just have an extra good day the next! I am struggling too, but learning a lot from seeing how much I am actually eating. I had no idea and it is no wonder I am overweight! Plus, if you aren't working a program like this, you may be gaining weight. So even if you stay the same or lose very slowly, you are making progress. Hang in there!
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