Here I go...

tlrcwr Posts: 12 Member
Hi! My name is Tami and this is the first time I've tried MFP. I've done Weight Watchers in the past but didn't like having to count points, and I'm not succeeding on my own now.

I have so little time to exercise, but I'm trying to make it work. I try to get up at 5:30 in the morning to work, and sometimes I just can't get out of bed. I work full time, and have a daughter in Irish dance 2 nights a week plus a routine appt every week, as well as a 3 year old boy who just always wants his Momma. I feel so badly about myself though that it makes for a really negative cycle...and since I turned 38 it is getting SO hard to control this weight.

So, here I go. 30 lb goal....I'd love to hear from really busy moms who manage to fit exercise in!


  • ewl6850
    ewl6850 Posts: 158 Member
    Add me. If you promise to help me stay motivated, I will do the same. I am always looking for someone to chat with in my down time, too!
  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Tami! Welcome.. MFP is the best site ever! Plenty of motivation and help! My children are daughter is 39 and a busy mom and she's the one that got me on this site..she inspires me! If you like..feel free to add me as a friend
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    Feel free to add me. I splurged and got a fitbit which keeps me going. I use the bathroom upstairs so I get more flights of stairs in every day, and I park further away, and I walk the long way around. I finally started couch to 5k (free on line and free phone app) and I do that on the treadmill with a fan blowing at me while watching tv with the kids. I have been trying to treat exercise like a prescription from my doctor. It is gradually getting to the point where I am liking it, proud of my accomplishments, and even looking FORWARD to it, which is something I NEVER thought would happen!

    It is a bit of a learning curve. This is a process...progress, not perfection. My favorite quote lately is from Batman Begins "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up!"

    Hang in there...NEVER give up!
  • FuneralForMyFat
    More than welcome to add me I love to help motivate others and be motivated :)
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    MFP will work for you if you commit to it. The best thing about MFP is that it doesn't tell you what to eat, it tells you what you are eating. It puts you in control instead of some other programs that try to control you instead. Good luck.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I feel your pain! :wink:

    I work from home, teach my 13 year old son 7th grade curriculum at home, run to his BMX races three nights a week, and teach college students at night!

    No matter what, in the beginning, I just simply MADE myself do it. I had to be worth the effort! So I kept telling myself to go do it and I did. I hated every second of it, to be honest. I chose running as my exercise. When I began I could not run at 4 mph for 30 seconds without wanting to die. Gradually I saw improvement and each time I noticed it, I felt excited at my accomplishment. It has been 8 weeks of running for me and I have run over 100 total miles, I look forward to running 4 days each week, I can run 3.5 miles now without stopping at 5.5 mph and I have run over 6 miles in one run. Each accomplishment strengthened my resolve and improved my self esteem. I was committing to myself and reaping the benefits for the first time in my life.

    it has been the hardest thing for me - so much inner garbage to deal with - but I am still accomplishing milestones and so excited to be getting fit. I hope you keep at it and see what I mean! Best of luck and add me if you like.
  • 5iver
    5iver Posts: 19 Member
    Sound very similar to me aswell. I would love to have some motivational friends and be there for you as well. Feel free to add me.

    My goal is under 200 by year end!
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Tami. I'm a busy mom, too. I work full-time and am a part-time single mom (the hub is a railroad engineer) to my 2 year old, very active, son. I manage to get to work by 8:00, leave around 4:30, pick up my son, and head to the gym, where I can put him in the kids club while I work out. He used to hate it and would scream for me. There's nothing worse than the "walk of shame" back to the kids club to pick up your screaming child after they announce your name over the intercom, lol! He eventually got used to it and now I have to bribe him out of there. I think it's one of the best things I do for myself and for him. He wants to do everything mommy does so if I stay active, he does, too. If I eat well, he does, too. And since I've been able to get my stress out on a regular basis I've been a calmer mom. If you can, join a gym with a kids club. I highly recommend it!!! And add me, if you'd like!
  • denneyjo
    Hi Tami I too am a recent convert to MFP and joined with my wife and her girlfriend. I had to shift my "get up" time back to 0500 because I still work part time. I have been here for about 30 days, and I will say just the reporting and watching others achieve their goals help me want to stay on track. Add me if you wish.
  • tlrcwr
    tlrcwr Posts: 12 Member
    Wow, so many replies, thank you! I look forward to supporting you all too on this journey!
  • hokie4life30
    hokie4life30 Posts: 13 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I work full time and am a single parent of two daughters. One that is getting married in September and the youngest is involved in piano, dance, and softball. I feel like I am always on the go. I am a teacher and most of my students struggle with a stable home life. I am there go to call in emergencies like today when one of juniors called and wasn't allowed to go to football away practice and needed someone to pick him up. I try to fit in the smallest things I can like today I parked as far from the ballfield as possible and carried the equipment bag to and from. I try to take short walks during dance practice times. It doesn't always equate to a ton of exercise but any extra step is more than I was doing. Feel free to add me.