Are there foods that you just don't log when you're tracking

My two would be pickles and coffee (as long as I use "fake" sugar and not much creamer). I figure they're both pretty low in calories and have pretty much as much as I want of each. They're my "cheat" foods. :laugh:


  • kimberlygo
    I don't log diet coke. There is like nothing in there.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    logging would be most accurate because a little can addup to a lot. 1 pickle spear may only be 20 cal, but eat a few and you could easily add 100 cal.add in a tsp. of mustard there a dab of creamer here and so on...
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    I don't log my Diet Dr Pepper.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I log everything right down to my gum since the ste is so simple to use. Boy, it opened my eyes and has helped me curb some bad habits or at least alter them... LOL... :laugh:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I don't log my Nicorette - which I chain chew! It probably adds another 100 calories a day, but you know what? I don't wanna:sad:
    All right - I'll start.:grumble:
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Log everything! Especially pickles - even if they don't have many calories they are loaded with sodium and can put you way over your sodium allotment for the day. Plus, all those little calories throughout the day do add up...

    I haven't been logging in my chewing gum though...perhaps I better start?
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    If it doesn't have calories (like diet pop) I don't. If it has calories I log it - so even the pickle that has 5 calories goes on my log. I even log ketchup and mustard. All those little things add up.....
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I don't add stuff like Splenda packets and Coke Zero. I know the Splenda has carbs and the Coke has sodium, but I just don't want to add them. They have nothing else in them. Yet, I only have a Coke once a week, and I have one Splenda packet a day. If I were eating lots of little things like this per day, I would probably log them, because they could be important. If I drank 5 Coke Zero's a day, my sodium would be insane, but I wouldn't know b/c I wasn't logging them. Just depends on the extent of your snacking I suppose!
  • siobhannestor
    Don't log tea or Stevia or the (very occasional - maybe 1x per week) diet soda... Also don't log one little pinch of salt in cooking (rarely use any, except for potato dishes).
  • Sarah219
    yes i dont log diet coke either :laugh:
  • charlottemay
    I know diet coke doesnt have any calories but does it contain sugar? I just find it too good to be true that you could drink as much as you wanted and it wouldnt affect you?? Anybody know? I hope that makes sense or do I sound stupid?
  • BigdaddyJ
    I don't log coffee or tea because I usualy have it on the go and since i'm usualy 2-300 low on calories I dont really worry about it.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    I don't log my black coffee, the cinnamon I sometimes sprinkle on foods, my supplements, the salt I add to foods (I don't track my sodium either, but I am conscious of trying not to use excessive salt), or most spices when I'm creating recipes to save in My Meals.
  • JenniHagerman
    There is no sugar, but there is probably aspartame in it to make it sweeter.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I log anything that enters my mouth..:wink: no matter what it is!!:laugh: and that way I know there will be no cheating here..:noway:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I know diet coke doesnt have any calories but does it contain sugar? I just find it too good to be true that you could drink as much as you wanted and it wouldnt affect you?? Anybody know? I hope that makes sense or do I sound stupid?

    It is made with aspartame (a very controversial sweetner). :flowerforyou:
  • jlw02
    jlw02 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't log gum, ketchup, mustard, altoids. That's about it.
  • BigdaddyJ
    OH! and I dont log ANYTHING on Sundays, since it's my day off, i also take a day off logging. I'm still careful about what I eat tho!!
  • sportsqueen32
    i log absolutely everything from the coffee to the splenda to the mentos. about the only thing i don't add is water that is used in a recipe, well that is if i log the ingredients here then save them as a meal. If I log the ingredients on Shark then the water is added. I even log supplements and drink packets ie: crystal light or wylers.
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    Okay, so I'll be the next to admit I don't log my coffee with half and half. I know it's around 25 calories. If I eat more than one pickly, I'll log it, but not one. I never log gum but my gum is sugar free. I don't log my my diet a&w. If I make a sandwich, I use only a quarter of a teaspoon of mayo and I don't log that. I'm usually 200-300 under, so I'm comfortable with not logging it.