14 week challenge

As of September the 24th, there will be exactly 14 weeks left until December 31st....

I am starting a challenge for anyone who would like to join. The rules are easy.... Set an amount of pounds you would like to lose by December 31st, and stick to it. Weight ins will be every Monday. Please get me your numbers before midnight. For all my Uk friends, I think this will be like Sunday for you... not sure on that one.

Personally, I would like to lost at least 15 lbs. This averages out to be just a hair over a pound a week. If I lose more, great!

I will also be offering a $20 itunes gift card to the person who has lost the most weight at the end of the challenge.

If you are interested in joining, please send me mail and let me know your current weight, goal to lose, and goal weight you hope to be on December 31st!
I will be making a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone!

Good Luck!


  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I am definitely in.......................:happy:
  • hmmm...starting a challenge that ends right before Turkey Day and Christmas is torturous! lol Count me out... GOOD LUCK though guys!
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    id like to join this challenge...i will pm you my details.
  • I'm in
    I'm from the UK... weighed in today at 195lbs, I want to lose 35lbs (2.5lbs per week) for a target weight of 160lbs.
    I'll weigh in on Sundays as advised.
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm in
    I'm from the UK... weighed in today at 195lbs, I want to lose 35lbs (2.5lbs per week) for a target weight of 160lbs.
    I'll weigh in on Sundays as advised.

    Sunday UK time is like Monday US time right? If anyone knows please let me know. Or Just weight in on whatever day would be Monday US time :)
  • I'm in too currently 147. Ibs want to get down to 126
  • Hello Trish, count me in.....
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in
    I'm from the UK... weighed in today at 195lbs, I want to lose 35lbs (2.5lbs per week) for a target weight of 160lbs.
    I'll weigh in on Sundays as advised.

    Sunday UK time is like Monday US time right? If anyone knows please let me know. Or Just weight in on whatever day would be Monday US time :)

    The UK is ahead of the US, so Monday morning in the US is Monday evening in the UK, Monday evening the US is early Tuesday morning in the UK.
  • angelam82
    angelam82 Posts: 61 Member
    Im in :) I actually started today with a 12 week thing to my 30th birthday on 15 December. I have my weight from this morning, so ill email you with that.
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm in
    I'm from the UK... weighed in today at 195lbs, I want to lose 35lbs (2.5lbs per week) for a target weight of 160lbs.
    I'll weigh in on Sundays as advised.

    Sunday UK time is like Monday US time right? If anyone knows please let me know. Or Just weight in on whatever day would be Monday US time :)

    The UK is ahead of the US, so Monday morning in the US is Monday evening in the UK, Monday evening the US is early Tuesday morning in the UK.

    I have friends in Australia. One in Sydney and one in Adelaide. Sydney is 15 hours ahead of my time (CST) and Adelaide is 14 hours ahead.
  • CognacKibby
    CognacKibby Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!!! Need some motivation to get back on track and not derail during the holidays.
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    Count me in. I am currently 163.6 lbs. I would like to lose22.5 pounds bringing me down to 141.1 by the end of the year. I have been on MFP for years now and I am good at recording the food I eat and the exercise I do for a week or two and then I faulter. This will keep me motivated.
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    I'm in too! I weigh 210 lbs and will lose 11 lbs.
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    Alright, I have every ones weigh in and goal.
    Next weigh in will be October 1st.
    Good luck!

    Also, feel free to update this thread and let us know how you are doing. What are you doing to reach your goal? Any NSV's? Conversate and make some new friends. Perhaps you will find a buddy that will help keep you motivated, or someone who inspires you!

    Hope everyone is having a skinny day :)
  • angelam82
    angelam82 Posts: 61 Member
    Week 1: 87.8kg or 193.16lbs. Loss of 2.8kg or 6.16lbs this week. Huge loss I know, I am pretty sure that it was mostly water, as I really started making sure I drank my 3 x bottles each day (total of 2L). I hardly exercised this week as well due to bike issues and not feeling well earlier in the week.
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    Week 1: 87.8kg or 193.16lbs. Loss of 2.8kg or 6.16lbs this week. Huge loss I know, I am pretty sure that it was mostly water, as I really started making sure I drank my 3 x bottles each day (total of 2L). I hardly exercised this week as well due to bike issues and not feeling well earlier in the week.

    Amazing! keep up the excellent work!
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    Weigh-ins are only a couple of days away!

    How do you feel you did this week?
    If you are like me, you do not look at the scale until weigh-in day. Overall I feel that I did good. I am already starting to notice a difference in my energy level. I no longer feel slugish after I eat... I think thats because I am not eating junk food and fast food that used to bring me down.
    I am also starting 30DS on October 1st. There is a group here that started the challenge.
    Here is the link for those who would like to join. If you join, drop me a line.

  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    I lost a pound. Not too bad since I had hit a plateau and I have been at 163.6 for almost 4 months. This 14 week challenge may just be what I need to get over the plateau.
  • I am just joining my fitness pal and would like to join this community although I am a little late
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I am just joining my fitness pal and would like to join this community although I am a little late
    Nonsense! We would love to have you join us.
    Weigh ins are on Mondays and the final weigh in will be on Dec 31st.
    I just need your starting weight and goal weight you would like to be on Dec. 31st.