People that only care about calories.



  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Originally I just counted calories, once I felt that had become habit I started focusing on nutrition as well. I lost weight just coutning cal however I feel I've had better progress since focusing on nutrtion not just in fat loss but I've noticed much better progress in my fitness abilities, had more energy and less acne and stomache issues.

    Divide tasks and conquer.

    I think if someone just start counting calories, they are on their way to getting healthier
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    I pretty much eat whatever i want but within moderation if it fits within my calories for the day aswell as my macros then ill have it. Im a really fussy eater so alot of foods i dont like, i do try to eat healthy as i feel better when i do so, but if i want a mcdonalds breakfast or a chocolate bar if it wil fit in with my goals im going to have it!! Ive lost weight by doing this and so this approach works best for me :-)
  • jdennisj
    Like everyone else, calories are king and need to be reduced in order to lose weight. I try to balance the amount of calories ingested by eating healthy and therefore I do watch the marcos somewhat closely. The goals I set for myself are 55% carbs, 15% protein and 30% fat. I try to maintain 200 mg of cholesterol or less and try to keep sodium under 2000 mg. Everyone should keep in mind that these are goals.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    I posted on a topic close to this one this morning, I have always taken a KISS approach to this. Keep It Simple Stupid, and have lost a few pounds. From the beginning I have only ever tracked 4 things

    1. Calories
    2. Carbohydrates
    3. Protein
    4. Fats

    I have never tracked one single gram of Sugar or Sodium and I make sure I drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water daily. Beyond that I don't over think it....

    Best of Luck

    I tend to look at success and ^^^^^this is success.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I count calories and watch my protein intake. I know my first priority is to plan for over 100g protein in a day. After that I relax and eat whatever I want as long as it's under my calorie goal. I feel better when I eat more protein but I subscribe to the 80/20 rule, where if 80% of your diet is healthy food, the other 20% can be discretionary. I enjoy wine, soft cheese and candy as my discretionary stuff.
  • makeoverpm
    makeoverpm Posts: 117 Member
    I'm still getting the hang of the counting macros, but I agree with the principle of "You are what you eat". Eating healthy in our Western go go go world is difficult, we can only do our best.

    I know I have a way to go, but really appreciate the support and good example being set by many on MFP.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I started out just counting calories but now pay attention to the macros and feel better for it. sometimes i am over on carbs but as a runner I don,t worry too much about it, as long as i am on 40 protein most of the time its good. I am always low on iron can,t seen to get enough no matter what i eat but I have my bloods checked regularly and my haemoglobin is fine so again i don,t worry. I also always go over on sugar mainly bacause I eat fruit. Initially I found it very hard to get in protein as i have never really liked meat but now i am finding myself quite enjoying steak or chicken something I would have eaten before because it was good for me but not really enjoyed. Sodium is never a problem I cook most things from scratch, don,t add salt to my food and don,t eat salty snacks usually I am way under.
  • pink_and_twinkly
    pink_and_twinkly Posts: 19 Member
    At the moment i only really care about calories. I'm also focussing on eating foods that keep me full.
    I suffer from migraines and my erractic eating habits (starving/binging) were making me worse.
    Now i try and eat smaller portions and regular meals; plus a couple of decent snacks a day.

    saying that I am trying to look at my sugars tho this week - i ate a lot more sugar last week than i had been and it triggered mega cravings which i found hard to deal with.

    Maybe as i get closer to goal as the months plod on i might focus on other areas but atm the happy with what i'm doing.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm a month in, and right now, my main focus is calories. I try to keep my sodium in check, but it isn't something I strive for, yet. I've lost 13lbs in September (again, new and 80lbs total to lose, so I'm sure it comes off quick for me).

    I'm taking the "if it works, do it" approach. I am hardly exercising as well. As soon as what I'm doing stops working, I will change things up. I'll follow the macros, I will throw a butt-load of exercise in there. I think I failed so many times before because I jumped in, exercise and calorie counting, and then lost my momentum. I was sore from a hard workout, so I didn't work out the next day.. and ate bad. Then it became habit and I was back where I used to be.

    I'm going to get this eating part done right, and then worry about exercising (although I plan to do the 30 Day Shred this month! eekk!!)
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    When I started out to lose weight here I was eating a fairly nutritious diet anyway - just too much of it, so it was a case of just counting calories for me as my diet was fairly good anyway.

    The programme on here makes it a pleasure to do and the community is really supportive. Thanks friends!
  • mrsfickle
    mrsfickle Posts: 34 Member
    As someone who has dieted my entire life...I count calories (now). In 2002 I dieted, lost 70 and gained back. In 2005 I dieted, lost 84 and gained back more. In 2012 I changed my thinking, didn't diet and I have lost 106 and continue to lose!!! I eat whatever I want, I live my life! If I am going out to dinner I eat less during the day. If I want to eat a piece of cheesecake I eat it! BUT I go for a walk or hop on the treadmill. I listen to what my body needs. I am not on a diet AND I WILL NEVER DIET AGAIN. Do what works for you.
  • mrsfickle
    mrsfickle Posts: 34 Member