Naturally thin people



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    No but I wish I was one. Then I would be pretty all the time and wouldn't have to worry about getting fat. :(
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    Look up horizon
    Why are thin people not fat

    It covers it pretty well but genetics is the main reason

    Unlike fat people, some people have a fat limit. all fat people can loose weight. Not everyone can gain.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    My hubby is one of those naturally thin people. He doesn't watch what he eats, he doesn't exercise, and he's only 180, at 6'1" (and he's in his 40's, he's not some young fella). It's good genetics - his father was the same way.

    It bodes well for our kids though - between me teaching them about eating well and those great genes, they should be golden.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    i would like to know the answer to that! i am not sure that it is genetics as stated before since i have struggled with being overweight most of my life, where my brother, is one that can eat whatever whenever and remain thin.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I found this very interesting.
    It's a part of a BBC documentary - two friends, one thin and one chubby who claim that it's their metabolism because the thin one eats much more than the chubby one, and they put it to the test and discover they were simply wrong.

    People always claim I'm naturally thin but I don't think that's the case- I know I gain weight when I eat more. I'm just generally avoiding junk food, am vegan and pretty active person. I grew up in a house where we weren't allowed any fizzy drinks or juice and only one snack a day.
    I always try claiming my boyfriend eats a lot and never gains weight but honestly, he doesn't eat enough for someone who's 6'4. I believe he might reach 2000 cals maybe once a week but most days it's fewer than that. I think he has this delusion that he eats so much because he sees what shorter people eat and has the sense that he's eating a normal amount while he should be eating more than they do.

    I guess while there might be people like that, in most cases it's not really true. Well, that's my personal experience on the matter.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    They are probably skinny on the outside but have a lot of visceral fat on their internal organs, especially if they eat crap and don't exercise.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    There are also people who don't take any pleasure whatsoever in overeating... I know a few. And envy them :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've got friends like that, who are really thin and do no exercise, and eat what they like.

    As much as I'd like to be like that, I know that when I reach my goal I will not only be slim, but toned and healthy as well.

    I'm hoping my children inherit my husband's fast metabolism though! Plus I will also ensure they are active and healthy. My 3 year old son is tall and skinny so far, but he doesn't eat much. My daughter is 16 months and eats well, but doesn't stop moving! I hope they stay this way!
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I used to think this as well . People will say " I'm naturally thin . I can eat whatever I want " but if you spend some time with them you will see they eat very small portions and eat very infrequently .
  • carrie564
    carrie564 Posts: 44 Member
    There ARE naturally thin people. I have a good friend who is one. She's almost 30 and still a size 2 with a 34c chest. It's their genetics & metabolism. I found out I have an incredibly slow metabolism, so I have to make huge constant efforts in food and exercise just to NOT GAIN anything.

    Here's my example that shows proof: She and I had a 5 day girls' trip together in San Diego. We ate the same things at restaurants (like literally I was watching the portions, and we were sharing large dishes & eating/drinking the same amounts), getting the same amount of treats. We did all the same activities: hiking, biking, beach, Magic Mountain walking all day, shopping, sightseeing, getting the same amount of rest, etc. At the end of the five days, she exclaims: "Oh wow, I've lost 3 pounds this trip, with all our walking around!" I checked my weight, and I'd GAINED 3 pounds. A SIX pound difference between us. Even if you expect slighly different food portions to have happened, there is no other way to account for a 21,000 calorie diference (3,500 a lb multiplied by 6 lbs), unless it's just her body burning it all off SO MUCH FASTER than mine, NATURALLY.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    There are folks who are naturally thin. It could be genetics or just a higher metabolism but that doesn't mean that they are healthy. Remember that unfortunately we as a society confused being thin as being healthy when that is just the opposite. Eventually when they get older it all the junk they ate will catch up to them as their metabolism will slow down.

    Word of advice. Never ever compare yourself to someone else. We all have our own bodies and different ways of how our bodies handle food and exercise. If we did that everyone would have an eating disorder because we are trying to be like each other. Just focus on your goals and completing them.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was one of those people until I was 28 years old. I don't know what happened. I guess age just caught up with me. :-(

    But even at my highest weight, I was a size 12, so I've never been extremely overweight even eating crappy and not exercising at all.

    I know a few people (people I know very well) who are naturally thin -- no exercise and eat whatever and are not overweight. That obviously doesn't mean they're the healthiest, though they're not exactly dropping dead, either.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I was naturally thin and ate whatever I wanted until I hit about 38. Big wake up call to have to watch what I eat!:sick:
  • mcedes02
    mcedes02 Posts: 56 Member
    My brother is a stick...has been all his life. He tried to get into the army and needed to gain 5lbs to meet the weight criteria. He ended up loosing 10lbs. He eats what he wants whenever he wants, drinking coffee instead of water and does little movement other than around the house. He still at almost 43 wears a 29-30 waist pants. Just in the genes I guess. A couple of my uncles were the same way.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    Are there truly naturally thin people? I see some folks who seem to be able to eat whatever they want, whenever they want and don't appear to ever gain weight. I know they may or may not be healthy, but it's the weight thing I'm interested in. What is different in a thin person who doesn't seem to have to be aware of every portion and minute of exercise to maintain an acceptable weight, and a person like me, who needs to exercise good self control and motivation to prevent gaining? Would every person gain weight if they didn't practice this self-control? Do the 'naturally thin' people exercise portion control and motivation to exercise without even having to think about it? Are the obese (like me) just the humans for whom eating without paying attention results in weight gain?

    Sort of. They are called Ectomorphs. A somatype. Usually long limbed, delicate, fast metabolisms or poor appetites, little muscle mass and have a hard time developing muscle mass. A lot of the times they are "skinny fat". A lot of people think this is ideal because they are "skinny" but a lot of time these people lack aesthetic shape (women have no natural curves, and men no X frame to their structure). Mostly though you'd find some people just eat very little or their food sources aren't as calorie dense and they are more active then people perceive.
  • adventuring
    There ARE naturally thin people. I have a good friend who is one. She's almost 30 and still a size 2 with a 34c chest. It's their genetics & metabolism. I found out I have an incredibly slow metabolism, so I have to make huge constant efforts in food and exercise just to NOT GAIN anything.

    Here's my example that shows proof: She and I had a 5 day girls' trip together in San Diego. We ate the same things at restaurants (like literally I was watching the portions, and we were sharing large dishes & eating/drinking the same amounts), getting the same amount of treats. We did all the same activities: hiking, biking, beach, Magic Mountain walking all day, shopping, sightseeing, getting the same amount of rest, etc. At the end of the five days, she exclaims: "Oh wow, I've lost 3 pounds this trip, with all our walking around!" I checked my weight, and I'd GAINED 3 pounds. A SIX pound difference between us. Even if you expect slighly different food portions to have happened, there is no other way to account for a 21,000 calorie diference (3,500 a lb multiplied by 6 lbs), unless it's just her body burning it all off SO MUCH FASTER than mine, NATURALLY.

    Well... I don't know.

    Recently, I went on vacation, and when I came back, I'd lost about two pounds. I feel I made decent decisions on vacation and did a lot of walking, but I think the main contributor to this was that prior to the vacation, I'd been eating healthy, but my body was, I assume, retaining water. I rarely lose weight in a consistent fashion but rather stay the same weight for a while and lose two pounds at once.

    So if your friend had been holding onto water that she lost after walking around or naturally after time, that could account for her loss, while water retention from high sodium consumption could account for your gain, and nobody had to gain or lose three pounds of fat during that vacation.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    My answer is going to be yes - but no. I speak from experience - I lived with three naturally thin people last year. Breakfast would be donuts and soda, lunch would be nacho cheese dip, taquitos, and soda, and dinner would be pizza, breadsticks, and soda. They would take in 2,000-3,000 calories a day with less than 30 minutes of exercise for the whole week. The phrases "portion control" and "nutrition" are not in their vocabularies. They ate like this for an entire year - pizza, ramen noodles, pasta, cheese dip, cheeseburgers, milkshakes, fried chicken, and not a vegetable or lean protein in sight. For the entirety of the year, they remained the same size -- size 00, 0, and 2.

    BUT there are a few things to take into consideration. For these girls, they will not be thin forever. They say looking at a girl's mother is the best indicator for how she will age; while I'm sure that there are quite a few exceptions, I think this is a fair rule.
    Also, these girls who were naturally thin had terrible immune systems. They were able to physically eat whatever they wanted with no weight/inch gaining consequences, but they were giving themselves the nutrients they needed to ward off disease.

    So ultimately, yes -- there are naturally thin people. Even worse, there are some people who are naturally thin no matter what they eat; however, this comes with a price tag.

    Just my two cents :)
  • simplynaturalfarm
    simplynaturalfarm Posts: 73 Member
    I have one brother who is 175 and 6'1 and nothing he does puts weight on him. One month he devoted to eating unhealthy and lots of it - ate out fast food, fries, donuts etc every day. He lost 5lbs the first week! He does not tend to enjoy food though and said he eats to exist. He eats tons (compared to my hubby!). His wife had problems gaining weight before they got married, had a baby and is now 30lbs overweight . . all in 2 years LOL.
    I have two BIL who are insanely thin and just can't put a lot of food away. The one's wife and her entire family is also extremely thin BUT, when she comes from a really stressful family situation. When she got married she became rather stress free and put on 30lbs immediately. She got injured and put on more weight, but now she is back down to a healthy weight without trying (she said).
    When my brother first started dating his wife, he used to tell us that she ate 2x as much as him. He said he'd buy a large pizza and look forward to eating half and taking it home, and she would eat half and then ask for the last piece LOL. He would go to the fair and she would eat 3 hotdogs to his 1. She is so trim and gorgeous and has 4 babies and loses weight easily. Even now when we visit, the amount of food she makes for them is incredible - she'll come out with her plate loaded and her hubby will ask "Did you leave any lasagna in the pan for me?" When we go on a picnic, she makes herself food and she will make 4 sandwiches. She is size 2.
    My dad is healthy weight with a bit of a tummy. He lives above his computer store, NEVER goes outside (he moved into town with my Mom so he would not have to drive to commute or do any lawn mowing). He eats whatever he wants, he snacks on garbage (My Mom does not and he has to buy it and put it in his shop because she won't let him have it in the house due to allergies in my other sister). He then says, "I'm going to lose weight.", marches to the post office (2 blocks) instead of driving for 2 days and is 5lbs lighter. My one brother is much like him (figures the fact that he is trim means he is healthy when he lives on donuts . . . ), and my other brother gains weight rather easily. My Mom moved off the farm and into the apartment in town and gained 40lbs the last 4 years.
    Situations are so different, but I know for a fact some people eat like a horse and do not gain weight, as I have 2 brothers who do, and a SIL who does. But others just aren't hungry or don't enjoy eating and watching them you can see it. You can see the difference in body type in my husband's family - they are all excess thin or overweight. He has one sister who looks just like him (freckles, red hair and fair skinned) and is heavier like him. His mom is horribly obese. They also have insane carb addictions - I mean when there is bread around they can't stop eating it like it is going out of style, when they put honey on bread it is 1/2 inch thick and dripping off, they leave the peanut butter jar out and eat it by the spoonful every time they walk by it, if they buy something for a treat they eat the entire package of double stuff oreos in one sitting, they put 1/4 cup of mayo on their sandwich - heck they have mayo sandwiches with nothing else in them or eat it out of the jar - he puts ranch dressing on top of the mayo on his sandwich . . . they have very very little self control so for my husband it has to be avoidance - he doesn't even do splurge days usually, but when he does a bit of exercising his weight melts off. His other 3 siblings are as thin as a rail like his Dad, but they do not eat that way. DH and his sister are very close to their Mom and she talks constantly about her love of food and not wanting to feel like food is forbidden, her tea parties are oreos dipped in marshmallow cream with jelly beans on top and when my children go there she is constantly talking to them about these being special treats (instead of garbage!) and I am SURE she affected them growing up - he was very obese as a child and lost weight when he went to college. If I lose weight her first thing is concern for me getting too thin . . .
    I have a long way to go before I'm too thin *G*
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    They say looking at a girl's mother is the best indicator for how she will age; while I'm sure that there are quite a few exceptions, I think this is a fair rule.
    My mother has been overweight her entire life. I inherited my father's metabolism. You get genes from both parents, so you can't look at a woman's mother and say, "That's where she's going to end up," because she may take after her father.

    My cousins all take after their father, as well. My mother's sister is very short with dark hair and has struggled with her weight her entire life. Her husband is tall, naturally thin and blond. ALL four kids (including their one daughter) look exactly like their father and none have weight problems. The oldest is 41 years old.

    On the other hand, my mother's mother is very thin and has been her entire life while her husband was heavy. Both their daughters got HIS metabolism.

    My daughter does not take after me, body-wise, either. I'm not sure who she takes after, to be honest, but she does not look like me.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    People say this so so so then the times those people actually put it to the test measuring calories in and exercise performed it always shows that thin people simply eat less and/or are more active.

    There are illnesses that can cause you to lose or gain weight, but those are not the norm. Most people have pretty much the same standard metabolism which is calculable. In fact those who are heavier will actually have a higher metabolism to cope with all the extra fat they have. (By the same I mean proportionately. Obviously a 6ft 6 man won't have the same as a 5ft 0 woman).

    Weight can be 'inherited' from parents in the sense that if they are overweight, then they will tend to be over-eating and/or inactive and will quite possibly pass those behaviours onto their children.

    There are some who say that a 'higher metabolism' can be at least in part down to the fact that some people are more subconsciously active than others. That is they are constantly moving, even if very slightly. Fidgeting at the desk, crossing/uncrossing legs, moving around...whatever. Apparently, some people are more prone to this and therefore this is an additional source of calorie burning.

    Also, some people (myself included) just don't care about eating. It is just an inconvenience. Trying to bulk up is a nightmare for me because of the volume I have to eat. It just feels so uncomfortable. Some people don't seem to have this sense and they can just keep eating.

    The fundamental conclusion is that; illness aside, it comes down to calories in vs calories out. When you see your thin friends you are probably in a situation where they are likely to be eating. Also, what you will not see are the meals they miss and the days they go without food. I know these behaviours because I was that thin friend who would eat a cheeseburger and chips as a starter then move on to a pizza main.

    People never noticed when I didn't eat for a whole weekend...