new and need lots of motivation

katie192 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, i am trying to lose some weight in time for summer, i have been looking for this kind of website for ages and the ipod app is great. My main problem is major lack of willpower and general laziness! But this has got to stop now. I just need loads of encougement and motivation to change all my bad habits forever!!!!


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Hey there! Weight loss is quite the adventure! Congratulations on starting your journey. I suggest making little goals. Like lose 4 pounds in 3 week - but give yourself a date to do it by. If you love chips then your goal could be to have chips 3 out of 7 days a week and accomplish this goal by a certain date. These little things are all things that make up our big goals. You have the will power to do it, or you wouldn't be here. Remember - it's OKAY to fall off the wagon for a day, it's okay to gain a pound or two. Seeing fluxes like this are completely normal and should be expected. Each day starts out new with no mistakes in it yet. Let us know how you're doing along the way! :flowerforyou:
  • phet
    phet Posts: 3
    hi love this method. real people doing real work. my son told me about this sight. he has watched me gain and lose all his life.
    now we are sadly doing it together. i am trying to drink lots of water and my immediate goals are to go to the gym or exercise daily for 35 mins. unfortunately i cannot run as i am now dealing with heart stuff. for those of you out there who are not affected by your weights effect on your heart etc. go for it. keep trying dont give up.
    i loved the comment nothing tastes as good as a smaller size jeans. i am also looking forward to wrinkles - seriously.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,312 Member
    Read everything and anything here in the Community sticky posts.

    Join an exercise or eating challenge under "Motivation & Support" in the Community here.

    Find a team here or group to join that you can become friendly with some of the members. Be it based on your age, or interests, or location or how much weight you want to lose, or by "SUMMER" There are many groups here trying to lose "X" amount of weight by summer. Join one or join twenty!

    Set goals. Be kind to yourself when you flub up on food or exercise. Begin again RIGHT AWAY! That day. Not "tomorrow".

    LOG YOUR FOOD every day and every bite.

    Drink your water.

    Exercise - no matter how briefly - five days a week. Park futher from the store and walk. Take the stairs. Walk your neighbor's dog if you don't have one. Take a 10 minute walk at lunch time. Take a 10 minute walk after anything that makes you move more.

    Good luck and keep coming back! Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • SimonACousins
    SimonACousins Posts: 15 Member
    A warm welcome to mfp. :) I came here a few weeks ago and at that time I decided to stop drinking Coke and coffee, as I now work on my general eating habits and 5 days a week exercise. I have been drinking Coke for 30+ years and stopping was quite a jolt to my system but I am determined to leave it alone long term. Everyone has their own victories and decisions to make with regards to how they chose to improve their health. Stopping drinking Coke was just my own personal one. I'd suggest you pick small goals that you can be determined with and proud of. They all add up. Best of luck on the path you travel. You'll get some great advice from the folks on mfp.
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