Hard to stay positive

Trying to lose weight and knowing I am just starting and have a long way to go, makes this whole thing very daunting. Probably why I have never tried to really lose weight before. Fear of failure.

In HS I was on the swim team and soccer team. After HS I joined the military. I was in really good shape.

I gained a lot of weight in having depression and then I had 3 pregnancies in 6 years. Never lost any of the weight, just kept adding on.

Now, here I am having to lose an entire person worth of weight, 144lbs. ((Trying to remind myself that in a week I have lost 7lbs))

Working out is hard for me now when it use to be easy. I just feel so disgusted with myself. I know you have to start somewhere...Just feeling sorry for myself today I guess, lol.


  • jessalleyne
    Hey there! You can do this - and it's great that you reached out! Sounds like you experience depression - and with losing weight that can be challenging - but you CAN do this! I would suggest seeing a chiropractor - preferably one with some natural health education. There are keys to our nutrition - like eating too much caffeine & sugar - that can contribute to how we are emotionally. And, there are homeopathic options that can help you get some balance back to your emotions - which will help you immensely!

    You are worth it - and you deserve to be happy & healthy! Speaking as a mom - when I can't do it for myself, I do it for them so that hopefully by example & by my growth they can learn things an easier way than what I have had to.

    Keep up the great work!! 7 pounds is awesome!!! :smile:
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    Make your goal smaller. Instead of looking at how many pounds you need to lose, 114lb, make it 20. Once you reach that, make it 20 more or even 30. If you make a bunch of smaller goals, you will reach your main goal before you know it. It wont be easy but it can and will be done. You can also find something you love to do for excersise. I love to dance, so I bought Zumba and Just Dance for the Kinect. I'm burning calories doing something I love to do and it doesn't feel like excersise. I also will do Insanity and Jillians 30 Day Shred to build muscle. Find positives in why you want to become healthier and use that as motivation. Mine, for example, is my 4 1/2 yr old who is like the energizer bunny. I want to be able to run around and play with her and not just sit on the couch. I want to be able to go on rides with her without being self conscious about whether or not I will fit or not. I also want to look sexy for my husband. You can do this.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    WE all have pity party days (mine was last Tuesday). It is hard, if it was easy everybody would be fit and in shape - right?? You have to want it and just tell your self you want to be healthier more than you want to eat. This has to be a lifestyle change not a "diet". Take it one day at at time and continue to remind yourself how much just 1 lb is. Have you ever held 1lb in your hand? Thats pretty heavy and you have already lost 7 of them!!! Chin up - you can do it your body will thank you later. One of the most rewarading moments was when I REALLY wanted to give in and just eat, but I didn't and after the urge went away I was so proud of myself. It's the little things that have to keep us going.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey there! You can do this - and it's great that you reached out! Sounds like you experience depression - and with losing weight that can be challenging - but you CAN do this! I would suggest seeing a chiropractor - preferably one with some natural health education. There are keys to our nutrition - like eating too much caffeine & sugar - that can contribute to how we are emotionally. And, there are homeopathic options that can help you get some balance back to your emotions - which will help you immensely!

    You are worth it - and you deserve to be happy & healthy! Speaking as a mom - when I can't do it for myself, I do it for them so that hopefully by example & by my growth they can learn things an easier way than what I have had to.

    Keep up the great work!! 7 pounds is awesome!!! :smile:

    Thanks for the advice. Something I never thought to do.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Make your goal smaller. Instead of looking at how many pounds you need to lose, 114lb, make it 20. Once you reach that, make it 20 more or even 30. If you make a bunch of smaller goals, you will reach your main goal before you know it. It wont be easy but it can and will be done. You can also find something you love to do for excersise. I love to dance, so I bought Zumba and Just Dance for the Kinect. I'm burning calories doing something I love to do and it doesn't feel like excersise. I also will do Insanity and Jillians 30 Day Shred to build muscle. Find positives in why you want to become healthier and use that as motivation. Mine, for example, is my 4 1/2 yr old who is like the energizer bunny. I want to be able to run around and play with her and not just sit on the couch. I want to be able to go on rides with her without being self conscious about whether or not I will fit or not. I also want to look sexy for my husband. You can do this.

    My first goal is 20. I have to keep reminding myself one day, one week at a time.
    I am actually going to start the 30 day Shred today, joined a group on here. I have no idea what it is but will find out, lol.

    Thanks :)
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Make your goal smaller. Instead of looking at how many pounds you need to lose, 114lb, make it 20. Once you reach that, make it 20 more or even 30. If you make a bunch of smaller goals, you will reach your main goal before you know it. It wont be easy but it can and will be done. You can do this.

    My first goal is 20. I have to keep reminding myself one day, one week at a time.
    I am actually going to start the 30 day Shred today, joined a group on here. I have no idea what it is but will find out, lol.

    Thanks :)

    Agree. Look at everything in terms of weeks or months and you will be fine. Your 144 could (and probably should) take a year or more to lose. Just take it a few weeks or a month or two at the time. Try different workouts, shake up your eating on a regular basis, and reach out when you need to. This is generally a very supportive place.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    That's what I had to lose, around 150. I'm half way to goal... Never thought I'd be here 12 months ago.. And that's with Fybromyalgia and major surgery. You can do this. This time next year you'll truly believe a urging is possible.

    Just take it one day at a time. One bad day is not the be all and end all, tomorrow is a new start... It's a long hard path, but once your quality of life starts improving it is so worth it!

    Keep going... For me decreasing carbs a little and increasing protein, has stopped me being hungry and made this journey so much easier. Wish I'd known in the beginning. Drink lots of water, gets lots of fiber and around 1500 calories. It doesn't have to be torture. Sometimes it is tough, but mostly its something I can cope with...

    Don't be hard on yourself. Lifestyle changes are not easy, get ready to fight! It's worth it!

    Zara x
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Trying to lose weight and knowing I am just starting and have a long way to go, makes this whole thing very daunting. Probably why I have never tried to really lose weight before. Fear of failure.

    In HS I was on the swim team and soccer team. After HS I joined the military. I was in really good shape.

    I gained a lot of weight in having depression and then I had 3 pregnancies in 6 years. Never lost any of the weight, just kept adding on.

    Now, here I am having to lose an entire person worth of weight, 144lbs. ((Trying to remind myself that in a week I have lost 7lbs))

    Working out is hard for me now when it use to be easy. I just feel so disgusted with myself. I know you have to start somewhere...Just feeling sorry for myself today I guess, lol.

    You just have to take it one day at a time. This is a long process, so you want to stay as positive as possible. Break it down into smaller goals for weight loss, nutrition, and working out. As you start hitting your goals, you will start to feel better.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    That's what I had to lose, around 150. I'm half way to goal... Never thought I'd be here 12 months ago.. And that's with Fybromyalgia and major surgery. You can do this. This time next year you'll believe it really is possible to get to goal!

    Just take it one day at a time. One bad day is not the be all and end all, tomorrow is a new start... It's a long hard path, but once your quality of life starts improving it is so worth it!

    Keep going... For me decreasing carbs a little and increasing protein, has stopped me being hungry and made this journey so much easier. Wish I'd known in the beginning. Drink lots of water, gets lots of fiber and around 1500 calories. It doesn't have to be torture. Sometimes it is tough, but mostly its something I can cope with...

    Read success stories on the threads, but don't get too caught up in info everyone gives..everyone is different.. It's what works for you. If you plateau change things, you have to learn what works for your body. You'll get there!

    Don't be hard on yourself. Lifestyle changes are not easy, get ready to fight! It's worth it!

    Zara x
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    7 lbs down is AMAZING! You should be really proud of yourself!

    This is a hard process (if it wasn't, everyone would be thin :laugh: ).

    Just take one day at a time, one meal at a time, one work out at a time. You will be just fine.

    The first major workout I did was the 30 DS. I was really out of shape and NOT fit and it was hard. But I kept at it and I did the whole thing. It totally changed my life. Now, doing someting hard doesn't scare me. I say "Bring it on!"

    You can do this. I am so glad you are on MFP, you can get a lot of support here.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    First of all, 7 lbs is great! Keep at it. When I first started running I signed up for races. I would look at ones that interested me, like the zombie Run For Your Lives and Devil Dash. Find something that excites you and will keep you motivated. Make goals for yourself and than reward yourself. When you loose 20lbs buy a new pair of pants, when you loose 30 give yourself another reward.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • josiea98
    josiea98 Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry to hear you're feeling down. We all have those times. I'm really having a hard time getting started. I was told my cholesterol levels were high and I should consider medication. I know it's my weight! My family is predisposed to obesity and diabetes due to obesity. So, let's stay focused for our health. You're young and have a lot to look forward to. Hang in there! Let's encourage each other!
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Start small. Change your diet a little bit at a time. Change your routine to be more active. Get your little ones involved, especially your oldest. I know my 7 year old is an inspiration. Create small goals and get yourself something as a reward when you get there (has to be non food related).

    St John's Wort is supposed to help with mood stabilization. Exercise is a proven mood enhancer. It releases hormones in your body that make you feel good. Instead of grabbing that bag of chips when you feel like eating away your sorrows, go for a short walk around the block instead. Sunlight is also good for the mood. I know that if I'm feeling down, I go sit in the sun for about 30 minutes and feel much better.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Thanks to all for your words of encouragement and support, I truly appreciate it.
    Talking about my weight is an embarrassing topic so it's nice to be able to express feelings without having to worry about being put down or people thinking I am just lazy.
    Thanks again :) Feeling better already.