Shakeology, Body By Vi or Protein Shake??

Hey Everyone :)

I looking to lose about 30 lbs by January 2013 but i find eating breakfast the hardest thing for me so I was wondering about Shakeology, Body by vi or Protein Shakes and whats your opinion on them all and such.

Thanks so much


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Expensive supplements that can be replaced by more delicious, nutritious real food for far less money.

    If you want to do a protein shake, do something like Optimum Nutrition gold standard whey.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Expensive supplements that can be replaced by more delicious, nutritious real food for far less money.

    If you want to do a protein shake, do something like Optimum Nutrition gold standard whey.

    ^ This.

    Additionally, you could just not eat breakfast. Totally fine to do so IF you feel okay doing it AND if you can hit your end of day nutritional goals while doing so.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Step one: Take all the money you would've spent on shakeology or bvv
    Step two: insert money into trusty blender
    Step three: add water
    Step four: blend it up
    Step five: enjoy your beverage
  • Step one: Take all the money you would've spent on shakeology or bvv
    Step two: insert money into trusty blender
    Step three: add water
    Step four: blend it up
    Step five: enjoy your beverage

    agreed shakeology is an epic waste of money.

    you should be getting breakfast from food but if you do lack a protein shake & multi-vitamin is the way I would go can't go wrong with ON Gold Standard, Muscle Pharm Combat Powder or BSN Syntha-6
  • UpBeatMaria
    UpBeatMaria Posts: 49 Member
    Shakeology is not for everyone. I personally drink Shakeology everyday and love it. It has done so many wonderful things for my body. I am a fitness instructor, I teach morning classes and I do not have time to make breakfast in the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (haha, I know you have heard that a million times) and Shakeology does the trick for me! I drink it before I head out to teach my class in the morning. It gives me crazy energy, it fills me up, it reduces my cravings for junk food and it is so delicious!!! For me and my needs I do not feel that it is a waste of money, but again it really depends on the person and your personal reasons for wanting to drink it. If I may ask, what is the reason you are considering drinking a protein shake? I understand breakfast is hard for you, but what specifically about it is hard for you? Do you not have time to make breakfast? Is your appetite small in the morning?
  • I agree Shakeology has done major things for me! I been talking it for almost a year now. Sure it cost a lot but it is money well spent for me. I have more energy and I have NO chocolate cravings... My dad takes it and his blood pressure has decreased because of it!
  • red051683
    red051683 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a bodybyvi girl myself.. I did it last year and lost 52lbs in the 90 days and over 30 inches over all my body.. it was great... The only downside was I got cocky & started gaining it back- I slipped and here I am finding a way to eat for LIFE..

    I still drink a shake virtually every day, I love them. :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (haha, I know you have heard that a million times) and Shakeology does the trick for me!
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (haha, I know you have heard that a million times) and Shakeology does the trick for me!
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (haha, I know you have heard that a million times) and Shakeology does the trick for me!

  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I've tried Body by Vi and I didn't like the taste at all. It was kind of gritty as well. I haven't tried shakeology only because I haven't been able to find a sample and I don't want to buy it if I don't like the taste.

    Generally I stick to a protein shake and a piece of multi grain toast for breakfast and it keeps me full for a long time and gives me a nice boost to energy. Sometimes I'll make my protein shake with iced coffee if it is one of those coffee mornings.
  • I want to try Body By Vi but my real concern is that I will gain all the weight back right after I stop the drinks... any ideas? Have you heard of how other people have done when they are complete with it?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I want to try Body By Vi but my real concern is that I will gain all the weight back right after I stop the drinks... any ideas? Have you heard of how other people have done when they are complete with it?

    ...How would you gain the weight back? If you were making healthy choices, eating at a number of calories that works for maintenance, and continuing to be active (cardio + strength training), how would you gain back the weight?
  • red051683
    red051683 Posts: 44 Member
    I want to try Body By Vi but my real concern is that I will gain all the weight back right after I stop the drinks... any ideas? Have you heard of how other people have done when they are complete with it?

    The only way I let weight pile back on was because I never DEALT with my eating issues. I still use it and I still love it :)
  • my concern was that is was the typical crash diet that when you get off you gain the weight back... I dont mind counting calories but its driving me a little crazy lately. thought body by vi would be a good change for 90 days :) I like the fact it gives you a little more freedom!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    my concern was that is was the typical crash diet that when you get off you gain the weight back... I dont mind counting calories but its driving me a little crazy lately. thought body by vi would be a good change for 90 days :) I like the fact it gives you a little more freedom!

    ...How does it give you more freedom?
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I do the Body by Vi. I love it. It makes a healthy quick breakdastbefore work in the mornings. Also makes good meal replacements.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    If you can do dairy, chocolate milk is a great recovery drink. I cant so I mix some rice protein powder with juice and almond milk. I just do the rice protein for my recovery drink and thats it. I dont like drinking my meals. Real food is so much better and cheaper.

    I would just keep some chopped fruits in the fridge, and make a smoothie for breakfast with an added banana, and some yogurt.
  • MandyG4557
    MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member

    If I may ask, what is the reason you are considering drinking a protein shake? I understand breakfast is hard for you, but what specifically about it is hard for you? Do you not have time to make breakfast? Is your appetite small in the morning?

    I am doing Insanity (Shaun T workout program at home) and so I heard protein is good for your muscles to rebuild. I try to eat for my lunch and supper but find really hard to have something with protein in the morning as I dont have time as I drive about 30mins to my work so I like something easy to make and easy to eat while I go to work. Right now I just eat granola bar or apple but never enough fill myself up in the morning so then I eat more at lunch or at snack. :( I want something help me lose weight and give energy for the workout. I did see on a site protein shake that comes with amino acid shake and recovery shake too. not sure if it good or not though but i wasnt as much as Shakeology .
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Have you looked into the body wraps, too? :explode:
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I like Optimum Nutrition, though I wouldn't really call it a meal replacement. My boyfriend likes to throw in some oats in his protein shake though to bulk it up a bit more and make it more of an actual meal. Or just drink the shake and eat a quick snack an hour or two later.

    I'd avoid body by vi/shakeology as they're just gimmick products.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    How about just not eating breakfast if you don't want to, and just staying within a reasonable number of calories? Sounds like a better plan than trying to force yourself into an eating pattern that doesn't come naturally to you.

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day... To people who really like breakfast.
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    i do Idealshape shakes, i like them a lot. they taste good.
  • Take your supplement marketing crap and stick it up your bottom sideways!

    Starts with a question... then people respond "yeah it works"... then someone pushes the stuff on you like crack on an addict!
  • I notice when I do drink the shakeology everyday I am not as hungry in the early afternoon and my cravings for sweets go waaaay down!!! Its about 4$ a day if you break it up but thats about the same for any other good supplement!
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I wouldn't waste my money on Shakology or BBV. I buy my own protein (Pure Whey Protein) and mix it up with different ingredients every day. I love having my coolata shake for breakfast and it will keep my satisfied for about 4 hours. I use 8oz almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein, 1 spoon of instant coffee, and 1 spoon of nutella, blend, and pour over ice...yummy. I had the hardest time hitting my protein numbers until I started having some shakes. It's much cheaper than Shakology and BBV.
  • I do Herbalife shakes, twice a day and they are amazing. They taste good, curb the cravings, and are high in protein and a lot of other stuff that is good for your body. I mix it with almond or soy milk, add in some blueberries or a little of some other fruit and blend it up.
  • MamaAlbright
    MamaAlbright Posts: 2 Member
    Shakes dont really train you how to eat for life. I personally dont want to be on a liquid diet my whole life. Body by vi is really sweet and from what Ive seen doesnt really assist in training you to eat healthy. My mother in law as been on it for about four months and honestly nothing has changed. If breakfast is a time issue prepare a quick grab and go breakfast the night before. I usually have a cup of cottage cheese and a fruit or yogurt and a fiber bar. Dont skip breakfast because then you end up eating to much at lunch.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    i would suggest trying different combinations & making your own at home instead of going with a mix. Personally, i starting having a shake every morning about two weeks ago when trying to get away from "diet" soda & i love it! My own recipe uses a base of Folgers French Vanilla Cappuccino mix with 10 oz of water (90 calories) & one container Publix Fat Free Caramel Yogurt (90 calories), then i mix it up with either more fat free yogurt (90 - 110 calories) or some protein powder (i prefer Body Fortress Chocolate, 140 calories). This mixes well in my smoothie blender with about 8 pieces of ice. Having a smoothie gives me the caffeine i need to get going in the morning & it's a very portable breakfast for around 300 calories & at least 14 grams of protein. Cost breakdown: Cappuccino Mix Container $4.00 for 17 servings; Publix Yogurt 4/$1 currently; and protein powder varies but can be found on sale in my area for about $8 - $10/container which has about 40 scoops. Total cost per smoothie: less than $1.00 per day :wink:

    Please understand that i'm not trying to say anything is bad about any of the weight loss programs that you have named, but feel that you could have the same benefits without spending so much $. Best of luck to you & feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :-)
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    SHAKEOLOGY ALL THE WAY!!!! I used to not believe in the hype until I tried it! I repace breakfast with a shake and it has has worked wonders for me! More energy (I'm a mom of 3 so I need all I can get), I am WAY more regular (sorry TMI) curbs my craving for the bad stuff AND it has over 70 fruits and veggies in one shake along with over 20 vitamins and free radical fighting ingredients. My hair, nails and skin are looking amazing too! I have some samples I can send you if you message me with your address -- that way you can try it yourself. :wink:

    Oh, and there's the shameless plug. Didn't even take a whole page.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    The Ideal Protein breakfast shakes are really good and also convenient. I am never hungry before lunch. 100 calories, lots of protein, no sugar carbs to speak of
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Breakfast shakes are a great idea for choking down an inhuman amount of protein before weightlifting in the morning. Lots of people do this with great results.

    For weight loss, just teach yourself to eat a reasonable amount of food, spending $90 a month for tips on tossing **** in a blender is laughable.