Tried everything, STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT!!

After having tried the weight watchers, every sort of diet there is and losing few pounds but then gaining them back, i am sick of it.

Recently i became so disgusted by what i saw in the mirror i decided to join here and make a change; healthy diet and more exercise. Results? None. Absolutely zero. Instead, I am gaining weight.

I weight about 210 pounds (96 kilos) and am 167cm long. I eat about 1200 calories a day, try to drink at least 8 cups of water daily. I try to balance my diet by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, meat for protein and some carbs but definitely less than usually. I have given up candy, sodas, ice cream, chips.. Basically all junk food. At some days i slip out of my diet and might have a piece of chocolate or something like that, but usually compense it with workout if that happens..

I do Jillian Michaels workout dvds every day (About 25 minutes), go for a walk/run at least twice a week and start to play ice hockey few times a week again as soon as the season starts. How come i am still not seeing results?

What in the world am i doing wrong for not losing any weight?


  • pearlyyy92
    You're not eating enough! Find out your bmr and tdee and aim for a number somewhere in the middle. But not below your bmr. I've had this problem too. I've been doing this for about 3 months and my calorie intake is higher than it was when I started, hopefully I'll start to lose the pounds soon. And so will you!
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    You are 5'6", 210 lbs, exercising regularly, and you are only taking in 1200 calories? You need to eat more. Without knowing your exact activity level I'd hafta go off of a guess of around 1900 calories for you.

    Eat more.

    Ok, so assuming you are "lightly active" your daily calorie needs for maintenance are around 2400. Your BMR seems to be around 1800. So 1900-2100 calories is a good goal for you.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm going to agree that you might need more than 1200 calories, especially doing anything by Jillian Michaels.

    Check out the roadmap thread for a better idea of how to set up your calories:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm going to agree that you might need more than 1200 calories, especially doing anything by Jillian Michaels.

    Check out the roadmap thread for a better idea of how to set up your calories:

    ^This. I'm 187lbs, I only workout 4-5 times a week and I eat 2000 calories a day. You need more food!
  • Nufraser
    Nufraser Posts: 87 Member
    I completely understand. I'm 5'8 and I fluctuate between 210-215 every other week. I am not as strict with my foods as you have been but I do stay within my caloric intake more times than not. I did have a bad weekend and my weight this morning shows. This has been a vicious cycle for some time now and it is very discouraging. I have checked my thyroid t3 and t4 and it's fine. I workout generally 3-5 times a week cardio and strenght training and the weight is not moving. But I resolve to hang in there and keep trying and logging until I find something that works. Best of luck to you.
  • ezzziii_candoit
    You are 5'6", 210 lbs, exercising regularly, and you are only taking in 1200 calories? You need to eat more. Without knowing your exact activity level I'd hafta go off of a guess of around 1900 calories for you.

    Eat more.

    Ok, so assuming you are "lightly active" your daily calorie needs for maintenance are around 2400. Your BMR seems to be around 1800. So 1900-2100 calories is a good goal for you.

    Oh wow, that seems like A LOT of food! I never thought you'd have to eat that much though.. I can some days barely make it to 1200 calories especially if has been a "salad" day.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    You are 5'6", 210 lbs, exercising regularly, and you are only taking in 1200 calories? You need to eat more. Without knowing your exact activity level I'd hafta go off of a guess of around 1900 calories for you.

    Eat more.

    Ok, so assuming you are "lightly active" your daily calorie needs for maintenance are around 2400. Your BMR seems to be around 1800. So 1900-2100 calories is a good goal for you.

    Oh wow, that seems like A LOT of food! I never thought you'd have to eat that much though.. I can some days barely make it to 1200 calories especially if has been a "salad" day.

    Allow me to say this the nicest way didn't get to 210 lbs by not ever eating more than 1200 calories. Find calorie rich foods you love...and eat! Throw some nuts or chicken into your salad...or even a spoon of avocado. You have to eat more though.
  • JohnMessmer
    So throw some Olives on that salad, and maybe an egg, use regular dressing and poof you have just raised your count substantially without adding hardly any food.
  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey hun!! Saw your post! Would love to help you!! I know what it's like to not lose weight and get stuck and not be able to move forward. If you can find me on facebook where we can use the chat feature, I can help you figure out what's going on. If you don't have facebook, we can use the message boards or email, I just find it harder to talk sometimes. Up to you, but I am sure I can offer some insight!!
  • grlloyd1
    How long have you been at this?
    Eat some more like people suggest, but eat good stuff! Do some training with resistance bands!

    EDIT: Also weight watchers tends to be rubbish, My mother and my gf have been on it for years and only had temp gains!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Have you been measuring yourself? A lot of people who do Jillian Michaels don't see much budge from the scale, but end up losing a couple inches. Not to mention you're also playing sports. Start measuring! Also, I second everyone else that you should eat more (good foods, not junk of course). I'm 5'9" and I eat at 1400 and I am sedentary, but work out a 3-5 days a week. It seems to be working well for me.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    You are 5'6", 210 lbs, exercising regularly, and you are only taking in 1200 calories? You need to eat more. Without knowing your exact activity level I'd hafta go off of a guess of around 1900 calories for you.

    Eat more.

    Ok, so assuming you are "lightly active" your daily calorie needs for maintenance are around 2400. Your BMR seems to be around 1800. So 1900-2100 calories is a good goal for you.

    Oh wow, that seems like A LOT of food! I never thought you'd have to eat that much though.. I can some days barely make it to 1200 calories especially if has been a "salad" day.
    It seems like a lot, but really, it's not. Not at all. Your body needs food to have energy and burn fat. And if you're doing more intensive workouts, you need to increase your food intake a bit more (which is why activity level is important in general calculations for calorie intake) If you don't eat enough, your body enters what a lot of people call 'starvation mode' and the first thing it does is stores fat for future use; it basically thinks you're going to need it later on because food seems to be harder to find and may become more difficult with time.
    If you eat enough that you're providing your body with energy, you're far more likely to lose weight.

    It's like doing the limbo; you don't want too high or you'll hit the bar, but you don't want too low either, or you'll crash to the ground.
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    yeah your going wrong by not eating enough hunni, ive recently upped my cals and im now finally starting to lose weight again, but also dont rely on just the scale as it can be vey misleading and dishearting, i know people who have dropped a good few dress sizes and yet the scale says they have not lost any weight!!

    Its frustrating so i cant say it enough take measurements also pictures you might have lost inches rather than weight, dont focus to much on the scale it will only drive you crazy

    Make sure you work out your tdee and bmr they are a must as you need tomake sure you are consuming the right amount of calories based on your activity level.The links that have been given above are good and will explain all better!!

    Dont give up hope it can take a while for any results as your body adapts to your new healthy lifestyle just concentrate on keeping healthy and the rest will follow good luck
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm going to agree that you might need more than 1200 calories, especially doing anything by Jillian Michaels.

    Check out the roadmap thread for a better idea of how to set up your calories:

    This ^^^^^

    1200 calories may help you lose weight for a while but eventually your body will adjust and stop losing (and maybe gain a little, although a few pounds in either direction tends to be water).

    In order to change your lifestyle to that of a fit person, you need to follow the plan above (in my opinion). It was scary for me to raise my calories as high as this said I should (I was a 1200 calorie girl for a long time), but I eat 1700 calories every day, run 4 days a week, do some strengthening exercises and while I have not lost anything on the scale since I changed to this approach, I have lost inches and become much better at running. So, take your measurements and take a leap of faith that the TDEE method will work for you (and you never have to diet again, just watch your calories according to TDEE).
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Track your sodium and your sugars. These are hidden weight holders. I gained on a deficit due to sugars. Also figure out what you eat that makes the scale go up and find a substitute for it. I know some people are going to yell BS but I have been on my journey for over a year and this is what worked for me. Also I agree with what everyone is saying about a few more calories. Try maybe 1400 and aim to hit that everyday. If you drink beverages other than water remember to count them. When I first started this I couldn't understand how I had ended up way over 200 lbs I thought I barely ate. Well days I barely ate I may have drank an extra 1000 to 1500 calories in juice. All that sugar and added stuff adds up fast. Next schedule with your DR and bring in your food log. They maybe able to help see where they can direct you better. Good luck!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're gaining it back because you're loosing it by not eating enough; you starve and then you start eating because you're hungry, right? Everyone else is saying the same thing I am- you're not eating enough during weight loss. Loosing doesn't mean starving. It just means eating a little less than your body burns. Use your MFP goals to figure out the right calories for you by getting a correct TDEE. I suggest a weight loss goal of no more than a pound and a half a week. It's slower, but it will be sustainable.

    Google Scooby's Calculator. It's another TDEE/ BMR calculator.

    Also, look into lifting weights. Like serious heavy lifting. It won't make you bulky, but it will build muscle that will give you that lean, fit look once the fat is burned off and boost your metabolism. This is what I'm doing and I'm loosing a pound + a week while being able to eat 1800+ calories.
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    Sorry for the all caps. But, just wanted to be sure you "heard" me. lol!
    1200 calories is extremely low. TOO low. You're body is probably in "starvation mode." Basically meaning, you're burning way more calories than you're taking in. Since muscle burns calories even when you're doing nothing, you're body will do it's best to survive by keeping holding on to fat and losing the muscle.

    Start eating around 2000 calories a day. Yes, I said it. Eat more to lose weight. Going up to 2000 will give your body the signal to begin boosting metabolism again. It'll probably take about 2 weeks to get your body back on track. But, hang in there. Once your body begins to get back to a normal fat burn, take your calories down to 1500-1600 a day.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Have you had a check up with your doctor to rule out any thyroid issues? It also wouldn't hurt to speak to your doctor about your weight loss struggle. Every body is different, so it would be great to hear from your doc, what he or she thinks your calorie intake should be.

    I was consuming about 1200-1400 calories when I was on my weight loss journey, and it worked. I ate great food, and was never left feeling starved or unsatisfied. I ate when I was hungry, and I ate well. Everyone's opinion on here is great, but I don't 100% agree with them telling you to eat more, because I didn't, and it worked for me. AND I was healthy. I went and still go to the doctors for a check up every 6 weeks and I am a healthy girl! Like I said, every person's body and health is different. You have to learn what's best for YOU :)

    My best advice is to make a doctors appointment. They are there to help you! Also, amp up your workouts. After about 3 workouts, your body starts to get used to it's exercise schedule and that results in it not having to work as hard. Change up your workout routine about every 3-4 workouts.

    Good luck! And don't lose hope, you can do this!!
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    How long have you been at this?
    Eat some more like people suggest, but eat good stuff! Do some training with resistance bands!

    EDIT: Also weight watchers tends to be rubbish, My mother and my gf have been on it for years and only had temp gains!

    my sister has lost over 2 stone by going to weight watchers so it works sometimes
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    You're gaining it back because you're loosing it by not eating enough; you starve and then you start eating because you're hungry, right? Everyone else is saying the same thing I am- you're not eating enough during weight loss. Loosing doesn't mean starving. It just means eating a little less than your body burns. Use your MFP goals to figure out the right calories for you by getting a correct TDEE. I suggest a weight loss goal of no more than a pound and a half a week. It's slower, but it will be sustainable.

    Google Scooby's Calculator. It's another TDEE/ BMR calculator.

    Also, look into lifting weights. Like serious heavy lifting. It won't make you bulky, but it will build muscle that will give you that lean, fit look once the fat is burned off and boost your metabolism. This is what I'm doing and I'm loosing a pound + a week while being able to eat 1800+ calories.

    By the way, I totally agree with Postrockandca. If you're going to start weightlifting, take in even more calories. Leave the 2lb and 5lb weights on the rack. Lift heavy and still have great form.