Anyone in the 275 lb range ?

Hi, I would love to have friends who weigh about 275 and who: 1. are serious about losing weight; 2. will share hopes/positive ideas and struggles, etc. Just need some friends who are in the same boat as me.


  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member starting weight was 276 pounds, but although I don't weigh that anymore, feel free to add me if you like, I'd love to be able to support you on your journey! :)
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    My pre MFP start was 297, my MFP start was 276, my current is 269....
  • Dying2Live84
    Dying2Live84 Posts: 154 Member
    290 here! Shocking huh?

    I'm willing to be your buddy, I am so so determined..... I WILL be wearing a bikini on my holiday in may.

  • My start weight was 285 and i'm 264 right now. any advice I can give or any encouragement I can share I would be glad to talk.
  • I'm in the 290 range and would love some friends too!
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for the awesome replies. I find that I stay on track if I am accountable to people. I do my calorie tracking on paper but I could post comments on my wall regarding total cals IN and OUT (maybe even provide a description of the foods I am eating as well if it doesn't get too cluttered). So I am going to friend you all who posted here. Honest, it is so good to be working on this journey with people who are in the same SW range.
  • mosichd
    mosichd Posts: 12
    I started at 290. I am down almost 10 pounds in only a couple weeks. Feel free at add me.
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    I started at 278 and am now at 245 and very dedicated. Feel free to add me :-)
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I started at 320+, down to 284 now. Log daily, and comment daily. You're welcome to add me :)
  • 280 starting weight! I would love to have someone help keep me motivated. :wink:
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    Happy to friend anyone who is ready to make big changes and encourage each other. Add me!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I started a little heavier than that, and am slowly working the scale down. It is totally do-able! Friend me if you'd like some support. We can journey together with others on here!:wink:
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well, when I started MFP I was at 277. I'm a good friend that knows what the journey is all about. I'm actually in the hardest part of the journey trying to lose those last stubborn pounds. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • amyk4598
    amyk4598 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm at 260 and could really use some friends feel free to add me
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    Hope you all send friend requests to each other as well - more power to us !!! :)
  • dcat4563
    dcat4563 Posts: 33 Member
    me, me, me!!! :)
    I've dropped a little since I've started, but that was right around my start.
  • angelgirl2272
    angelgirl2272 Posts: 9 Member
    My starting weight was 250, I'm at 195 now. I've been at this for 5 1/2 months and am almost to my halfway mark. I log in daily and track my food and exercise. You can add me if you would like.
  • hi i was 294lb am now 234lb have just joined on mfp as i have slowed down on weight loss, so pls feel free to add me so that we can all stay motivated together. I am going on holiday next week but will be fully back on it when I am back :smile: :smile:
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    Just sending this out there again to anyone who's in the 275 lb range - looking for friends who are in the same boat as me and who are serious about losing weight and are committed to losing weight. :)
  • Im at 272 / started 289...Im a fun loving goofball but serious about the exercise and loss...Feel free to add me...any of y'all actually :)