Tried everything, STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT!!



  • I completely understand. I'm 5'8 and I fluctuate between 210-215 every other week. I am not as strict with my foods as you have been but I do stay within my caloric intake more times than not. I did have a bad weekend and my weight this morning shows. This has been a vicious cycle for some time now and it is very discouraging. I have checked my thyroid t3 and t4 and it's fine. I workout generally 3-5 times a week cardio and strenght training and the weight is not moving. But I resolve to hang in there and keep trying and logging until I find something that works. Best of luck to you.

    As someone that has hypothyroid, I can understand. Howev er, ALOT of doc's are not well versed on what thyroid levels should be. Your Free T3 and Free T4 should be checked. Your FT3 should be near the top of the range and the FT4 should be no more than mid range. If it gets above that, you can have issues when Revese T3 (just got through this myself). Have a RT3 issue sucks...I had to beg my doc for the test, and glad I did.

    Having hypo, I tend to do better lower carb to manage my weight.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Like everyone else has said, you are not eating enough. If you were extremely short and didn't exercise at all, you might be able to get by on 1200 calories. But at your height, you need at least 1700 just to fuel your body if you did absolutely nothing besides sleep all day!

    To maintain your weight, while doing Jillian DVDs regularly, you would need 2600-2700 calories per day. (And that's if you have a desk job all day.) So to lose weight, you can safely eat around 2000 calories or maybe even a little more than that. When you starve yourself, your body systems, including metabolism, slow WAY down to make up for the lack of energy. Try upping it to 1500 for a week then try 1800 for a few weeks and see if that helps. If you have been eating at 1200 (with exercise) for very long, then it will probably be a few weeks for your body to go back to normal, then you will find that the Jillian DVDs and a healthy diet will melt the fat right off of you!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 94 Member
    In addition to what everyone else said..............Do two of the workouts instead of just one so that it adds up to more like 45 min to an hour a day instead of 25. 25 minutes a day just isn't enough--even of Jillian. sometimes after the 25 min I will go for a brisk walk or workout on the eliptical for another 20-30 min. depending on my time. I have most of her videos and love her to death but I have learned to get anywhere I really had to step it up!! You have to eat some healthy carbs your body needs it for digestion---I like South Beach and have learned that the hard way.


    Good luck and I could use some more friends, so add me and we'll keep after it together!! :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    How long have you been at this?
    Eat some more like people suggest, but eat good stuff! Do some training with resistance bands!

    EDIT: Also weight watchers tends to be rubbish, My mother and my gf have been on it for years and only had temp gains!

    my sister has lost over 2 stone by going to weight watchers so it works sometimes

    2 stone? what the heck is that? (sorry for being daft!)
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    You are gaining muscle, that's one reason why you are not seeing the scale go down. Take measurements and go by that, especially doing workouts like Jillians. Also, go by your NET calories. When you work out and log in your calories burned, MFP tells you how many calories you've earned. Eat most of those back.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Track your sodium and your sugars. These are hidden weight holders. I gained on a deficit due to sugars. Also figure out what you eat that makes the scale go up and find a substitute for it. I know some people are going to yell BS but I have been on my journey for over a year and this is what worked for me. Also I agree with what everyone is saying about a few more calories. Try maybe 1400 and aim to hit that everyday. If you drink beverages other than water remember to count them. When I first started this I couldn't understand how I had ended up way over 200 lbs I thought I barely ate. Well days I barely ate I may have drank an extra 1000 to 1500 calories in juice. All that sugar and added stuff adds up fast. Next schedule with your DR and bring in your food log. They maybe able to help see where they can direct you better. Good luck!

    Second that! I cut out sugars and the weight is coming off. My doctor told me (in a smug manner) 'calories in - calories out'. If that's true, I can eat only 2 cinnabons per day, work out an hour at the gym and be under my 1430 calorie limit. SuuuurRRRrre.... What works for me is to keep my 1430 cal/day, do intervals on the treadmill (30 minutes - walking at 3.3 for 5 min and running at 5.3 for 1 minute), weights 2 times/week, stay away from as much sugar / high fructose corn syrup as I can, stay away from the diet sodas, drink loads of water and savor the food I eat. I also cycle carbs - MWF are low carb days, TTS are high carb days and my free day is Sunday.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Allow me to say this the nicest way didn't get to 210 lbs by not ever eating more than 1200 calories. Find calorie rich foods you love...and eat! Throw some nuts or chicken into your salad...or even a spoon of avocado. You have to eat more though.

    I like this. Especially the bolded part.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    You are 5'6", 210 lbs, exercising regularly, and you are only taking in 1200 calories? You need to eat more. Without knowing your exact activity level I'd hafta go off of a guess of around 1900 calories for you.

    Eat more.

    Ok, so assuming you are "lightly active" your daily calorie needs for maintenance are around 2400. Your BMR seems to be around 1800. So 1900-2100 calories is a good goal for you.

    Oh wow, that seems like A LOT of food! I never thought you'd have to eat that much though.. I can some days barely make it to 1200 calories especially if has been a "salad" day.

    You have to eat to lose weight!!!! I eat every two hours......
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    How long have you been at this?
    Eat some more like people suggest, but eat good stuff! Do some training with resistance bands!

    EDIT: Also weight watchers tends to be rubbish, My mother and my gf have been on it for years and only had temp gains!

    my sister has lost over 2 stone by going to weight watchers so it works sometimes

    2 stone? what the heck is that? (sorry for being daft!)

    Stone is a unit of weight used in the U.K. and Ireland. 1 stone = 14 pounds.
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    I agree with everyone else. GOTTA GOTTA GOTTA eat more! Try adding some nuts and seeds to your diet. Or try almond, peanut or cashew butter with some rice cakes or (healthy) crackers. They're good fats with no cholesterol.
  • ascotton80
    ascotton80 Posts: 56 Member
    After having tried the weight watchers, every sort of diet there is and losing few pounds but then gaining them back, i am sick of it.

    Recently i became so disgusted by what i saw in the mirror i decided to join here and make a change; healthy diet and more exercise. Results? None. Absolutely zero. Instead, I am gaining weight.

    I weight about 210 pounds (96 kilos) and am 167cm long. I eat about 1200 calories a day, try to drink at least 8 cups of water daily. I try to balance my diet by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, meat for protein and some carbs but definitely less than usually. I have given up candy, sodas, ice cream, chips.. Basically all junk food. At some days i slip out of my diet and might have a piece of chocolate or something like that, but usually compense it with workout if that happens..

    I do Jillian Michaels workout dvds every day (About 25 minutes), go for a walk/run at least twice a week and start to play ice hockey few times a week again as soon as the season starts. How come i am still not seeing results?

    What in the world am i doing wrong for not losing any weight?

    How long have you been on this plan? Has it been a month? A year? A week? Three days?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    A.) You are still eating too much and likely underestimating caloric intake
    B.) Overestimating how many calories you're actually burning with exercise

    and least likely C.) You have some unknown medical problem.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    You are gaining muscle, that's one reason why you are not seeing the scale go down. Take measurements and go by that, especially doing workouts like Jillians. Also, go by your NET calories. When you work out and log in your calories burned, MFP tells you how many calories you've earned. Eat most of those back.

    If she's eating at such a large deficit, she's not gaining muscle. She is, most likely, actually losing lean body mass. But I agree that she needs to eat much more than she currently is.
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    If you're not losing weight, then no... you haven't "tried everything".

    Might be on food intake but your diary isn't open so I can help ya there.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    i'm reading comment after comment and never once did anyone ask what you are eating! Are you sure that you are logging all of your food accurately? Are you weighing and measuring your food? Depending on your activity level you probably should be eating most if no all of your exercise calories. The last time I got stuck for 2 weeks, I took a look at my diary. It was no surprise that I was stuck. I had skipped a few days and didn't finish my log for a few more days. All the while I was pretty sure that I was eating within my target range. It's important to log completely, accurately and honestly. Also, log your exercise and try eating most of what you have burned so that the net calories you eat is close to or at 1200. Most importantly, be patient and DON'T give up!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    How confident are you in your calorie counts? It is tremendously difficult for people to accurately assess caloric intake. This is the biggest issue for folks that count calories, period. If you live in the states, as an example, the nutrition labels on your food are only estimates. They could be off by 10% or more. Are you weighing everything? Do you log cooking oils? Do you have cheat days?

    At 210 you definitely should be eating more than 1200 calories, but first and foremost you need to be as confident as possible that you are in fact eating 1200 calories before blindly increasing your intake.
  • Nufraser
    Nufraser Posts: 87 Member
    I completely understand. I'm 5'8 and I fluctuate between 210-215 every other week. I am not as strict with my foods as you have been but I do stay within my caloric intake more times than not. I did have a bad weekend and my weight this morning shows. This has been a vicious cycle for some time now and it is very discouraging. I have checked my thyroid t3 and t4 and it's fine. I workout generally 3-5 times a week cardio and strenght training and the weight is not moving. But I resolve to hang in there and keep trying and logging until I find something that works. Best of luck to you.

    As someone that has hypothyroid, I can understand. Howev er, ALOT of doc's are not well versed on what thyroid levels should be. Your Free T3 and Free T4 should be checked. Your FT3 should be near the top of the range and the FT4 should be no more than mid range. If it gets above that, you can have issues when Revese T3 (just got through this myself). Have a RT3 issue sucks...I had to beg my doc for the test, and glad I did.

    Having hypo, I tend to do better lower carb to manage my weight.

    Thanks! I will definetely follow up with this. It's not that I am looking for something to be wrong but this has been over of working with a trainer and changing my eating. Given I've never tracked before but still. Sent you a fR.
  • helybe
    helybe Posts: 1
    Not sure I agree with just adding calories!!

    My calorie intake is suggesting 1200 daily also, I'm a taller person, but close to same weight. I consider myself "sedentary" and when I work out 2-3 times per week, I add those in and the calories for the day go up, so then I have a protein bar, or a larger dinner portion, a gatorade, etc. But ya'll are outright telling her to add 500 calories to her daily intake? I have lost 27 pounds and have hit two plateaus. I worked through them, but have not ever been hungry. I would recommend you follow your fit pal very closely, don't cheat occasionally (unless or until you start to see some progress/reason to reward). When you work out add the workout and consume the additional calories (via gatorade, protein, etc - not empty calories).

    The math is sound. if you are LOGGING EVERYTHING, it should work.

    FYI, my daughter who is sedentary, 5'8', 130lbs and 21 years old was given 1700 calories, I am 5'9", heavier and 44 years old only get 1200 both of us sedentary, so since we don't know your age and your activity level, it's hard to believe everyone just blatantly says add xxx number of calories. Use (log) myfitnesspal 100% for 2 weeks and then tell us again the sitch.

    Good luck!
  • After having tried the weight watchers, every sort of diet there is and losing few pounds but then gaining them back, i am sick of it.

    Recently i became so disgusted by what i saw in the mirror i decided to join here and make a change; healthy diet and more exercise. Results? None. Absolutely zero. Instead, I am gaining weight.

    I weight about 210 pounds (96 kilos) and am 167cm long. I eat about 1200 calories a day, try to drink at least 8 cups of water daily. I try to balance my diet by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, meat for protein and some carbs but definitely less than usually. I have given up candy, sodas, ice cream, chips.. Basically all junk food. At some days i slip out of my diet and might have a piece of chocolate or something like that, but usually compense it with workout if that happens..

    I do Jillian Michaels workout dvds every day (About 25 minutes), go for a walk/run at least twice a week and start to play ice hockey few times a week again as soon as the season starts. How come i am still not seeing results?

    What in the world am i doing wrong for not losing any weight?

    How long have you been on this plan? Has it been a month? A year? A week? Three days?

    I have been doing this sincee June, so about almost 5 months now.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    It's possible you're underestimating your calories. Are you measuring+weighing everything?

    Other than that, I've had good success with Atkins, you may want to give it or another low carb diet a try.