Tried everything, STILL NOT LOSING WEIGHT!!



  • ezzziii_candoit
    Allow me to say this the nicest way didn't get to 210 lbs by not ever eating more than 1200 calories. Find calorie rich foods you love...and eat! Throw some nuts or chicken into your salad...or even a spoon of avocado. You have to eat more though.

    I like this. Especially the bolded part.

    Yes, I did not gain this weight by never not eating more than 1200 calories. But this has happened over many years, and i have had a calorie intake of about 2000 calories without exercise back then, having said that it was more of what i ate rather than how much.
  • ezzziii_candoit
    Not sure I agree with just adding calories!!

    My calorie intake is suggesting 1200 daily also, I'm a taller person, but close to same weight. I consider myself "sedentary" and when I work out 2-3 times per week, I add those in and the calories for the day go up, so then I have a protein bar, or a larger dinner portion, a gatorade, etc. But ya'll are outright telling her to add 500 calories to her daily intake? I have lost 27 pounds and have hit two plateaus. I worked through them, but have not ever been hungry. I would recommend you follow your fit pal very closely, don't cheat occasionally (unless or until you start to see some progress/reason to reward). When you work out add the workout and consume the additional calories (via gatorade, protein, etc - not empty calories).

    The math is sound. if you are LOGGING EVERYTHING, it should work.

    FYI, my daughter who is sedentary, 5'8', 130lbs and 21 years old was given 1700 calories, I am 5'9", heavier and 44 years old only get 1200 both of us sedentary, so since we don't know your age and your activity level, it's hard to believe everyone just blatantly says add xxx number of calories. Use (log) myfitnesspal 100% for 2 weeks and then tell us again the sitch.

    Good luck!

    Yeah the reason why i originally had my target calorie intake as 1200 was because most weight loss calculators suggest me that... And for the age, I am 17 years old and mostly student which means I am sitting most of the day, however i do workout every day as well as have additional ice hockey practices each week coming up when the season starts.
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    You have to be very patient, weight-loss takes time and dedication. Then your body becomes a mean fat burning machine heheha I work out 6 days a week and eat some of my exercise calories but not all lately I haven't because I get full with all the veggies I eat... if I didn't you bet i'd use them. So far I think it's working...I eat a lot of good food. I do have junk food once in a while but I wont get the fries those are the enemy hehe. Overall you want to have a consistent 30-60 minute cardio workout I'd say 5 days a week but start at your level. I think everyone has great advice I dont know about eating 2000 calories that's a lot, but everyone is different. I do zumba, water aerobics, bike, treadmill I switch it up during the week and I started lifting some weights. I drink 12 cups of water a day.

    Good luck, stick to it!

    Eat lots of high fiber foods, brown rice, whole grains.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi, I am having a problem losing as well.It doesn't matter what I do I am staying the same weight after the first 2 weeks. If I change it up I lose for the first 2 weeks then stagnant again.

    I am exactly the same weight as you but taller I am on 1700 cals on non workout days and 2100 on workout days. You most definately are not eating enough.

    I just plugged your stats into a calculator at sedentary and it gave me

    Maintenance 2109

    Fat Loss 1690

    Extreme Fat Loss TOO LOW!
  • fairyT83
    fairyT83 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'6 and and 214lbs. I had the same problem, I was eating 1340 cals and I didn't lose anything for 6 weeks!! I was screwing big time, but i worked out my TDEE and BMR and now eat 1800 and have started losing again!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    While I agree with the others saying that you should eat a bit more, I think at 1200 calories for 2 months you should have lost weight by now. If you are absolutely positive that you track correctly, it might be time to visit a doctor and have your thyroid checked.
  • ezzziii_candoit
    i'm reading comment after comment and never once did anyone ask what you are eating! Are you sure that you are logging all of your food accurately? Are you weighing and measuring your food? Depending on your activity level you probably should be eating most if no all of your exercise calories. The last time I got stuck for 2 weeks, I took a look at my diary. It was no surprise that I was stuck. I had skipped a few days and didn't finish my log for a few more days. All the while I was pretty sure that I was eating within my target range. It's important to log completely, accurately and honestly. Also, log your exercise and try eating most of what you have burned so that the net calories you eat is close to or at 1200. Most importantly, be patient and DON'T give up!

    I live in Finland and at least according to the doctors the food labels should be pretty accurate... I often weight the food or then just look at the food labels if it has one. I did have a break from adding foods to here as I was out of internet and handwriting my calories for about two weeks, so it is quite possible that there would've been errors in the way i counted them and such.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I was in the same position last year (but weighed 280!) and thought I was doing everything I could. One thing I would recommend to you is to buy a heart rate monitor and see if you're really getting your heart rate up. Since I've started monitoring it (and for whatever reason, running has worked for me - I was doing twice as much time on the elliptical and not losing), weight has (almost) fallen off. See if you're actually exerting as much effort as you think you are. You want to make sure you get your heart rate up and bring it back down to burn fat. Watching my heart rate is the ONLY thing I've changed (and I do pretty much everything you do - eat clean, exercise, etc) and it has made a world of difference.

    You might also want to see a nutritionist and figure out what your base metabolic needs are (I did MedGem). You may or may not need to eat more - I only require 750 cal/day, which is VERY low - almost the lowest they'd ever seen - but you should know for your own well-being.

    Hope this helps!
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I agree with everyone else. Eat more calories. When I hit a plateau for a few weeks, I upped my calories from 1250 to 1600 and all of a sudden the weight started to come off again. Right now, I eat around 1600-1700 calories every day. On a different note too, watch your sodium intake, a lot of things that are healthy in calories, may be loaded in sodium. This will cause your weight to not change because of water retention.

    Good luck!
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Hmm, here's what I have been doing so far,
    1. Weighing all my food that I make myself.
    2. Watching nutrition labels closely.
    3. Avoiding processed food as much as I can (sometimes it is tough)
    4. Watching sodium and sugars closely (Sodiums are not really that detrimental since water weight is only temporary)
    5. Official weigh-ins are once a week (mine is Sundays). You can weight yourself daily but know that your weight fluctuates throughout the day so if the scale discourages you, hide it for a week.
    6. Use a measuring tape and measure waist, hips, arms, neck, thighs (whatever you want really) once a week as well along with the weekly weigh-ins.
    7. Make sure you are reaching or nearly reaching your protein goal
    8. Drink lots of water (Bring your water bottle every time, or at least make them accessible at all times). Drinking tea is good too (I normally drink green tea about 2-3 times a day - as a nursing student I need it to stay awake and keep myself warm in this silly cool weather)
    9. I take at least 30-60 minutes every day to exercise. mostly Zumba :P and at least once a week I go to the gym. And I am trying to do strength training Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. Most importantly, do something you love.
    10. Eat your 1200 cals, and eat as much of your exercise calories (especially if you are still hungry).
    11. If it is impossible to count calories (like my mother's cooking LOL or if you just don't want to) go by portions, eat slowly and listen to your body. Never eat when you are distracted. Eat alot of vegetables and water!

    By following these, I have been losing steadily for the past month or so. :) Have faith, don't lose hope. And don't be so focused on the weight, but think of overall fitness (being able to climb the stairs better, walking long distances, more energy, looser clothes, etc). This is a lifestyle change. It won't happen overnight. A habit takes a long time to form, you KNOW you will lose weight, enjoy the journey :) Don't be disheartened and just listen to your body, it will tell you if it is hungry or simply craving. And if you are craving, well, fruits are great :) and sometimes all you need is water. Never skip meals at all! and really make sure you are eating at least 1200.

    Hope this helps a little.

    p.s. I am a naturally long-winding. Sorry for the essay :P
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    You are 5'6", 210 lbs, exercising regularly, and you are only taking in 1200 calories? You need to eat more. Without knowing your exact activity level I'd hafta go off of a guess of around 1900 calories for you.

    Eat more.

    Ok, so assuming you are "lightly active" your daily calorie needs for maintenance are around 2400. Your BMR seems to be around 1800. So 1900-2100 calories is a good goal for you.
    I started here at 95 kg (almost 210 lbs also) and althought I saw many info that at this weight I should aim 2 lbs a week, I chosed to loose only 1 lbs a week (lightly active, 5'7"). Working out 2 and a half hours a week, besides little things like always taking the stairs and so on.
    My MFP goal is around 1800 calories a day.
    I admit it that MFP has turned me into a ”weight food” adictive. If I can, I will weight everything. :lol:
    I eat regular meals (everyday, same hours), 3 big meals and 2 snacks.
    I get my good sleep (at least 7 hours).

    From the 25 august 2012 to yesterday I have reached 91.5 kg (202 lbs). It may be little to some, but for me every step forward is important.

    Saying this so, this may not be the solution for everybody. I have seen here stories of people loosing on 1200 calories diet.

    But if something is not working a month, two months, I think other methods should be taken in consideration, like increasing calories.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Mine was my BP being too high. On meds now and have lost 30 lbs in 3 months. Have your doc do some blood work on your hormones, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I'm going to agree that you might need more than 1200 calories, especially doing anything by Jillian Michaels.

    Check out the roadmap thread for a better idea of how to set up your calories:

    ^^ This, I did 1200 for a couple of weeks and hated it - read the roadmap, I'm now on 1500 a day and losing 1lb a week - nice and steady and this makes it more of a long term plan, can still have my wine (thank god) and yet I am still losing. Honestly you need to eat more. I'm 5'1 and 145lbs by the way and eating more than you - and I don't exercise as much as you. Surely that can't be right. :wink:

    Good luck and I hope you find your happy spot - whatever you do please never net below 1200.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Open your diary so people can see what youre doing!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I've seen a lot of before and after pictures of people who did some of these new exercise videos and they get some real muscle.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    In addition to what everyone else said..............Do two of the workouts instead of just one so that it adds up to more like 45 min to an hour a day instead of 25. 25 minutes a day just isn't enough--even of Jillian. sometimes after the 25 min I will go for a brisk walk or workout on the eliptical for another 20-30 min. depending on my time. I have most of her videos and love her to death but I have learned to get anywhere I really had to step it up!! You have to eat some healthy carbs your body needs it for digestion---I like South Beach and have learned that the hard way.


    Good luck and I could use some more friends, so add me and we'll keep after it together!! :)

    ... What? 20-30 minutes of cardio has been shown to yield optimum results, and going over can be counter-productive. Where the hell did you get "25 minutes just isn't enough!"
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You really need more friends. They can help you through the rough times.
  • ezzziii_candoit
    As many of you were asking, my diary is now open to everyone. Notice though that in the past two/three weeks I haven't updated my diary as of internet problems, but pretty much every day has been similar to the past few days as well as going back from before my internet problems.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In addition to what everyone else said..............Do two of the workouts instead of just one so that it adds up to more like 45 min to an hour a day instead of 25. 25 minutes a day just isn't enough--even of Jillian. sometimes after the 25 min I will go for a brisk walk or workout on the eliptical for another 20-30 min. depending on my time. I have most of her videos and love her to death but I have learned to get anywhere I really had to step it up!! You have to eat some healthy carbs your body needs it for digestion---I like South Beach and have learned that the hard way.


    Good luck and I could use some more friends, so add me and we'll keep after it together!! :)

    ... What? 20-30 minutes of cardio has been shown to yield optimum results, and going over can be counter-productive. Where the hell did you get "25 minutes just isn't enough!"

    I was wondering that as well, but I'm glad *you* said it! :laugh:
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    i'm reading comment after comment and never once did anyone ask what you are eating! Are you sure that you are logging all of your food accurately? Are you weighing and measuring your food? Depending on your activity level you probably should be eating most if no all of your exercise calories. The last time I got stuck for 2 weeks, I took a look at my diary. It was no surprise that I was stuck. I had skipped a few days and didn't finish my log for a few more days. All the while I was pretty sure that I was eating within my target range. It's important to log completely, accurately and honestly. Also, log your exercise and try eating most of what you have burned so that the net calories you eat is close to or at 1200. Most importantly, be patient and DON'T give up!

    I live in Finland and at least according to the doctors the food labels should be pretty accurate... I often weight the food or then just look at the food labels if it has one. I did have a break from adding foods to here as I was out of internet and handwriting my calories for about two weeks, so it is quite possible that there would've been errors in the way i counted them and such.

    Ok, I took a peek at your diary. Based on what's there, it looks like you are on the right path. So, why don't rededicate yourself, just take a fresh start. I restarted at the end of June and I just completed 3 months. I saw you say that you've been on since June, as well. It's not that long. So don't give up and don't get discouraged! Starting in the morning, log everything and promise yourself that you will log everything diligently. It's hard to say that the exercise calories are accurate in the database. Is there any chance of getting a heart rate monitor? Also, I noticed that your exercise log seems to have some gaps. Can you promise yourself that you will do at least 25-30 minutes of walking/running for a minimum of 3 days per week (I think you said you run)? From day to day, your weight may fluctuate but in the long run it will go down if you log all of your food, stay within your targets and increase your exercise. It does work. Just give it a sincere, honest try....and DON'T give up! :flowerforyou: