Should I increase my calories?



  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I have been the same as you and it's been disheartening!

    I started at 1200 - which is what MFP set me at and at that stage had no idea about BMR and TDEE. I exericse 3-6 days per week and burn anywhere (so my HRM tells me!) between 300-1000 cals per workout. I didn't eat back my exercise calories, as I now know I should have and netted a lot less than my BMR a day.

    I had a good read of Dan's and the penny started to drop. Over the past couple of weeks I have read as much information on this as possible and joined the Eat More to Weigh Less group for guidance and information.

    I upped my cals to 1500 and have tried to eat a little more on the days that I do Insanity. So far I haven't lost anything, but I think my body probably needs to get used to me eating more!!

    Today I feel low, I feel demotivated, I feel like giving up......but I am sure that upping my calories was the right thing to do.

    Good luck!
  • annacarmel83
    Thanks everyone! :smile: So good to know that there is such great support on here.

    I'm definitely not eating enough then - and now I think about it, ive been so tired for about 2 weeks.

    Now I'm trying to decide between upping my calroies to 1600 OR eating back my exercised calories. Hmmm...
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I too am at where you're at Anna. I was eating 1200 cals a day, spinning 2-3 x a week plus and I have GAINED 7 1bs this past year. I just recently found Dan's Road Map and the Eat more to Lose Weight forum. I've upped my daily calories to 1600 a day, started doing heavy lifting 3 x a week and am now walking (dropped heavy cardio for now). It's not been a week yet. I haven't weighed myself and won't. I have already noticed my body is getting hungry 2-3 hours after eating, which is a good thing I think. I keep reading it takes 4-6 weeks (at least) for your body to re-set, and the most important thing is to NOT lose patience. Just trust in the process and hang in there no matter what. I ran my numbers by Dan and he said to stick with 1600 a day, work out 3-4 x a week and not eat back the exercise cals at this point... I have 20 1bs to lose and am at 36 % body fat. Good luck and try it. Lisa
  • jealous_loser
    I have a similar doubt.

    My (lowest recorded- i've had different results on different sites) BMR is 1526, and my TDEE is supposedly 1831.
    I'm 19, 5ft 3 (160cm) and I'm 152 pounds (69 kg) right now.

    Should I add to my 1200?

    Just for reference, I am 5'1", 149 and I have been eating between 1700 and 1900 calories perday. Losing about half a pound a week, but I have a large frame and only have 10-15 pound left.

    I have a fairly large frame as well (I'm not bulky or "big", but petite is definitely not a word you'd use to describe me :tongue: ), but I have more to lose and I was hoping to lose 1kg a week! Is that too unrealistic? Half a pound seems a bit low, but maybe it's slower if you have less to lose.
    Also, I'm not exercising consistently.. probably I should aim at 1300/1400..

    That's where it's weird, how low do you figure on going? Apparently with my "frame" 141 is at the low end of the body fat spectrum according to the calculator I am using. I strength train 3 x a week and do extra stuff interspersed. I was running this summer 3 x a week, but it is getting cold and I hate the treadmill.

    I would think that 2 kg per week lost is a bit steep, a pound would probably be better. I am ok with half a pound a week because I am trying to build up some muscles and stuff too :) also, I like to eat!
  • annacarmel83
    Ok, so after much deliberation, I've decided not to up my calories from 1200 to 1600 in just one week, but to do it gradually. So I'm adding 200 this week to make my calorie goal 1400.

    Today I've eaten 1478 cals, but I burned 650, making my net calories 828 for today.

    Should I aim for eating 1400 cals each day this week, or should I eat back my exercise calories so my net is 1400?

    Sorry to be going on about it, but I really do value your opinions.