Losing fast, yet still wrestling with it all!

I had to lose 151 lbs to get to the "top" of my healthy weight range. Very hard to face that beast of a reality!!! I have been exercising and counting calories for 46 days and have lost 35 lbs! I went to a family gathering recently ready to feel "good" about my loss, but I think felt more obese recognizing even with this loss, I still way overweight and uncomfortable in my own skin. I long for the day I feel "normal" and even more when I feel fit. I also plateaued all last week, so especially discouraged. I decided to face it head on and bumped up my exercise intensity and cut more calories and even moved from other tracking website to this one with hopes of finding support through a community of people trying to lose, as well. That is something my old site did not have. My goal is to feel healthy even if not perfect by my twin sons 5th birthday at the end of January. Anyway, anyone else losing fast but discouraged by how bad they still feel or is it just me?


  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I've lost 30lbs in 10 weeks but I look in the mirror and my stomach is still really big, as are my thighs. I'm skinnier than I ever remember being at 225 but then I realize that to everyone else I still look fat. They just see my belly and thighs and not the bones in my hands and feet and clavicle.

    Plus It'll be 10 more weeks at this rate until I'm under 200 and that's the end of this fall semester. I just want those 25lbs gone so I can look as skinny as I feel. Sigh. It's so much time, I think about it every day.

    I want it every day as well, but I also have homework and projects to do and can't afford to wallow in sadness because of weight every day. I need to stay motivated to do college but right now I wish my #1 priority could be weight loss.
  • ThereseIShere
    ThereseIShere Posts: 90 Member
    I have that SAME thought, I feel thin to "me" but I remember to others, I look like I am eating doughnuts every night. Sigh....pressing forward...
  • aussiemegs82
    Don't lose heart. Just remember... "I'm not there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday".
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I am right there with you guys. I've lost 15 pounds in three weeks and have a huge difference in my face, hands, and legs. But my boyfriend took a picture of me mini golfind on Saturday and I still look so heavy and I felt crushed. I'm not giving up, but I can't wait for the day I can look at myself and notice I've lost weight. It's very hard to deal with.
  • ajsmommy2010
    Keep your head up high and don't give up. You will get there in time and you will look amamzing! I am 6 weeks in and 24 lbs lighter. I feel great but I still feel fat when I look at my self but I keep looking forward to the future :-) You got this!!
  • okitstimenow1
    Guys! Ladies, don't lose weight too fast or when you reach your ideal weight you will also be dealing with (shrinkles) or excessive, hanging skin,be wise and be happy with slow and sure, give your skin a chance to shrink with you and keep up with your weight loss, trust me, you'll be a lot happier with your results, no more than two pound weight loss per week no matter how anxious you are for immediate gratification or to please other people.

    If you do get shrinkles there is help, but it's not fast either, but it is sure if you are diligent and patient to strength train and tone.
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    I know it can be tough but you need to look at the positive things!!!

    IN 46 VERY SHORT DAYS YOU HAVE LOST 35 POUNDS!!! My four year old goddaughter weighs that so YOU LOST A KID!!!!!!!

    It took me 16 1/2 months to lose 41 pounds.

    Keep your head up and keep at it! It is hard at first to see a difference but it really is worth it!

    Even when you don't feel like it SMILE it sends happy signals to your brain!

    workout a bit past the point where you think you can't do anymore, that's where the endorphins are hiding and they will make you happy!

    Try and calculate your TDEE and eat 20 - 30% less you'll slow your losses to about a pound - pound and a half a week but you'll be able to sustain it longer and perhaps even be a bit happier!

    Love yourself, and be PROUD of everything you have already accomplished!!!!!

  • hydrochickie
    I have these same feelings at times... I am down 40 pounds but only recently did anyone even notice the change. I have decided I have to notice and appreciate the change and then people will follow suit! I went through my closet and pulled out all the pants that were too big and put them in a bag for donation... that feeling alone kept me going for the next couple of weeks! Celebrate for yourself and your overall attitude will change, bringing others on board to celebrate with you!

    Congrats on the hard work you have all ready done... the best is yet to come!