ladies answer it :Naked ladies in public



  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    To wear the paper undies during a brazillian or not... that is the question...

    Yeah, thats a waste of paper.

    Ya. Not even sure how THAT would reasonably work, and what's the point? Geez.

    As far as naked in public ...NAH. For either sex. Unless for random acts of randomness
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    I don't think women naturally appear in their birthday suits in public. Unless she is a nudist, but even then, that is her choice. I guess what you mean would be ladies who expose a lot of themselves in public (say in a bikini, etc). I believe that it is personal choice and if it is in a beach/swimming pool, or even in the gym, why not? Even if they are in skimpy outfits outside, well, it is their choice!

    Every lady, or any person regardless of gender, should have the right to dress however they want to (and of course be aware and accept the consequences of such).

    I wonder why you ask?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Parks and river beaches of Munich. Question answered.
  • EllyG08
    EllyG08 Posts: 194 Member
    This thread is hilar...I've got to come back and read more of the posts :laugh:
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Nudity has a place and no, I don't think it should be in public. Unless there is a reason for it, oh say your house is a ball of flames and you ran out from the shower or bed with nothing on.......
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I don't care either way. Your nude body isn't special and neither is mine. In fact, they're all rather boring.
  • i'm always naked ........... under my clothes !! :laugh:
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I am thinking a lot of those half-naked people on the "People of Wal-Mart" site think they are hot and I don't. I think leaving a bit to the imagination is a good thing
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Ummmm showing off ur bod is one thing...being naked is TOTALLY diff Id say save naked time for the significant other or yourself if you like that kinda thing :P and cover up the good parts when in public.
  • I don't think anyone should be naked in public, male or female. I hate seeing naked men and we don't need to add another reason for men to crash their cars if women are naked. Besides, no body is really special, so why the need to show off your parts? Ladies, keep your clothing on please.
  • It's true not all woman look like Scarlett Johanson. I've seen some people wear half shirts that need to stop. But if you do happen to look like Scarlett, I'm all for it. Leaving something for the imagination is also a good thing.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I am loving how everyone is describing the human form (mainly their genitals) as Ugly/gross/disgusting etc!
    That's your body! Learn to love it people!

    There are lot's of Pro's and Con's for nudity. Certain societies in this day and age do not accept it whereas others do not mind. I think it is all about the culture that we live and what is deemed to be the social norm of acceptability. Where I am (Scotland) Public nudity is illegal with the exception of specified nudist places, and there are certain "areas" a woman can go to breastfeed (which I think is highly ridiculous!! I High five my friends when they go against this so called inconvenience!) Whereas just over the border in England public nudity is legal as long as it is not causing any untoward distress to the surrounding public. then it is more seen as a public nusience offence rather than a nudity related one.

    We actually were not designed to be clothed as much as we are, go to the toilet the way we do, and many other things on which is deemed "normal" but it is just the way society has been sculpted throughout the generations. Nurture over nature.

    In regards to "oh the children might see people" ... go away, if nudity was common form in today's society it would not make a head or toe difference to the younger generations seeing a naked man/woman walking a long the street, it would be part of the norm and wouldn't be thought twice about. It has taken generations for society to be the way it is now regarding acceptable attire when in public, and it is not going to change any time soon in this generation.

    So yeah, that's my 2p's worth. I am neither for nor against public nudity, and if someone has the guts and brash to do it then I say good on you, at the moment because of where I live it is lovely to wrap up warm because it can get frickin cold however.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Where am I?

    In my living room: I'm naked.
    In my backyard: I could be naked.
    In a public setting such as a library: I've got clothes on.
    In a strip club and a boobie pops out: It happens.
    At the gym in the locker room: I'm naked.
    At the gym on the adductor/abductor machine: Oh, there are clothes involved, that machine is already revealing.
    At the gyno: I'm naked. *sigh* It's how she likes me.

    It's a personal thing, yo.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Do you think women can show up their hot bodies to others in society? or they should only keep themselves for their partner.?
    Should women be baned from gatting naked? or you are ok with that?
    Please take part ladies!

    Does a woman have to be naked to "show off her hot body"??? Flattering clothing, bikini at the pool or on the beach -- fine.

    But, seriously? No one needs to be naked in public unless it's a nudist colony. And it has nothing to do with "what a woman should do" or "keeping her body for her husband." There's a reason human beings have been wearing clothes in public for millenia.

    I'm OK with that.
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    This brings new meaning to "always know where your towel is"...

    Personally I don't think public nudity is such a great thing, because some (male AND female) can't keep their hands to themselves. Who wants to be fondled by a stranger? eww where have those fingers been?
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    We need to work out wether men and women are equal in nudity or not?
    SHould the rules be equal to both gender?
    and Why you see fitness ladies competition late at night? why you keep your hot body hidden for children?
    Do you think your husband should be tough on the wa you cover your body?

    In the US we keep a special list of the people that don't keep their hot bodies from children. Are you on it???

    I think that we should just leave that out of my country lol. think i would be keeping my children indoors until they are old enough to make a choice if my son is going to see naked women, and my daughters are going to see naked men. no thanks. I am straight, but dont want to see men naked, let alone another woman. I will stick with my own hubby, and to the guy that originally posted this, for your comment about women and men being naked in front of children, you obviously dont have any of your own or you would never have to ask that. why on God's green earth would you want to expose your body to a child?!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    This brings new meaning to "always know where your towel is"...

    Personally I don't think public nudity is such a great thing, because some (male AND female) can't keep their hands to themselves. Who wants to be fondled by a stranger? eww where have those fingers been?

    That is NOT how public nudity is.
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I am naked in public all the time, nobody notices though

    I would notice that naked body so you clearly must not be in California
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I went to buy gas the other day. A woman pulls up to the pump, get outs of her car totally naked!!! She looked amazing too! SO I go to the grocery store and turn down one of the aisles. I see this totally hot woman pushing a cart completely nude!!!

    Then all of a sudden I'm back in college giving a speech, completely naked!!! And then I woke up.

    OP, :::smack::: women don't walk around here public. WTF is wrong with you???

    OMG!!! I had that same dream ... and you were there!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I think it's up to the lady. We have many nude areas (bars, beaches) near and many participate. shy, but to each their own. If they are confident - go for it. But it should be in an area that is designated for such purposes....not while I'm dining at Applebee's or something. LOL