Hi Everyone

Just wanted to officially introduce myself to the MFP community. I have decided to take on the challenge of losing weight. I've never joined any kind of club or online forum before. I just wanted to get myself out here and start holding myself accountable for my weight gain/loss.

I'm Waylon by the way....


  • tigtigs
    tigtigs Posts: 52
    Hi Waylon!
    Welcome and good luck!
  • renehallen
    renehallen Posts: 49 Member
    Tracking my food and exercise has helped me be more accountable. I've only been at it for a week, but I am pleased with all the support!
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    Hola, wish you well. You can friend me if you like.:smile:
  • Linda09189
    Hello Waylon....good luck on your journey
  • ladeen73
    ladeen73 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Waylon,
    I'm LaShunda.:bigsmile: You can add me if you'd like. I joined about a month ago and I so love this. I keep track of everything I eat (whether good or bad) and it is such a motivation to see how much I burn when I work out, it makes me want to do my work out more.
  • joymelanson
    I have just started today :-) I have tried many diets and the most recent was the 17 day diet, or I should say the 8 day diet LOL I have had some success with writing everything down that I eat and using my Wii with the game Walk it Out. I took off 25 lbs using that method(18 months ago and yes I gained 15 back). Then a friend who has had great success with MFP told me about it a while ago but today I got up and checked it out and realized this is exactly what I was doing on my own; only sooooooo much better! So here I am, wish me luck! Friend me if you want, I may need the support!
  • dor230586
    dor230586 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome on MFP! Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • adrian072412
    Hello Waylan,
    I'm new as well I'm hoping to get in better shape for my wedding, and myself I want to be happy with what I see everyday. I've been having some issues with just leaving the house outside of my work schedule I always feel like people are judging me when they look at me. Good Luck to you

    anyone can friend me if they want I know I'm going to need a good support system seeing as my husband just got deployed and he was my only real support.
  • Hello all, add me if you like :)
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    You have found a very good site! Welcome, and you can add me if you want to. It is a great source of information and support!
  • rabbit1951
    rabbit1951 Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome Waylon. Plenty of support here. Joined in mid-August and have lost 14 lbs. Even if this just makes you more aware of what you are eating, it will be worth it.