If you could be one...



  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I am gonna say 17- debt free and could get away with anything:blushing: Made some mistakes but sure had fun!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I'd be twenty-one forever. I weighed 130 pounds and I went clubbing every weekend in the most amazing dresses. Guys were all over me..

    God, I wish I'd never met Brian Not-aletto. (names have been changed to protect - um - ME)

    Guys, never tell a woman, I love you no matter what size you are.
  • karenboatright
    It took me 50 years to find a place where I am comfortable in my own skin. So I think I'll stay right here.
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    The age I am now..44. Confident in myself and my opinions. Not afraid to speak my mind but wise enough to know when to hold my tongue. Yet still young enough to enjoy life.

    Exactly!! 45 and feel the same. With that said, I wouldn't mind staying 35. Before the gray hair and wrinkles settled in a this year. :)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    24 was a good year for me. I was relatively thin, single and had a lot of fun clubbing and spending time at the beach. My boss, co-workers and I were all friends and we did a lot of stuff together.
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    The beauty of this question is that we are talking physical age, not mental/psychological maturity, right?

    In which case put me at 22. I'd take a 22 year old body for the rest of my life any day. Especially with the wisdom of my 40's.

    Oh ya.
  • ladyboss650
    ladyboss650 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 46 and this has been my best year yet!

    Down 45 lbs since last May (I've NEVER been this light in my life 127 lbs), just had our 25th wedding anniversary, am a grandma of a beautiful litte girl.

    My husband and I are living like newlyweds and doing events that I wouldn't dare to think of doing in my younger years! We ran the Bay to Breakers in May and just joined a co-ed soccer team!!! (Me run... not in a million years and NOW LOOK!!!)

    Who says you can't show an old dog new tricks? Health is such a factor and wish I would have put more emphasis on this in my early years... but it's NEVER TOO LATE to start!

    Loving my 40's and looking forward to my 50's +...
  • Cougarita65
    Cougarita65 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 47 on the outside,but 12 on the inside..... Probably younger than that...lol
    Any age I get to take a breath of fresh air is a good one for me!!!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
  • Cougarita65
    Cougarita65 Posts: 240 Member
    In 10 years you'll be 37 & say 27 was such a baby....everything is relative my dear! Xo
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I would go back exactly one year and change a few things...
    People I met, situations I have been forced into etc..

    I would avoid it like hell hath fury, and be more content than I am now.

    But alas time machines do not exist, so taking it on the chin and being the bigger person :)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member

    I enjoyed college and work. And I was old enough to drink! :drinker:
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    every year i pick the age i'm at now. i hope that the trend continues. i earn my next star on Halloween.

  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    8, so I could tell my mom to keep me in boxing and not end up being out of shape.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    39. This has definitely been my best year! I'm healthier than I've ever been, my marriage has weathered a few storms and has really deepened and solidified from them, I've raised a child to adulthood and am confident in my abilities as a mother, but I still have little ones in the house to enjoy. I am experienced in my job outside the home. I'm a mentor to younger people in several different areas. Yet, I still feel so young and energetic!
    Right here, right now is where I wanna be.