I Finally Did it....

Questfor250 Posts: 155
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I finally came to the conclusion mentally that I needed physical activity and fitness to actually hit my weight loss goals. I have been on my personal quest to lose 250 pounds since January 5, 2010 and the problem was that I lost 20 pounds in the first month. I felt it was going to be easy. Well it is 3 weeks past the day I hit 300 and I am still here at 300. It was NOT going to be easy. IT IS NOT EASY. Frustration, aggravation, moodiness, all because I was not losing weight.

Well, it took me until today to finally get off my butt and do something. This came after three days of successive small steps down on the scale. It changed my perspective completely. Today I joined the most aggressive, forward thinking fitness club in the county. Tomorrow at 9:00 AM I get my first visit with my new fitness guide who will weigh me, measure me, and direct me into what they want me to do. I have never uttered the following words in my life...... " I am excited to work out". I am excited because I know it is the final piece of the puzzle for me. I only purchased an 8 week plan for now. By April 15, I will have to decide to renew to a full membership. I promise, that if it works for me, as I expect it will, I will be renewing.


  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Congratulations!!! IT IS NOT easy by any means. Its an uphill battle that you will come out victorious on. TRUST me on that. I still think back to the days that I was a size 22 and well over 200lbs and how even walking was a challenge and when i made the decision to change and join a gym was the BEST descision I ever made. It has been three years at the end of this month that I started my quest and I am soon to run a marathon. Were behind you and cheering you on every step of the way!!!!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    behind you every step of the way, and super proud of you!!:drinker:
  • CONGRATS!!! I admire you!!
    I purchased the Zumba program on DVD & moved my treadmill into my office today so I know in my head that exercise is a must, now it's time to motivate myself.
    Like your quote says ... if you can do it then I can do!!
    thanks for the push!!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I am so excited for you and wish you much success! You can do it!!!!!
  • More power to you. I like you would prefer to lose weight without physical activity, but I know it won't happen. I am starting off slow with the exercise. I injured my back in August of 2009, any long amounts of standing or walking put me in alot of pain. Maybe as time goes on I will be able to better handle the back pain and increase my activity. Just know that you have a good support system on this site, and everybody will be rooting for you to reach your goals.
  • jlking
    jlking Posts: 29 Member
    That is fantastic! I really do believe that is the key. Like you, it was easy at first. I lost 12 pounds very quickly. Now, I'm kind of at a standstill. I know in my own mind that it is because I haven't been exercising like I should. Best of luck to you.
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