
Hi, Im new to MFP and am struggling with a low cal breakfast that is filling. Im currently having a mug of tea and 45g Alpen in the morning which is 185 calories (it seems like alot of calories for the little im eating!).

Are there any other suggestions on a lower cal but filling breakfast? even a banana seems like alot of calories when you only have 1200 in a day!??

cheers :o)


  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    My breakfast smoothie is 300cal. Doesn't bother me at all because its good for my body. I think breakfast is a good investment.
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    How about a piece of whole-wheat bread with peanut butter? and maybe a cup of tea/coffee. A piece of bread would be around 70-100 cals and a tbs of skippy's chunky peanut butter would be 83 cals. If you think this is too much, reduce the peanut butter to maybe 1/2 or 3/4 of tbs. I find this pretty filling. well, at least until my mid-morning snack time / lunch anyway.

    And i find bananas aren't all that filling for me. I can eat a big one and still feel hungry. So now i just eat it as snack cause I love it so much.

    I am sure you will find a comfortable ground soon. Till then, take heart!

  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Eggs, eggwhites, throw in some veggies. Turkey bacon. Skip the milk. Grapefruit. Cream of wheat, oatmeal. Peanut butter. Apples.

    Or you can be like me and just skip breakfast altogether.
  • In my opinion,If you want to take effective result from your breakfast like its not increase you weight,You must start light exercises like running,jogging that makes you internally strong and keep fresh.Apart from this also drink much water in a day.Apart from breakfast,you Prefer green vegetables and fresh fruit,it may be helpful for you.
    [<a href=””>DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER</a>
  • Hi I've just started on MFP too :) I tend to have porridge made with water or rice milk - very low calories and very filling or a banana smoothie made with rice milk or omelette with veggie fillings no dairy - i've also been told to have protein with every meal so add a few almonds to your porridge, protein powder to your smoothie and the eggs are the protein in the omelette. A bit of trial and error at first, good luck x
  • I have 45g of low-cal bran cereal with low-fat/low-sugar yogurt (for protein), a small piece of fruit and a cup of tea. All up it's 218 calories however it keeps me full until lunch because I ensure I have a high protein dairy. I try and keep my other main meals around 300 calories. The main key I can offer is to PLAN PLAN PLAN. If you write out exactly what is in every meal and it's exact calorie content it is much easier to stick to 1200 and not feel hungry,

    Also i find filling up on tea and water very helpful! Keep busy so you don't think about food all the time.

    Remember, carbs and fat empty your stomach faster so that you feel hungry sooner so a protein based meal is usually the best way to keep hunger at bay.
  • Toast, bagel or yogurt most days. Fruit smoothies with milk or soy milk (very filling) I'm not very big on breakfast if I want more maybe I"ll make an egg with the toast. Always have tea in the morning.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Overnight oats. Google it and you will get a tons of recipes. I use the following:

    1/2 oat bran
    1/2 milk
    1/2 greek yogurt
    1/2 frozen berries of your choice
    1 tbsp sweetner of your choice (I use brown sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, and stevia on days I don't workou)
    2 tbsp of ground flax seed or chia seeds if you would like.
    MARTYJOE48 Posts: 18 Member
    I do Special K cereal with 1 cup of skim milk or Rice Krispies. That works for me til lunch.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Metamucil + 2 liters of water should be pretty filling and low cal
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    2 boiled eggs or two boiled egg whites! I just get rid of the yolk... and then I have my protein shake as well made with almond milk (only 35 cals per cup)! Keeps me full until lunch time!
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    Im guilty of usually having only coffee for breakfast, but today i had one scrambled egg (used 0 calories spray instead of butter to cook) and put it on one piece of healthy life bread-toasted. ends up being like 115ish calories, i ate it at 715 this morning and it held me over fine until I just had lunch at about 11:45
  • 1200 Calories is an incredibly small amount of calories. How much weight are you trying to lose per week? More often than not, especially when first getting started, crash dieting down to the bare minimum of calorie intake can make things harder. I know the guided tour here says 1 lb per week as "RECOMMENDED" but choosing 1/2 lb a week will still get you some results and be a lot easier to handle on your calorie intake. If you must stick with 1200 calories, try to work in a little exercise and eat back your earned calories.

    As for breakfast, I do 1/4 cup of instant oats with 1/4 cup of milk and several teaspoons of brown sugar (i usually use 4 or 5, just mix in to taste), usually nets around 190 - 200 calories, and it sticks with you until lunch.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Metamucil + 2 liters of water should be pretty filling and low cal

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Metamucil + 2 liters of water should be pretty filling and low cal

    Ohhh man have fun with that... HAHAHA
  • Tofu crumbled with a fork and put in a pan with some combination of sauteed vegetables and hot sauce on top (cholula is my fave). The tofu has a similar texture to scrambled eggs. I love it.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Tofu crumbled with a fork and put in a pan with some combination of sauteed vegetables and hot sauce on top (cholula is my fave). The tofu has a similar texture to scrambled eggs. I love it.

    Tofu also ruins you as a functioning female. Just saying.
  • In MASSIVE amounts, tofu can have adverse effects because of phytoestrogens, but consumption levels have to be very high. In fact, few experience problems with eating soy in China and other East Asian cultures that eat tofu frequently. I would wager that the nitrates in bacon and other cured meats eaten for breakfast have a greater negative effect on the body than soy.

    Also, I am not a female; I am a woman. "Female" as a noun describes a female animal. When referring to humans, "female" is only an adjective--i.e. female human, the female sex. Even though I know it sounds more scientific, using "female" as a noun in everyday conversation to describe women is off-putting because it makes women seem like animals, not humans. You see men referred to as "males" as well and that is also wrong, but if you watch closely, you will see it used more frequently to describe women.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    How about breaking up the calories for the day? I like to use about 200 for breakfast, 3-400 for lunch, and 4 - 500 for dinner. That leaves 1-200 for snacks. Does that seem more doable?

    Editing bc I just reread your original post. Instant oatmeal made with water or almond milk for 40 calories and more taste, cheerios w/ skim milk or almond milk with either 1/2 banana or 75g of strawberries. My favorite is Kashi 7 grain waffles with 1oz plain greek yogurt w/ a side of strawberries or blueberries. YUM!
  • Hiya,

    many thanks for everyones ideas. Lots to think about! I just wanted better value for money (or calories!!) if you get what I mean and its very easy to get into a boring routine! I walk to dog for 45min most mornings and had forgotten to add this into my excersise so thats some excersise id forgotten about which gives me more calories to play with! yay! Also, id forgotten about porridge oats so ill try them too :o)
